Undergradu​ate Research Symposium next Friday, May 20, 12-5

Dear Advisers,

Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our undergraduates next Friday, May 20th at the 14th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium. This year, over 900 students will be presenting their work in poster and oral presentation sessions in Mary Gates Hall (with a few additional sessions in Johnson Hall and Meany Studio Theatre). Among this year’s presenters, we also welcome Pacific Northwest McNair & EIP Research Conference participants.

The Online Proceedings (including event schedule, presenter and mentor search tools, and abstracts) is now available on our website: https://expo.uw.edu/expo/apply/231/proceedings where you can find individual students by name, major, mentor name, or mentor department.

We look forward to seeing you there!


URP Staff _____________________________________________ Undergraduate Research Program

Center for Experiential Learning | Undergraduate Academic Affairs

University of Washington

Box 352803 | 120 Mary Gates Hall PH: 206.543.4282 | FAX: 206.616.4389 http://www.washington.edu/research/urp/

facebook.com/undergradresearch http://www.facebook.com/undergradresearch

_______________________________________________ Advisers mailing list Advisers@u.washington.edu http://mailman2.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/advisers

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