I am a PhD student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a researcher at the Applied Physics Laboratory. I work with Jim Thomson on a number of projects related to ocean surface wave observation and wave buoy development. My thesis work is focused on the use of air-deployed wave buoys for hurricane forecast improvements (learn more here).
Previously, I earned my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. As a graduate student, I worked with Krish Sharman as a founding member of the Ocean Resources and Renewable Energy Lab where I co-led the engineering of the group’s wave-current flume and conducted research on wave energy conversion.
Outside of research, I have a passion for music—both listening and playing—and also enjoy drawing, cooking, and appreciating the outdoors through activities such as biking, backpacking, and skiing.
- Personal site (jakedavis.science)
- GitHub (github.com/jacobrdavis)
- Twitter (@jakedavis_sci)
- Google Scholar (scholar.google.com/citations?user=WMrzl8kAAAAJ&hl=en)
Office: Benjamin Hall Interdisciplinary Research Building, Rm 115
Email: davisjr@uw.edu