About Us

Three Hmong Students (Peb Tus Hmoob)

We would like to thank our coaches and the people that helped make this website happen.


I am 17 years old. I am interested in: God, music, guitar, hanging out with friends, and having fun. It was a great experience creating this website. I am the co-researcher, and writer.


I am 16 years old. My contributions to the website is creating the website. My interests are anime, comics, and my culture. Creating this website has given me a better view of my culture and an understanding of our history.


I am 15 years old. My contribution to this website is researching. I learned that the software's used in these webs are hard to master in a short time. I like to have fun such as playing games, basketball, soccer, and musical instruments. Also I like to just have fun being on the computer and touching softwares that I have never seen before. My interest is to achieve my goals.