Treatment Manuals

Treatment Manuals by Marsha Linehan

For Therapists

DBT Skills Training Manual Second Edition provides vital tools for implementing DBT skills training. The teaching notes and reproducible handouts and worksheets used for over two decades by hundreds of thousands of practitioners have been significantly revised and expanded to reflect important research and clinical advances. Line­han, Mar­sha M. (2014). DBT Skills Training Manual Second Edition. New York: Guil­ford Press. Order now.

Line­han, Mar­sha M. (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treat­ment of Bor­der­line Per­son­al­ity Dis­or­der. New York: Guil­ford Press. Order now.

Line­han, Mar­sha M. (1993) Skills Train­ing Man­ual for Treat­ing Bor­der­line Per­son­al­ity Dis­or­der. New York: Guil­ford Press. Order now and Order now in Spanish

For Clients

DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets features more than 225 user-friendly handouts and worksheets, to be used by clients in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills training groups or individual therapy. All of the handouts and worksheets discussed in Marsha M. Linehan’s DBT Skills Training Manual, Second Edition, are provided, together with brief introductions to each module written expressly for clients. Line­han, Mar­sha M. (2014). DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets Second Edition New York: Guil­ford Press. Order now.

Treatment Manuals by others

Miller, A.L., Rathus, J.H., Line­han,  M. M. (2007) Dialec­ti­cal Behav­ior Ther­apy for Sui­ci­dal Ado­les­cents. New York: Guil­ford Press. Order now.