You can also check out Sarah’s Google Scholar page.
Runge MC, SJ Converse, JE Lyons, and DR Smith, editors. 2020. Structured decision making: case studies in natural resource management. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
French JB Jr, SJ Converse, and JE Austin, editors. 2018. Whooping Cranes: biology and conservation. Biodiversity of the world: conservation from genes to landscapes. Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Ewen JG, S Canessa, SJ Converse, and KA Parker. 2023. Decision making in animal translocations: biological considerations and beyond. Chapter in Gaywood M, Ewen JG, Hollingsworth P, and A Moehrenschlager. Conservation Translocations. Cambridge University Press, London, UK.
Himes Boor GK, TL McGuire, AJ Warlick, RL Taylor, SJ Converse, JR McClung, and AD Stephens. 2023. Estimating reproductive and juvenile survival rates when offspring ages are uncertain: a novel multievent mark-resight model with beluga whale case study. Methods in Ecology and Evolution: In Press
Mendgen P, SJ Converse, AT Pearse, CS Teitelbaum, and T Mueller. 2023. Differential shortstopping behaviour in Whooping Cranes: habitat or social learning? Global Ecology and Conservation 41:e02365.
Sorel MH, AR Murdoch, RW Zabel, JJ Jorgensen, CM Kamphaus, and SJ Converse. 2023. Juvenile life history diversity is associated with lifetime individual heterogeneity in a migratory fish. Ecosphere 14:e4366.
Todd Zaragoza MI, AJ DuVall, JA Howard, DM Mazurkiewicz, and SJ Converse. 2023. Laying sequence and oceanographic factors affect egg size in Scripps’s Murrelets Synthliboramphus scrippsi at Santa Barbara Island. Marine Ornithology: In Press.
Converse SJ, BT McClintock, and PB Conn. 2022. Special Feature: Linking capture-recapture and movement. Ecology 103:e3770.
Doll CF, SJ Converse, CB Edwards, and CB Schultz. 2022. Using structured decision making to guide habitat restoration for butterflies: a case study of Oregon silverspots. Journal of Insect Conservation 26:219-230.
Doll CF, SJ Converse, and CB Schultz. 2022. Non-target effects of herbicides on the Zerene silverspot butterfly, a surrogate for the Oregon silverspot butterfly. Journal of Insect Conservation 26:1-15.
Edwards HA, SJ Converse, KD Swan, and A Moehrenschlager. 2022. Trading off hatching success and cost in the captive breeding of Whooping Cranes. Animal Conservation 25:101-109.
Gardner B, BT McClintock, SJ Converse, and NJ Hostetter. 2022. Integrated animal movement and spatial capture-recapture models: simulation, implementation, and inference. Ecology 103:e3771.
Hemming V, AE Camaclang, MS Adams, M Burgman, K Carbeck, J Carwardine, I Chades, L Chalifour, SJ Converse, LNK Davidson, GE Garrard, R Finn, JR Fleri, J Huard, HJ Mayfield, E McDonald-Madden, I Naujokaitis-Lewis, HP Possingham, L Rumpff, MC Runge, D Stewart, VJD Tulloch, T Walshe, and TG Martin. 2022. An introduction to decision science for conservation. Conservation Biology 36:e13868.
Hostetter NJ, EV Regehr, RR Wilson, JA Royle, and SJ Converse. 2022. Modeling spatiotemporal abundance and movement dynamics using an integrated spatial capture-recapture movement model. Ecology 103:e3772.
McClintock BT, B Abrahms, RB Chandler, PB Conn, SJ Converse, RL Emmet, B Gardner, NJ Hostetter, and DS Johnson. 2022. An integrated path for spatial capture-recapture and animal movement modeling. Ecology 103:e3473.
Oppel S, BL Clark, MM Risi, C Horswill, SJ Converse, CW Jones, AM Osborne, K Stevens, V Perold, AL Bond, RM Wanless, R Cuthbert, J Cooper, PG Ryan. 2022. Cryptic population decrease due to invasive species predation in a long-lived seabird supports need for eradication. Journal of Applied Ecology 59:2059-2070.
Warlick AJ, DS Johnson, TS Gelatt, and SJ Converse. 2022. Environmental drivers of demography and potential factors limiting the recovery of an endangered marine top predator. Ecosphere 13:e4325.
Abrahms B, CS Teitelbaum, T Mueller, and SJ Converse. 2021. Ontogenetic shifts from social to experiential learning drive avian migration timing. Nature Communications 12:7326.
