Duke University Summer Biomedical Sciences Institute — application opens 11/6

The application cycle will begin soon for the Duke University School of Medicine Summer Biomedical Sciences Institute, formerly known as the Summer Medical and Dental Education Program.

SBSI at Duke is a free six-week (full tuition, housing and meals) summer residential experience for rising college sophomores and rising juniors designed to strengthen students’ skills by providing intensive science course work, critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills necessary to ensure they are competitive for medical or dental school.

This year’s program dates are June 9, 2018 – July 20, 2018.

The web address is https://sbsi.duhs.duke.edu/.

The application opens on November 6, 2017 and closes on March 1, 2018.

Institute highlights include:

  • Web-based instruction in science, quantitative topics and medical writing
  • Assisting each student with developing and implementing a personal academic and career plan
  • Health Disparities
  • Improving students writing and communication skills
  • Learning skills and test-taking strategies – participants understand how to take standardized tests and help them develop methods for self-study in exam preparation

While on Duke’s campus scholars have extensive opportunities to interact with medical school faculty, basic science and math faculty, and clinicians in a world class medical center during their six-week stay.

Housing and meals are provided free and SBSI scholars have access to all libraries and academic resources of the Duke University School of Medicine, as well as all Duke University student services and recreational facilities

Transportation assistance is provided based on need, and each scholar receives a stipend of $600 upon completion of the program.

Should you need further information, call 919-684-5882 or send e-mail to sbsi@dm.duke.edu.

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