2024 Center for Biotechnology Innovation and Training (CBIT) - Summer Undergraduate Research Awards
CBIT Summer Undergraduate Research Awards will fund projects from across the UW Bothell campus with the goal of funding a student from each of the STEM divisions and from each of the other UW Bothell schools. The awards are to be used towards summer salary to support the student doing biotech-related research. The application is completed by both the faculty mentor and the student.
Applications are due June 4th, 2024, 11:59 pm. Recipients will be notified by June 6th, 2024. Please work with your students to submit a single application.
- Number of awards: – 8 total – 1 per STEM division and 1 for each of the other UW Bothell schools
- Award amount: $1,500 – 2,500 stipend
- Application deadline: June 4th, 2024, 11:59 pm
- Student Eligibility: Current UW Bothell students who will be enrolled in Fall 2024. One student application per faculty mentor.
- Application process: Faculty mentor and student complete the attached application form (1-page each) and submit as single application using this link.
- Faculty mentor’s responsibilities: Submit the application with the student; supervise student’s research; provide research supplies and any additional support funds beyond award amount.
- How funds are distributed: Students will be compensated for the entire award amount upon completion of the project.
- Student report requirement: Student submits a short report at the end of the summer research, and present their findings at the STEM capstone and symposium presentations.
- Letter of Collaboration/Support from Industry or Community Partner (optional)
Student awardees will be required to submit a summary report of the research project and to present their findings at the STEM capstone symposium in Summer or Fall. Additionally, awardees will be encouraged to participate in the Summer Fundaments of Research course.
The faculty member should expect to pay for supplies for the student. You may also supplement this award with any additional funds that you have available to you to extend the length of time the student is supported or additional funds from industry or community collaborators. Each faculty member may submit only one application. Student applicant must be current UW Bothell student. Although preference will be given to student-faculty projects that have already been successfully initiated and those with established biotechnology collaborations, new students without prior experience will be considered. All full-time UWB faculty are eligible to serve as mentors. Students who received this award in 2023, are not eligible.
How the funds are distributed: Students receive awards as stipends. The award is for a maximum of $2500 in direct student pay plus the benefits on this amount paid in a lump sum upon completion of the project.
Student final report: At the end of the summer, each student must submit a short synopsis of their research. This should include a title, discussion of goals and outcomes, how they interacted with their faculty mentor, their future plans, and a picture of them in or out of the lab (2 pages maximum). The final report will be emailed to the CBIT Director by August 20th, 2024.