Amburgey SM, AA Yackel Adams, B Gardner, NJ Hostetter, SR Siers, BT McClintock, and SJ Converse. 2021. Evaluation of camera trap-based abundance estimators for unmarked populations. Ecological Applications 31:e02410.
Amburgey SM, AA Yackel Adams, B Gardner, B Lardner, AJ Knox, and SJ Converse. 2021. Tools for increasing visual encounter probabilities for invasive species removal: a case study of brown treesnakes. Neobiota 70:107-122.
Converse SJ and HA Sipe. 2021. Commentary: Finding the win-win strategies in endangered species conservation. Animal Conservation 24:161-162.
Hostetter NJ, NJ Lunn, ES Richardson, EV Regehr, SJ Converse. 2021. Age-structured Jolly-Seber model expands inference and improves parameter estimation from capture-recapture data. PLoS ONE 16:e0252748.
Regehr EV, MC Runge, A Von Duyke, RR Wilson, L Polasek, KD Rode, NJ Hostetter, and SJ Converse. 2021. Demographic risk assessment for a harvested species threatened by climate change: polar bears in the Chukchi Sea. Ecological Applications 31:e02461.
Sorel MH, RW Zabel, DS Johnson, AM Wargo Rub, and SJ Converse. 2021. Estimating population-specific predation effects on Chinook salmon via data integration. Journal of Applied Ecology 58:372-381.
Thompson BK, SJ Converse, and JD Olden. 2021. Mechanistic invasive species management models and their application in conservation. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e533.
Thurner SD, SJ Converse, and TA Branch. 2021. Modeling opportunistic exploitation: increased extinction risk when targeting more than one species. Ecological Modelling 454:109611.
Converse SJ, B Gardner, and S Morey. 2020. Reserve network design for prairie-dependent taxa in South Puget Sound. Pages 124-134 in MC Runge, SJ Converse, JE Lyons, and DR Smith. Structured decision making: case studies in natural resource management. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Converse SJ. 2020. Introduction to multi-criteria decision analysis. Pages 51-61 in MC Runge, SJ Converse, JE Lyons, and DR Smith. Structured decision making: case studies in natural resource management. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Converse SJ. 2020. Prioritizing uncertainties to improve management of a reintroduction program. Pages 214-224 in MC Runge, SJ Converse, JE Lyons, and DR Smith. Structured decision making: case studies in natural resource management. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Runge MC and SJ Converse. 2020. Introduction to risk analysis. Pages 149-155 in MC Runge, SJ Converse, JE Lyons, and DR Smith. Structured decision making: case studies in natural resource management. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Royle JA and SJ Converse. 2020. Estimating abundance from capture-recapture data. Pages in 103-122 D Murray and B Sandercock, editors. Population ecology in practice: underused, misused, and abused methods. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, USA.
Adler PH, J Barzen, E Gray, A Lacy, RP Urbanek, and SJ Converse. 2019. The dilemma of pest suppression in the conservation of endangered species. Conservation Biology 33:788-796.
Converse SJ and EHC Grant. 2019. A three-pipe problem: dealing with complexity to halt amphibian declines. Biological Conservation 236:107-114.
Converse SJ, JB French Jr, and JE Austin. 2019. Future of Whooping Crane conservation and science. Pages 505-516 in JB French Jr, SJ Converse, and JE Austin, editors. Whooping Cranes: biology and conservation. Biodiversity of the world: conservation from genes to landscapes. Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA.
Converse SJ, S Servanty, CT Moore, and MC Runge. 2019. Population dynamics of reintroduced Whooping Cranes. Pages 139-160 in JB French Jr, SJ Converse, and JE Austin, editors. Whooping Cranes: biology and conservation. Biodiversity of the world: conservation from genes to landscapes. Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA.
Converse SJ, BN Strobel, and JA Barzen. 2019. Reproductive failure in the eastern migratory population: the interaction of research and management. Pages 161-178 in JB French Jr, SJ Converse, and JE Austin, editors. Whooping Cranes: biology and conservation. Biodiversity of the world: conservation from genes to landscapes. Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA.
French JB Jr, SJ Converse, and JE Austin. 2019. Whooping cranes past and present. Pages 3-16 in JB French Jr, SJ Converse, and JE Austin, editors. Whooping Cranes: biology and conservation. Biodiversity of the world: conservation from genes to landscapes. Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA.
Funk WC, BR Forester, SJ Converse, C Darst, and S Morey. 2019. Improving conservation policy with genomics: a guide to integrating adaptive potential into U.S. Endangered Species Act decisions for conservation practitioners and geneticists. Conservation Genetics 20:115-134.
