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Case #2 -
An 80 year old with confusion after an MVC

1.) What additional history is important in this patient?  Answer 
2.) What are indications for intubation in a trauma patient?  Answer 
3.) What are indications to provide ventilatory support?  Answer 
4.) What are you going to do for this man as a part of resuscitation after primary survey, even as you go on to the secondary survey?  Answer 
5.) After your full physical exam, what are your diagnoses? What other injuries need to be ruled out?  Answer 
6.) What diagnostic tests need to be done immediately?  Answer 
8.) What is the Glasgow Coma Score and how do you measure it?  Answer 
9.) How do you manage closed head injury with no operative indications?  Answer 
10.) What is the management of flail chest? What mainly causes the hypoxia?  Answer 
11.) What genitourinary injuries are associated with pelvic fractures and how would you evaluate the patient for these?  Answer 
12.) What is the management of extraperitoneal bladder rupture? Of intraperitoneal rupture?  Answer 
7.) If this patient becomes hemodynamically unstable after thoracic and intraabdominal injuries are ruled out, what management steps should be taken?  Answer 
  The Virtual Patient > Case List > TRAUMA - Case # 2