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Case #3 -
A 45 year old with chest pain after an MVA

1.) What additional history is needed?  Answer 
2.) Given the nature of the injury, what are the main concerns?  Answer 
3.) How do you recognize a tension pneumothorax?  Answer 
4.) If the person is in acute distress, how can you relieve the distress quickly?  Answer 
5.) How do you definitively manage the pneumothorax?  Answer 
6.) What other life threatening thoracic injuries may occur in this type of deceleration injury?  Answer 
7.) How does myocardial contusion present?  Answer 
8.) Where in the aorta does traumatic aortic rupture usually occur?  Answer 
9.) What is a quick test used to evaluate blunt trauma to the abdomen?  Answer 
10.) What is diagnostic peritoneal lavage and when may it be indicated?  Answer 
11.) What are significant findings in DPL?  Answer 
12.) What is the more definitive test used in suspected blunt intraabdominal injury?  Answer 
13.) What are the absolute indications for laparotomy after abdominal assessment is completed in blunt injury?  Answer 
  The Virtual Patient > Case List > TRAUMA - Case # 3