I'm Thao and I'm from Marysville and will attend high school next year as a junior. I have attended Upward Bound Chico (UB) last year and this year. UB really help me out. UB helps people with low income and first family child to help them go to there dream college. Also prepare them for future references. My dream was to be a computer guy and do computer stuff. This helps me get involved in this program with learning computer programming and creating websites. I always wanted a job that is easy and get lots of money working on computers. I believe that working on computers can help my life more then carrying heavy stuff like when my family and I first came to the U.S.

Water pollution is the subject that we picked for our team to make a website out of which is a major issue through out the world. We as a team, work on different types of content each day and experience lots of different software. Changing the everyday use of household items and saving the water, was my mission to inform all people including kids, teen, and adult to save our water.

I as a student try to use my time wisely everyday. I love to do a lot of fun thing in my leisure time. I love playing the guitar and play different instrument too. Also I try singing and they say I was good at it, so I'm going to keep practicing. I also love computer software and programming things onto computers ever since I was introduce to computer back in the 2nd grade. I just loved it so much. Anyways that is what I do for fun and proceeding at.
