ASUW Candidate Mini Forum & SAB Discussion

Did you know that over $735,000 in student fees fund ASUW? that tuition next year could increase to $10,000 for in-state students? that ASUW advocates on behalf of all UW students at the university and state level? that the Everybody Every Body Fashion Show, the ASC Talent Show, the GBLTC Drag Competition, Fall Fling, and many other major campus events are organized by ASUW?


Join the pre-health community for an opportunity to learn about and ask questions of the 2011-2012 ASUW candidates in a compact format.

ASUW Candidate Mini Forum for pre-health students + SAB Discussion THURSDAY 6:00 – 7:00 pm Condon 711E in the ECC

RSVP on facebook here

From 6:45 – 7:00 pm, we will be discussing blood donation policy on campus with our Student Advisory Board (SAB) representative, including ethical considerations for health professionals and an appropriate student plan of action.

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