It is hard for one person to make a difference in our environment, but if each individual in our community would help out, think of what changes it might bring!!! The environment would gradually become healthier and the water would be safer for us to use, without the fear of what awful things have been in there.

"So, what can I do?" you ask? Well, here are a few things:

            In your City or Town

  • When you see someone polluting, take a risk and politely tell him or her that it is NOT okay to pollute. The more we speak up, the less acceptable it will be in the future!
  • Create a fun way to educate your community and raise awareness. Get your friends involved and have fun!
  • Encourage your community to save water.
  • Recycle plastics, cans, cardboard, and any other items you can think of.

  • If you hear of a clean-up event in your city or town, participate in it. The less litter there is, the less there will be in your water!

  • Bring your own non-plastic bags when you shop, or reuse the plastic bags you have used before. Plastic bags are notorious for ending up in the creeks.

At your Creek, Stream, or Lake

  • Try to avoid picking up and moving rocks or creating dams. This disturbs the stream life.

  • Leave fallen branches in the stream. Don't fret; this is not pollution! The branches provide shelter for many creatures.

  • Do not litter! This is the easiest thing to do to help. Bring a cloth bag with you to put trash in and take out with you.

(BEC), (EPA), (Goo)

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Photographs by Thao