Kadin M, M Frederiksen, S Niiranen, and SJ Converse. 2019. Linking demographic and food-web models to understand management trade-offs. Ecology and Evolution 9:8587-8600.
Lloyd NA, NJ Hostetter, CL Jackson, SJ Converse, and A Moehrenschlager. 2019. Optimizing release strategies: a stepping-stone approach to reintroduction. Animal Conservation 22:105-115.
Lloyd NA, NJ Hostetter, CL Jackson, SJ Converse, and A Moehrenschlager. 2019. Response: future directions to escalate benefits of the stepping-stone approach for conservation translocations. Animal Conservation 22:122-123.
Songsasen N, SJ Converse, and ME Brown. 2019. Reproduction and reproductive technologies relevant to management of whooping cranes ex situ. Pages 373-387 in JB French Jr, SJ Converse, and JE Austin, editors. Whooping Cranes: biology and conservation. Biodiversity of the world: conservation from genes to landscapes. Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA.
Teiteilbaum CS, SJ Converse, WF Fagan, and T Mueller. 2019. Movement ecology of reintroduced migratory whooping cranes. Pages 217-238 in JB French Jr, SJ Converse, and JE Austin, editors. Whooping Cranes: biology and conservation. Biodiversity of the world: conservation from genes to landscapes. Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA.
Teitelbaum CS, SJ Converse, and T Mueller. 2019. The importance of early life experience and animal cultures in reintroductions. Conservation Letters 12:e12599.
Barzen JA, SJ Converse, PH Adler, A Lacy, E Gray, and A Gossens. 2018. Examination of multiple working hypotheses to address reproductive failure in reintroduced Whooping Cranes. The Condor 120:632-649.
Cummings JW, SJ Converse, DR Smith, S Morey, and MC Runge. 2018. Implicit decision framing as an unrecognized source of confusion in endangered species classification. Conservation Biology 32:1246-1254.
Gerber BD, SJ Converse, E Muths, HJ Crockett, BA Mosher, and LL Bailey. 2018. Identifying species conservation strategies to reduce disease-associated declines. Conservation Letters 11:1-10
Link WA, SJ Converse, AA Yackel Adams, and NJ Hostetter. 2018. Analysis of population change and movement using robust design removal data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 23:463-447.
Regehr EV, NJ Hostetter, RR Wilson, KD Rode, M St. Martin, and SJ Converse. 2018. Integrated population modeling provides the first empirical estimates of vital rates and abundance for polar bears in the Chukchi Sea. Scientific Reports 8:16780.
Brown ME, SJ Converse, JN Chandler, AL Crosier, W Lynch, DE Wildt, CL Keefer, and N Songsasen. 2017. Time within reproductive season, but not age or inbreeding coefficient, influences seminal and sperm quality in the whooping crane (Grus americana). Reproduction, Fertility, and Development 29:294-306.
Clement MJ, SJ Converse, and JA Royle. 2017. Accounting for imperfect detection of groups and individuals when estimating abundance. Ecology and Evolution 7:7304-7310.
Converse SJ, LL Bailey, BA Mosher, WC Funk, and E Muths. 2017. A model to inform management actions as a response to chytridiomycosis-associated decline. EcoHealth 14(Suppl 1): 144-155.
Garrard GE, L Rumpff, MC Runge, and SJ Converse. 2017. Rapid prototyping for decision structuring: an efficient approach to conservation decision analysis. Pages 46-64 in N Bunnefeld, E Nicholson, and EJ Milner-Gulland, editors. Decision-making in conservation and natural resource management: models for interdisciplinary approaches. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Teitelbaum CS, SJ Converse, and T Mueller. 2017. Birds choose long-term partners years before breeding. Animal Behaviour 134:147-154.
Brown ME, SJ Converse, JN Chandler, C Shafer, JL Brown, CL Keefer, and N Songsasen. 2016. Female gonadal hormones and reproductive behaviors as key determinants of successful reproductive output of breeding whooping cranes (Grus americana). General and Comparative Endocrinology 230:158-165.
Canessa S, SJ Converse, M West, N Clemman, G Gillespie, M McFadden, AJ Silla, KM Parris, and MA McCarthy. 2016. Planning for ex-situ conservation in the face of uncertainty. Conservation Biology 30:599-609.
Canessa S, G Guillera-Arroita, J Lahoz-Monfort, DM Southwell, DP Armstrong, I Chadès, RC Lacy, and SJ Converse. 2016. Adaptive management for improving species conservation across the captive-wild spectrum. Biological Conservation 199:123-131.
