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Case List History Objectives Radiology Images Questions
Case #1 - A 17 year old with a bulge in his R groin

  1. Be able to describe pertinent clinical history and physical exam features in the evaluation of groin hernias.
  2. Be able to define anatomically indirect, direct and femoral hernias.
  3. Be able to discuss potential complications of inguinal hernias if not repaired.
  4. Be able to define incarceration, strangulation, Richter's hernia, Littre's hernia, and sliding hernia.
  5. Be able to list and briefly describe the most common surgical repairs of inguinal hernias.
  6. Be able to draw pubis, Cooper's ligament, inferior epigastric vessels, and iliac vessels, shading in the triangle of doom.

  The Virtual Patient > Case List > HERNIAS - Case #1: Objectives