Spots Remain in Several Inner Pipeline Seminars

If you are looking for a great opportunity to  earn credit while working in the community, Pipeline is for you!  Here are four courses with open seats:

Education For Sustainability

Education for Sustainability


SLN: 13689

Facilitators: Emy Gelb ( and Ashley Young (

·         Date/Time: Mondays 2-3:20

·         Location: DEN 313

·         Class Start Date:  01/12

How do educators teach young people about the earth’s ecosystems and foster an ethic of environmental stewardship?What skills and ways of thinking are necessary to confront future change?

The seminar examines effective ways for educators to teach the meaning and importance of sustainability to the K-12 audience in formal and informal education settings. We will explore various philosophies, models and approaches to K-12 environmental education. In addition, students will volunteer in school classrooms and environmental community organizations in the Seattle area for at least 2.5 hours (2 credits) a week.

Teaching The Movement In Seattle


SLN: 13690

·         Day/Time: Mondays, 4-5:20pm

·         Location: PAR 206

·         Instructor: Elba Moise (

This exciting two quarter pilot will engage undergraduate students in exploring the civil rights movement in the U.S. as well as locally in Seattle.  The class will provide opportunities for students to understand their own social memberships related to power and privilege and analyze their own positionality to the civil rights movement.    This will be a collaborative pilot program with undergraduates from UW and Seattle University.  During winter Quarter students will: meet in seminar to learn about the civil rights movement with curriculum provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center, take part in four workshops on power and privilege and how it impacts our study of the movement with guest speakers from Seattle University and the UW, and tutor in a Seattle partner elementary school.   Spring quarter would continue with this model with the addition of having students take 3 – 4 lessons on the movement out into our partnering schools. Workshops during this quarter would involve guided reflection on their experiences teaching these modules as well as refining the curriculum for future quarters.

A culminating event would be held in the spring to showcase the lessons and projects completed out in the schools.  Seattle Public School students would be invited to come to campus on that day and be part of an exhibition and workshop with  their UW and Seattle U mentors.


Education in the Criminal Justice System

Education in the Criminal Justice System

SLN: 13684

Facilitator: Kit Gruver,

·         Date/Time: Mondays, 2:00-2:50

·         First Meeting:  01/12

·         Location: MGH 097

·         Mandatory Tutor Training: January 28th 9:20-1:30pm

·         Mandatory Safety & Security Orientation: January 23rd 1-4pm

·         Tutoring hours are available M-Th, 11a-8p.

How does one’s educational story impact criminal behavior? Find out for yourself with this unique opportunity to tutor in one of society’s most under-served populations. The Education department at the King County Correctional Facility encourages you to stretch your boundaries and join us in a quarter of educational enrichment. With the opportunity to tutor inmates in a GED (General Educational Development), ABE (Adult Basic Education), and/or ESL (English as a Second Language) curriculum, you have the freedom to challenge your own creativity, gain teaching skills, and help the community by being your student’s first positive educational experience. You may find that the experience of working with inmates has a lasting and profound impact on your personal, social, and political frame of reference.

Our 5 seminar series will focus on personal tutoring strategies and techniques, issues of adult education in our community, and the positive outcomes of adult education. We will hear from speakers who work in adult education, as well as adult learners, who are the product of adult education. Be prepared for a dynamic experience as you tap into a population that acts with emotion and can touch you with stories of their dehumanizing reality.

Teaching English Language Learners

Teaching English Language Learners

·         EDUC 401I

·         SLN: 13688

·         Time: Mondays 2-3:20pm

·         Location: MGH 248

·         Seminar start date: 01/12

·         Facilitator: Michel Riquelme Sanderson (

The number of English Language Learners (ELLs) has increased by over 50% in the last decade, with some states, like South Carolina and Indiana, experiencing extremely rapid growth of English Learner populations. Some demographers predict that in 20 years the ratio of ELL students to English-only students could be one in four (Feriazzo & Sypnieski, 2012). With a growing number of English language learners in the US, it is important for educators to be more linguistically and culturally responsive.

In this seminar, we will:

1.     Gain familiarity with some of the pressing issues and challenges of ELLs in public, K-12 education.

2.     Review some instructional strategies and techniques to work with ELLs.

3.     Engage in self-reflection as a backdrop to a tutoring practicum experience.

4.     Develop a critical consciousness about the relationship between the policies and practices of public schooling, and how these reflect and/or challenge mainstream American ideology.

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