What is Water Pollution?

Water Pollution!!! There are many causes, effects, and ways to prevent the problem of water pollution in our communities, country, and world.

We use our waters for many purposes: fishing, drinking, swimming, and many more recreational uses. Wouldn't you like to swim in clean water, and even more, drink clean water?

Water pollution consists of trash and chemicals that enter our waters, including lakes, oceans, and creeks, that make it poisonous to the animals who use and live in it, as well as to us who want to use it for recreation and other purposes.

An example of pollution is a fertilizer that can enter streams by running down the gutters after we fertilize our lawn and allow the water to run off.

A common fertilizer used on lawns is ammonium nitrate, which can leave the lawn with the water and run through the gutters, entering our creeks and creating an algae bloom.

You might think that an algae bloom would be a good thing, but in the long run it is not. The increased amounts of algae in the water will make the stream anoxic, meaning all of the oxygen is removed.

This suffocates the fish and depletes the bio diversity, the variety of animals, of that body of water (Stern).

Our objective for the Water Pollution Website is to educate people about the effects of pollution in the world, in their community, and in their personal lives and to excite them about getting up, changing their lifestyle and making a difference in their community and eventually their world.

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photographs by Thao