Converse SJ and DP Armstrong. 2016. Demographic modeling for reintroduction decision-making. Pages 123-146 in DS Jachowski, JJ Millspaugh, PL Angermeier, and R Slotow, editors. Reintroduction of fish and wildlife populations. University of California Press, Oakland, California, USA.
Lyons JE, WL Kendall, JA Royle, SJ Converse, BA Andres, and JB Buchanan. 2016. Population size and stopover duration estimation using mark-resight data and Bayesian analysis of a superpopulation model. Biometrics 72:262-271.
Lunn NJ, S Servanty, EV Regehr, SJ Converse, E Richardson, and I Stirling. 2016. Demography of an apex predator at the edge of its range – impacts of changing sea ice on polar bears in Hudson Bay. Ecological Applications 26:1302-1320.
Teitelbaum CS, SJ Converse, WF Fagan, K Böhning-Gaese, RB O’Hara, AE Lacy, and T Mueller. 2016. Experience drives innovation of new migration patterns in response to global change. Nature Communications 7:12793.
Canessa S, G Guillera-Arroita, J Lahoz-Monfort, DM Southwell, DP Armstrong, I Chadès, RC Lacy, and SJ Converse. 2015. When do we need further research? A primer on calculating the value of information for applied ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6:1219-1228.
Klimstra RL, CE Moorman, SJ Converse, JA Royle, and CA Harper. 2015. Small mammal use of hayed native warm-season and non-native cool-season forage fields. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:49-55.
Brown ME, RC Doyle, JN Chandler, GH Olsen, JB French Jr., DE Wildt, SJ Converse, CL Keefer, and N Songsasen. 2014. Chromic and iron oxides as fecal markers to identify individual whooping cranes. Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshop 9:68-72.
Krause A, D Golovin, and SJ Converse. 2014. Sequential decision making in computational sustainability via adaptive submodularity. Artificial Intelligence Magazine 35:8-18.
Royle JA and SJ Converse. 2014. Hierarchical spatial capture-recapture models: modeling population density from replicated capture-recapture experiments. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:37-43.
Servanty S, SJ Converse, and LL Bailey. 2014. Demography of a reintroduced population: moving toward management models for an endangered species, the whooping crane. Ecological Applications 24:927-937.
Converse SJ, CT Moore, and DP Armstrong. 2013. Demographics of reintroduced populations: estimation, modeling, and decision analysis. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1081-1093.
Converse SJ, CT Moore, MJ Folk, and MC Runge. 2013. A matter of tradeoffs: reintroduction as a multiple objective decision. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1145-1156.
Converse SJ, JA Royle, PH Adler, RP Urbanek, and JA Barzen. 2013. A hierarchical nest survival model integrating incomplete temporally-varying covariates. Ecology and Evolution 3:4439-4447.
Mueller T, RB O’Hara, SJ Converse, RP Urbanek, and WF Fagan. 2013. Social learning of migratory performance. Science 341:999-1002.
Campbell EW III, AA Yackel Adams, SJ Converse, TH Fritts, and GH Rodda. 2012. Do predators control prey species abundance? An experimental test with brown treesnakes on Guam. Ecology 93:1194-1203.
Converse SJ and JA Royle. 2012. Dealing with incomplete and variable detectability in multi-year, multi-site monitoring of ecological populations. Pages 426-442 in RA Gitzen, JJ Millspaugh, AB Cooper and DS Licht, editors. Design and analysis of long-term ecological monitoring studies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Smith DHV, A Moehrenschlager, N Christensen, D Knapik, K Gibson, and SJ Converse. 2012. Archive eggs: a research and management tool for avian conservation breeding. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:342-349.
Converse SJ, JA Royle, and RP Urbanek. 2012. Bayesian analysis of multi-state data with individual covariates for estimating genetic effects on demography. Journal of Ornithology 152:S561-S572.
Moore CT, SJ Converse, MJ Folk, MC Runge, and SA Nesbitt. 2012. Evaluating release alternatives for a long-lived bird species under uncertainty about long-term demographic rates. Journal of Ornithology 152:S330-S353.
Converse SJ, KJ Shelley, S Morey, J Chan, A LaTier, C Scafidi, DT Crouse, and MC Runge. 2011. A decision-analytic approach to the optimal allocation of resources for endangered species consultation. Biological Conservation 144:319-329.
