a. Akia
            b. Angel
            c. Debbie
            d. Eric
            e. Zeenya - My Page

Making this website was very fun and a great learning experience. I had difficulties making things work like the flash buttons, I did not know how to use them and i had trouble with keeping everything in the same file. Going through this competition I learned how to use Photoshop and understand how to make a website through Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver is a program used to help make websites. I also learned about other programs like flash and a file document know as CSS, which I still don’t what the abbreviations mean, but I know what it does and that’s what matters the most.  Working with these computer programs was fun and that was my favorite thing to do. However looking for templates on the Internet for the website, searching for content and graphics we needed for the website was time consuming and somewhat boring.  I learned more about graffiti and am glad to be a part of this. I hope the people who are in this program had fun in making a website like I did.

Picture taken by team