SPRING 2017 COURSE:  EPI 201 – Outbreak Investigation & Response

Outbreak Investigation & Response

Take a step into the world of an outbreak investigator! Learn how disease outbreaks – such as Ebola, food-borne illnesses, and pandemic flu – start, spread, and are detected and investigated.  You will explore the social and environmental factors that influence outbreaks, the agencies and systems in place to manage outbreak response, and the role of communications, law, and government.  This course uses a combination of lectures, case studies, discussions, and popular media.

EPI 201 is a great addition to public health and pre-med coursework. No prerequisites and all majors are encouraged to enroll.  Areas of Knowledge: I&S, NW, & QSR.  Basic math skills are required.

Lecture: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:30-11:50  |  Quiz: Friday, 11:30-12:20 or 12:30-1:20  |  5 credits  |  SLN 14138

Additional details about the course are provided on the attached flyer or can be found here.  Direct questions to epcourse@uw.edu.

EPI 201 in Spring 2017

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