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Kai Cuevas

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Kai Cuevas

November 6, 2019      In Cohort 15 (2019) Comments Off on Kai Cuevas

Hi! My name is Kai Cuevas, I’m currently a freshman, and I plan on double majoring in astronomy and physics. I’m from a small town called Marysville (it’s about a 45 minute drive north), but I’m so excited to finally be living in Seattle! Astronomy is by far my biggest passion, but I didn’t have that many opportunities to study it throughout my school life. In my junior year of high school, though, I participated in a program called Washington Aerospace Scholars, and it definitely helped kickstart my love of astrophysics. Now that I’m here at UW and have joined Pre-MAP, I can’t wait to finally dive deeper into what I love. I’m excited to start research and connect with people within the field, and just expand my overall knowledge of space. In the future, I hope to study gravitational waves (!!!) as well as high-energy astrophysics. My dream would be to work at LIGO over in Hanford, WA, but I’ll be happy with any job that allows me to continue to research and study space. When I’m not studying, I love going to concerts (and just listening to music in general), drawing, and sleeping.

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