UW & Partner Resources

ETHICS IN MEDICINE - University of Washington School of Medicine

A thorough clearinghouse of clinical ethics topics.  Wide range of topics addressed, organized by medical discipline, lists of key questions included, relevant links for legal info provided where appropriate, and useful case studies scattered throughout.  Section on research ethics (http://depts.washington.edu/bioethx/topics/resrch.html) includes discussion of human subjects, informed consent, honesty, and IRB issues.  Also has list of (and links to) other bioethics websites, but many links are faulty or outdated.

University of Washington Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA)- Resources for Postdocs

Provides services to postdoctoral scholars and to their faculty supervisors. The OPA works to enhance the learning and the productivity of UW postdocs...appointments, orientation, workshops, mediation and grievances, etc.

University of Washington Extension, Professional Development and Continuing Education Program

Certificate Program in Clinical Trials
...introduces participants to the fundamental scientific, ethical, practical, regulatory and economic concepts underlying clinical trials.

University of Washington Office for Nursing Research

Research Seminar: RCT, Playing by the Rules
Monica Jarrett, PhD, RN,
Other seminars in this series may be of interest as well.

UW Human Subjects Division

Good resource for info on policy, IRBs, etc.  Includes links to ethics training, including one for CITI coursework.

UW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee


UW Animal Use Training Program


UW Office of Research: Ethics and Policies page

Info on tech transfer policies, open access policies, community-based research, disclosure policy, budget issues, more.

HealthLinks at UW: ethics page

Good library-associated resource for ethics links.  Includes everything from NIH, President's Council, AMA, to e-journal and book links on ethics, and links to relevant organizations and associations.

Institute for Translational Health Sciences
Research Bioethics Consult Service www.iths.org

Advice to ITHS members, research participants, families and communities,
and IRBs who have questions that could benefit from in-depth conversation and
analysis about ethical issues related to clinical research studies.
Consultant recommendations are advisory and are supplemental to the IRBs’
responsibility for research oversight. The consultations are confidential.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Research Ethics Education Program

Primarily for trainees at FHCRC, but the website contains links to their Ethics Events and Annual Bioethics Colloquium, as well as links to online ethics education.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training

FHCRC/UW Cancer Consortium is offering web-based training or a 2-day training course on GCP for all investigators and research staff “involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of therapeutic clinical studies an prevention studies that involve drugs, biologics or devices.”

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health

This organization seeks to address the research-related interests of communities (in contrast with the established IRB protection of individual interests).  Through training, education, awareness, and partnerships, they hope to establish and address the need for improved community health and protection of community interests.  There are links for conference proceedings, training programs, information on projects and partnerships.