Contact me

My name is Deborah, I live in Los Angeles. I was born April 14, 1991 and grew up in south central, Los Angeles. My father is a minister and he started his ministry when I as born. I have spent my life learning things about our beliefs. I have 3 sisters; they are all smart like me. An interesting fact is that although I am the baby in the house I am the tallest of them all. I’m the odd one from my family because I am the only one who writes with her right, has freckles, and has curly hair. I am a good person but people just have to get to know me.

I go to USC Mast High School, the smallest school in this world. My previous school was Western Ave. I attended that school, ever since pre-kindergarten until first grade. My second grade year was at 32nd ST/USC MAST, at the moment I am still there. My school is known for having a various students from different places and heritage, which is why I enjoy being there.