Work Cited Page

Cha, Dia, and Norma J. Livo.   Teaching With Folk stories Of The Hmong . Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 2000 .

Hmong Cultural and Resource Center of Minnesota. "Hmong Musical Instrument." Learn About The Hmong . 16 July 2007. < >

Leepalao, Tougeu and Nachee Lee. "Definition of Hmong New Year." Hmong Cultural Center. 16 July 2007 < >

Lewis, Paul and Elaine.   People Of The Golden Triangle . Johannesburg, South Africa: Thames & Hudson, 1984

Lindsay, Jeff. "The Hmong In America." Culture Clash: The Hmong In America Social Problems Faced by the Hmong People . 23 July 2007 < >

Lo Pha, and Stephen Magagnini. "Hmong Community Debates ‘Dowry’ Cap." New America Media, News Report Posted: Dec 22, 2006 New America Media, 16 July 2007


O’Connor, Bonnie Blair.   Healing traditions: alternative medicine and the health professions .   Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995.

Quincy, Keith.   Hmong, History Of a People . Publisher: Cheney: Eastern Washington University Press, 1995.

Thao Paoze, Mong Education at the Crossroads .   New York: University Press of America, 1999.   Found on Hmong Cultural Center, 2000.  

Vang, Lue and Judy Lewis.   Grandmother's path Grandfather's way.   Rancho Cordova, Calif. : Vang and Lewis, 1990.

Wisconsin Public Television. "Being Hmong Means Being Free." Littig, Eileen, NEWIST/CESA 7, 07 July 2007 <>

Yang, Neng.   "Origin and history of the Hmong"

Layout and drawings by Linda

All Photos taken from Home