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Unitaid and TLC-ART Are Developing a Grant Agreement for Making Long-Acting HIV Medicines for Global Health

Unitaid, a part of the WHO, engaged the UW’s TLC-ART program for developing a grant agreement (GAD). It intends to accelerate the global impact of long-acting (LA) HIV medicines enabled by TLC-ART innovations. The project will transform current oral drugs into more effective, targeted LA therapies to improve patient appeal.

Swiss Acad of Pharm Sci (SAPhS)

Prof. Borchard, President of SAPhS invited Dr. Ho to deliver a lecture at the Univ of Geneva.  The presentation was entitled, “Targeted drug-combination nanoparticles for long-acting application in HIV and Cancer.”

GPEN conference; Singapore

At the 2018 GPEN 1  conference in Singapore, Dr. Rodney Ho and Jesse Yu, a graduate student presented TLC-ART research progress. Jesse’s presented his work on, “Novel drug combination matrix in solid  states enabled by stable interactions of hydrophilic and hydrophobic HIV drug combination plus lipid excipients.” Dr. Ho’s held a workshop entitled, “Development and Validation of a MBPK (mechanism-based pharmacokinetic) Model to guide complex injectable drug-combination products”. Sept. 2018

Jesse Yu presenting at Singapore GPEN Conference 2018














1 GPEN, Globalization of Pharmaceutics Education Network (GPEN); the meeting was organized by students assisted by faculty advisers for the sole purpose of fostering and facilitating international pharmaceutical science exchange.

Luminary Award, CIE

Dr. Ho received the Luminary Innovator Award from CIE 1. He was recognized in Sept 2018 in Bellevue, WA for his innovations in science and product development.  Sept. 2018

Dr. Rodney Ho accepting the CIE Luminary Award.


1 CIE is the Chinese Institute of Engineers.  CIE Seattle promotes academic and professional excellence in the Asian Pacific American community through programs advancing innovation, collaboration and education.

Scientific Advisors, TLC-ART

Thank-You Board Advisors–Flexner, Becker, Chen, Robert, Nicoll-Griffith and PO’s- D Livnat, H Zhang, M Protopopova for their input in the 2018 annual Scientific Advisory Board meeting. We also have benefited from input of Drs. Z Gu and D Zhang on an IND-enabling plan.  Their support and guidance are much appreciated as the program is planning for a first-in-human study in the near future.  Oct. 2018

Global WACh, Children and Women

TLC-ART Director Dr. Rodney Ho shared at the Global WACh 1 2018–Bioengineering forum to develop drugs for Children and Women. Dr. Ho spoke on systems approach to targeted, long-acting and drug combinations as an engineering solutions for HIV intended for women and children. Oct. 2018

1 WACh stands for the Global Center for the Integrated Health of Women, Adolescents and Children.


TLC-ART PI’s  Drs. Collier and Ho discussed innovation in first-in-human study at the 2018 Conference on Retroviruses & Opportunistic Infections (CROI).

Dr. Jane Simone

Dr. Jane Simone presented HIV-patient preferences on long-acting-injectable treatment.  Her presentation at UCLA was titled, “Getting to 2020: Top Challenges in Biobehavioral HIV Prevention”.