Call for Papers

We invite abstract submissions on all topics (and frameworks) within Slavic linguistics.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts should be one page, plus an extra page for data and references, 12-point font, at least 1" margins, and should be anonymous (should not contain name(s) or affiliations(s) of the author(s) or any other self-identifying information). Submissions are limited to one single-authored and one joint abstract. Please send your abstract as a pdf attachment to by March 31, 2014. The paper title, author name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information should be given in the body of the email. The abstract itself should contain only the title.

Please note that presentation in the annual meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society is a privilege of SLS membership; presenters need to be members of SLS. You will be able to join (or renew your membership) when you register for the conference online. Membership includes a subscription to the Journal of Slavic Linguistics.

Important Dates:

Submission deadline for all abstracts: March 31, 2014
Notification of acceptance for papers: April 30, 2014

Seattle, WA, U.S.A. | September 19-21, 2014
Slavic Languages & Literatures | Smith Hall M253, Box 353580, Seattle, WA 98195    Email: