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My favorite activities are playing drums and playing softball.  I am a back-catcher for my softball team. Although I get tire, it is still fun. I remember one day the team and I needed to get one more out and a girl, very short, wanted to steal home base. I got up and she tried to jump at me because she knew she was out so I barely touched her and got her out. She fell on her back and her helmet accidentally fell off. So she was unconscious for a really long time. I felt bad but she was okay.

I play drums for the church choir and it is fun. My sisters sing and I play, I always get blisters but they are all worth it. I probably get like two every Sunday; the most that I have gotten was six, and it hurts! I have been playing drums since I was eight years old. It all started when a man in church went to go play drums and after church I went to bang on his drums set and he got mad at me. I told him I was just playing and he said if I broke anything I had to pay for it and that I was a girl and I couldn’t play. I got sad and I started to watch people play and I practice all the time even though I would get in trouble I wouldn’t care. I never saw that men again but if I would see him now I know that because of him I now play in different churches like in Nebraska, Las Vegas, and in Los Angeles. If I was probably older I would be playing in different places but because I’m not I can’t. Drums are a big part of my life and I wouldn’t change it for the world.