On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research by the COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, AND PUBLIC POLICY at The National Academies, 1994
from preface: To reflect the developments of the last six years, the National Academy complex is issuing this new version of "On Being a Scientist." This version incorporates new material from Responsible Science and other recent reports. It reflects suggestions from readers of the original booklet, from instructors who used the original booklet in their classes and seminars, and from graduate students and professors who critiqued drafts of the revision. This version of "On Being a Scientist" also includes a number of hypothetical scenarios, which have proved in recent years to provide an effective means of presenting research ethics. An appendix at the end of the booklet offers guidance in thinking about and discussing these scenarios, but the scenarios remain essentially open-ended.
Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research by Nicholas H. Steneck and ORI
RCR Education Resource Bibliography by Nicholas H. Steneck and ORI
Compiled 2004, clearinghouse, includes web addresses for online RCR courses, textbooks, and other publications on relevant topics.