Jacob Davis (Jake)

I am a PhD student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a researcher at the Applied Physics Laboratory. I work with Jim Thomson on a number of projects related to ocean surface wave observation and wave buoy development. My thesis work is focused on the use of air-deployed wave buoys for hurricane forecast improvements (learn more here).

Previously, I earned my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. As a graduate student, I worked with Krish Sharman as a founding member of the Ocean Resources and Renewable Energy Lab where I co-led the engineering of the group’s wave-current flume and conducted research on wave energy conversion.

Outside of research, I have a passion for music—both listening and playing—and also enjoy drawing, cooking, and appreciating the outdoors through activities such as biking, backpacking, and skiing.


Office: Benjamin Hall Interdisciplinary Research Building, Rm 115
Email: davisjr@uw.edu

Deploying microSWIFT wave buoys in the Arctic (off the coast of Prudhoe Bay, AK)
Deploying microSWIFT wave buoys in the Arctic (off the coast of Prudhoe Bay, AK)
Deploying microSWIFTs from a pier during the DUNEX field campaign.
Helping with the DUNEX field campaign in Duck, NC

Deploying microSWIFTs ahead of Hurricane Ian (September 2022)
Deploying microSWIFTs off the coast of Florida ahead of Hurricane Ian (Sept 2022)