There are many places that water pollution can happen, and there are many ways that you can help stop it from happening. There was no way that we could include every single prevention tip, but we tried to get in as many as possible. So, if you think of some other action to help the environment out, go for it!

"Our planet reuses and recycles the same water over again - there simply is no 'new water'. As a result, we find traces of health threatening water pollution chemicals in most of our drinking water supplies."

There is only 3% of all water on the earth that is available for us to use, and of that 3%, 83% of it is trapped in ice caps and glaciers. The water we can use, surface water and groundwater, is only 16 % of that freshwater.

(The Quick Facts About Water Pollution)

We as a team have become more and more aware since creating this website, and have started to change our lifestyles, however hard and however slow it may be. BUT, we challenge you to change the way you perceive pollution and to make your impact on the world less and less harmful every day.

So, go ahead and tell someone about water pollution today!


It takes time. The world cannot be changed in one day. However, if we start right now, we might be able to start a revolution that can.

Around the house

In your yard and garden

Within your community

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