Golovin D, A Krause, B Gardner, SJ Converse, and S Morey. 2011. Dynamic resource allocation in conservation planning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 25:1331-1336.
Runge MC, SJ Converse, and JE Lyons. 2011. Which uncertainty? Using expert elicitation and expected value of information to design an adaptive program. Biological Conservation 144:1214-1223.
Smith DHV, SJ Converse, KW Gibson, A Moehrenschlager, WA Link, GH Olsen, and K Maguire. 2011. Decision analysis for conservation breeding: maximizing production for reintroduction of whooping cranes. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:501 508.
Tyre AJ, JT Peterson, SJ Converse, T Bogich, D Miller, M Post van der Burg, C Thomas, R Thompson, J Wood, DC Brewer, and MC Runge. 2011. Adaptive management of bull trout populations in the Lemhi Basin. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 2:262-281.
Bailey LL, SJ Converse, and WL Kendall. 2010. Bias, precision, and parameter redundancy in complex multi-state models with unobservable states. Ecology 91:1598-1604.
Converse SJ, JN Chandler, GH Olsen, and CC Shafer. 2010. Evaluating propagation method performance over time with Bayesian updating: an application to incubator testing at USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshop 11:110-117.
Farris KL, SJ Converse, S Zack, WD Robinson, AJ Amacher, T Contreras, WL Gaines, ES Kilpatrick, JD Lanham, D Miles, G Rompré, KE Sieving, and JC Pierson. 2010. Short-term effects of fire and fire-surrogate treatments on avian nest survival: a national-scale analysis. Open Environmental Sciences 4:61-70.
Martin J, AF O’Connell Jr, WL Kendall, MC Runge, TR Simons, AH Waldstein, SA Schulte, SJ Converse, GW Smith, T Pinion, M Rikard, and EF Zipkin. 2010. Optimal control of native predators. Biological Conservation 143:1751-1758.
2009 and earlier
Converse SJ, WL Kendall, PF Doherty Jr, and PG Ryan. 2009. Multistate models for estimation of survival and reproduction in grey-headed albatross. The Auk 126:77-88.
Converse SJ, WL Kendall, PF Doherty Jr, MB Naughton, and JE Hines. 2009. A traditional and a less- invasive robust design: choices in optimizing effort allocation for seabird population studies. Pages 727-744 in DL Thomson, EG Cooch and MC Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Springer Science+Business Media, New York, New York, USA.
Kendall WL, SJ Converse, PF Doherty Jr, MB Naughton, JE Hines, A Anders, and E Flint. 2009. Design considerations in demographic studies of animal populations: a case of colonial seabirds. Ecological Applications 19:55-68.
Mazerolle MJ, LL Bailey, WL Kendall, JA Royle, SJ Converse, and JD Nichols. 2007. Making great leaps forward in herpetology: accounting for detectability in field studies. Journal of Herpetology 41:672-689.
Converse SJ, WM Block, and GC White. 2006. Small mammal population and habitat responses to forest thinning and prescribed fire. Forest Ecology and Management 228:263-273.
Converse SJ, GC White, and WM Block. 2006. Small mammal responses to thinning and wildfire in ponderosa pine-dominated forests of the southwestern United States. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1711-1722.
Converse SJ, GC White, KL Farris, and S Zack. 2006. Small mammal responses to forest fuel reduction: national-scale results from the fire and fire surrogate project. Ecological Applications 16:1717-1729.
Iverson JB, SJ Converse, GR Smith, and JM Valiulis. 2006. Long-term trends in the demography of the Allen Cays rock iguana (Cyclura cychlura inornata): human disturbance and density-dependent effects. Biological Conservation 132:300-310.
Monroe ME and SJ Converse. 2006. The effects of early season and late season prescribed fires on small mammals in a Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management 236:229-240.
Converse SJ, JB Iverson, and JA Savidge. 2005. Demographics of an ornate box turtle population experiencing minimal human-induced disturbances. Ecological Applications 15:2171-2179.
Converse SJ, BG Dickson, GC White, and WM Block. 2004. Estimating small mammal abundance on fuels treatment units in southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Pages 113-120 in C van Riper III and KL Cole, editors. The Colorado Plateau: cultural, biological, and physical research. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Converse SJ and JA Savidge. 2003. Ambient temperature, activity, and microhabitat use by ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata). Journal of Herpetology 37:665-670.
Converse SJ, JB Iverson, and JA Savidge. 2002. Activity, reproduction and overwintering behavior of ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata) in the Nebraska Sandhills. American Midland Naturalist 148:416-422.