GRE Mock Exam & Grad School Panel (UPDATED INFO!)

Hi Everyone!

This coming Saturday, April 30th from 10am-12:30pm in Savery 157 (NOTE: ROOM CHANGE!!!), the Undergraduate Student Public Health Association (USPHA) will be hosting a Mock GRE Exam (provided by the Princeton Review) for free! Please arrive 10 minutes early. This event is open to the public. A USPHA officer will be proctoring the exam, which will be based off the real GRE itself, so if you would like to get some practice in, make sure you don’t miss this awesome opportunity! You will also receive your scores back with the chance to discuss results with a Princeton Review representative. Please RSVP to take the Mock GRE Exam at:

In addition, we will be holding a silent auction for a Princeton Review GRE course starting on Saturday, April 30th at 1pm until Sunday, May 8th at 11:59pm. The GRE auction is open to all current UW students and USPHA members. To become a member, just buy a $15 club T-shirt to receive lifetime membership with many benefits! To bid and view the rules of the auction, please visit:

doc iconFREE GRE Practice Test.doc pdf iconUSPHA GRE.pdf

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