
Martin Horst, University of Washington, Department of Linguistics (alum)

Tool keywords: Sociophonetics

Instrument name: ThemeOrganizer

Instrument type(s): R script.

Analysis method: (Socio)Phonetic

Download Tool

The tool includes: R Script for the PNWE project. It searches an ELAN-generated .txt file for a tier called "Themes" and locates MUC-7 tags on that tier (for example, if you have a conversational recording, and have used conversational analysis to mark locations where particular topics occur). It extracts the theme label (using these to then sort the output), the associated annotations (from the transcription tier) and the timestamps associated with those annotations.


In order to use the script, either:

(1)Right click and save the download as a text file or

(2)Copy and paste the content into your favorite text editor.

Possible future modifications:

None planned.