Publications and Presentations
Click to see selected publications, refereed presentations, and dissertations of UW Sociolinguistics Lab members.
Latest Lab Member Publications/Presentations
Wassink, A. B., Squizzero, R., Horst, M., Panicacci, A., & Bender, E. M. (2023). Preaching to the Choir: What all linguists need to know about defining and operationalizing ethnicity and race in research. Talk presented at NWAV 51, Queens College, NY. 15 October, 2023.[PDF]
Peng, Y. (2023). Sociolinguistic Variation in American Sign Language in Washington State. Poster presented at NWAV 51, Queens College, NY. 14 October, 2023.
Squizzero, R., Horst, M., Wassink, A. B.(2023). Guidelines for race and ethnicity data in linguistic studies. Colloquium, University of Washington, Department of Linguistics. 21 April, 2023.[PDF][Video]
Evans, B., Hugo, R., Panicacci, A.(2023). Language as Part of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Agenda. Talk presented at Language Latitudes Workshop, UBC, Vancouver, Canada. 14 April, 2023.
Journal Publications and Conference Proceedings
Wassink, A. B., Gansen, C., & Bartholomew, I. (2022). Uneven success: automatic speech recognition and ethnicity-related dialects. Speech Communication 140. 50-70. [DOI]
Squizzero, R., Horst, M., Wassink, A. B., Panicacci, A., Jensen, M., Moroz, A. K., Conrod, K., & Bender, E. M. (2022). Collecting and using race and ethnicity information in linguistic studies. University of Washington Working Papers in Linguistics 36. [DOI]
Wassink, A. B., & Hargus, S. (2020). Heritage Language Features and the Yakama English Dialect. Publication of the American Dialect Society 105 (1). 11–38. [DOI]
Fridland, V., Wassink, A. B., Hall-Lew, L., & Kendall, T. (2020). Speech in the Western States, vol 3: Understudied Varieties. Publications of the American Dialect Society.
Fridland, V., Kendall, T., Wassink, A. B. and Evans, B. (2017) Speech in the Western States, vol 2: The Mountain West. Publications of the American Dialect Society.
Fridland, V., Kendall, T., Wassink, A. B. and Evans, B. (2016) Speech in the Western States, vol 1: The Coastal states. Publications of the American Dialect Society 101, No. 1
Puthuval, S. and Wang, X. (2016). “Hohhot, Language of.” In Sybesma et al, eds., Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics.
Tatman, R. (2016) "'I'm a spawts guay': Comparing the use of sociophonetic variables in speech and Twitter. Selected papers from NWAV 44. [PDF]
Wassink, A. B. (2015). “Sociolinguistic Patterns in Seattle English” Language Variation and Change 27(1): 31-58. [DOI]
Freeman, V. (2014). Bag, beg, bagel: Prevelar raising and merger in Pacific Northwest English. University of Washington Working Papers in Linguistics, 32. [PDF]
Evans, B. E. (2013). Seattle to Spokane: Mapping perceptions of English in WA. Journal of English Linguistics 41. 268-291.
Evans, B. E. (2013). Everybody sounds the same: Otherwise overlooked ideology in perceptual dialectology. American Speech 88:1. 63-80.
Morgan, J.T., Oxley, M., Bender, E.M., Zhu, L., Gracheva, V., & Zachry, M. (2013). Are we there yet?: The development of a corpus annotated for social acts in multilingual online discourse. Dialogue and Discourse Special Issue Beyond Semantics: The Challenges of Annotating Pragmatic and Discourse Phenomena, 4(2), 1-33.
Evans, B. E. (2011). Seattletonian to Faux Hick: Mapping perceptions of English in WA. American Speech 86:4. 383-413.
Bender, E. M., Morgan, J. T., Oxley, M., Zachry, M., Hutchinson, B., Marin, A., Zhang, B., & Ostendorf, M. (2011). Annotating social acts: Authority claims and alignment moves in Wikipedia talk pages. Proceedings of the ACL-HLT Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011), Portland, Oregon. [PDF]
Scanlon, M. & Wassink, A. B. (2010). Using Acoustic Trajectory Information in Studies of Merger. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics.
Scanlon, M. & Wassink A. B. (2010). African American English in Urban Seattle: accommodation and intra-speaker variation in the Pacific Northwest. American Speech 85:2. 205-224.
Oxley, M., Morgan, J.T., Zachry, M., & Hutchinson, B. (2010). "What I Know Is...": Establishing credibility on Wikipedia talk pages. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym 2010), Gdansk, Poland.
MacLeod, A.N., Stoel-Gammon, C., & Wassink, A. B. (2009). Production of high vowels in Canadian English and Canadian French: a comparison of early bilingual and monolingual speakers. Journal of Phonetics 37:4. 374-387.
Franklin, A., Stoel-Gammon, C & Wassink, A. B. (2008). Acoustic quantification of /i/-/I/ overlap in children 21 to 33 months. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 10:5. 1-14.
Wassink, A. B., Wright, R. A. & Franklin, A. (2007). Intraspeaker variability in vowel production: an investigation of motherese, hyperspeech, and Lombard speech in Jamaican speakers. Journal of Phonetics 35:3. 363-379.
Wassink, A. B. (2006). A geometric representation of spectral and temporal vowel features: Quantification of vowel overlap in three varieties. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119:4. 2334-2350.