In December of 1954 Vang Pao was promoted to the rank of captain. In 1955 he took control of the 21st Volunteer battalion. After that he then took the battalion in Vientiane in June of 1959. When he saw that he wanted to return and resume in battle again he was allowed to take control of the 10 th battalion in the Plains of Jars across from the Pathet Lao (Quincy, 171).

In March of 1975 Vang Pao was called to Vientiane and where the Prime Minster Souvanna Phouma told him to cease-fire and retreat back to Vientiane, but then Vang Pao told him Thailand. Vang Pao then threw down his stars onto the table and left (Quincy, 192).

After the war Vang Pao left for Thailand but returned, for he saw that he was no longer a general and just a Hmong. He returned and armed his followers, which numbered over 5 thousand soldiers who followed him. When he heard news of what had happened at a party for the Lao government, one man was pointed at and was made in a humiliating state. When Yang Dao returned back to Vientiane, he learned of the attack made by the pathet Lao and Vietminh troops. Rightist and neutralist troops were flocking to them and helping the enemy to attack Vientiane. Vang Pao then disbanded his army and left for Thailand (Quincy, 192).

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