a. Akia
            b. Angel - My Page
            c. Debbie
            d. Eric
            e. Zeenya


Hi my name is Angel and I had a rough experience with this website. I am not a “computer person”, it is something that I am not good at. Even though I did not have the computer skills I needed for this website, I had help from my teammates. It takes a lot of patience to do these websites especially when working with flash. Through this project I have learned the basics for Photoshop, dream weaver, and flash. These were web development tools that I have never used before and now I am pretty good at it. Even though I was frustrated a few times with the website, I had a lot of fun doing it.
            I was the leader of the group and had to ensure that work was done in a timely manner. I created the logo which took me a long time to make because of computer complications. I also created the site map and organized each topic into its own category. At times it was not easy doing everything at once but our group worked as a team and we are all proud of what we have accomplished. My favorite part of this website was accomplishing and completing all of my goals. Being able to see what I created made me proud and brought satisfaction in myself.

Picture taken by team