AH! Your house is full of possible contaminants, such as chemicals and food waste, which would damage our ecosystem if it ventured out into the natural world. You may not have thought about it, but wild animals live in that natural world that we take for granted so many times.

So how can you protect the homes of other species that live around the waters? Here are some examples:

  • For cleaning products, choose less toxic or non-toxic alternatives the next time you go to the store.
  • If you have unused chemicals lying around your house, take them to a hazardous waste collection center. When you pour chemicals down the drain, it may escape the treatment center. This includes pesticides!
  • Apply chemicals only as directed, because the more chemicals you use, the more opportunities there are to get into your water.
  • Save some detergent and water by washing your dishes ONLY when the dishwasher is full.
  • Do not pour unwanted chemicals on the ground, whether it is soda or a cleaner. These soak into the ground and contaminate our groundwater supply!

  • Try to buy detergents that are low in phosphates.
  • Recycle plastics, cans, cardboard, and any other items you can think of.

  • Replace your showerheads and your faucets with models that do not drip water.
  • To keep your toilet from wasting water, put water-filled containers in the toilet tank. This works; the containers take up space in the toilet tank, displacing the water, so it uses less water every time you flush!
  • Do not sweep trash into the street.

  • Dispose of tissues, dead insects, or your goldfish and other waste in the trash other than a toilet.

(EPA), (Goo), (BEC)

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photographs by Thao