Prospective Students

Thanks for your interest in graduate work in the QCons Lab. Mentoring graduate students is one of the best parts of my job, so I’m always happy that people are interested in working with me. I work hard to foster a lab environment that helps everyone be their most effective and happy selves. I aim to recruit students who want to be part of a lab community in which people learn from and support each other.  

I look for students with an interest in ecology and applied science who have excellent quantitative skills and abilities. I accept graduate students through the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, and the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management graduate program, depending on the student and the research project. I strongly suggest reading the information on these pages if you are interested in working with me. 

Whether I will be accepting students in any given year is dependent on funding availability and space in my lab group. I only admit students to my lab for whom funding has been secured. Sometimes funding comes from my research projects, and when I have research support for a graduate student I will advertise the project on my website (check the bottom of this page). Alternatively, sometimes funding comes from fellowships awarded directly to students. Funding sources like the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program, the Nancy Foster Scholarship, the Ford Foundation Fellowship, and others are therefore definitely worth checking out if you are interested in graduate school.

As much as I would like to meet with all of the prospective students who contact me, I get many more such requests than I can accommodate, so generally I don’t take these meetings. However, for students interested in working with me, and if I have indicated (see below) that there are opportunities in my lab, what you can do is provide me, via email, with (1) a description of your research interests and professional goals, (2) a current CV including names and contact information for three references, and (3) unofficial copies of your university transcripts. You will also need these materials when it comes time to apply to graduate school. 

Best of luck in your search for a graduate program!

Current opportunities: I do not currently anticipate having additional openings in my lab 2025.