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Evaluating EHE Implementation Workshop

When: May 1 – May 3, 2024
Where: Seattle, Washington

RAISE, in collaboration with NASTAD, will host a 2.5-day in-person workshop on program evaluation, with a focus on implementation science methods. This initiative aims to support EHE evaluators at local and state health departments with continuing education so they can incorporate implementation science methods into EHE program evaluations.  By the end of the workshop, participants will have prepared a mixed-methods evaluation plan to assess the implementation of an EHE activity in their jurisdiction.

If interested, please complete an application form by January 26, 2024.

Downloadable versions of the application form and the workshop agenda can be accessed here.

Evaluating EHE Implementation Workshop Overall Objectives:
  1. Equip health department EHE evaluators with the background and tools needed to conduct mixed methods evaluations of implementation activities within their EHE programs
  2. Provide dedicated time to develop an evaluation plan that evaluates the implementation of a selected activity or program in each jurisdiction
  3. Facilitate peer-to-peer sharing and learning about program implementation and evaluation


Pre-Workshop Videoconferences

Hour-long pre-workshop videoconferences cover important introductory topics that help participants formulate their individual evaluation questions prior to attending the workshop in-person.

Videoconference Topic Date Range
Introduction to EHE Implementation Evaluation Workshop 2-4 weeks before in-person workshop
Formulating Evaluation Questions 1-2 weeks before in-person workshop


In-Person Workshop Agenda

Wednesday May 1 – Evaluation Questions, Data Sources, and Metrics/Outcomes

8:00am Breakfast, Welcome & Introductions
9:00 Motivating Example: PrEP Navigation

Presentation on how epidemiologists tackled a local implementation science program evaluation question

9:30 Program Evaluation Metrics and Outcomes

Discuss key evaluation metrics, including both traditional epidemiology metrics and implementation outcomes.

11:00 Break
11:15 Data Sources

Describe and provide examples of data sources for EHE evaluation. Focuses on mapping metrics and implementations science outcomes onto different types of data sources.

12:00pm Lunch
1:00 Implementation Science Conceptual Diagramming

In small groups, participants will each diagram out a provided implementation evaluation question. Focus on identifying key implementation science metrics. The activity will include share-back to the larger group so participants can compare diagrams across groups.

2:30 Break
2:45 Small Group Work

Dedicated time to work on a local implementation evaluation question with workshop mentor(s). Focus on developing an evaluation question, identifying data sources, and defining outcomes.

5:00 Day 1 End

Thursday May 2 – Frameworks, Analyses, and Reporting Results

8:30am Breakfast & Day 1 Recap
9:00 Keynote Guest Lecture: Dr. Matthew Golden

Priority Public Health Issues in the EHE Era

10:00 Break
10:15 Implementation Science Theories, Models, and Frameworks

Discuss common implementation science theories, models, and frameworks with a focus on evaluation frameworks commonly used in health department program evaluation.

11:00 Analytic Approaches to Implementation Science Program Evaluation

Discuss methods for evaluating implementation, including different study design and statistical approaches. Specifically highlights mixed methods analysis.

12:00pm Lunch
12:45 Analytic Approaches to Implementation Science Program Evaluation Cont.
1:45 Data Sources

Discuss how to present findings for the target audience. Includes brief remarks on dissemination of findings. Participants may be asked to share examples of data visualization their EHE programs have already done.

2:45 Break
3:00 Small Group Work / Presentation Preparation

Dedicated time to work on local implementation evaluation question with  workshop mentor(s). Focus on describing study design and include information about analytic approach. Prepare short presentation for Day 3 using standard template.

5:00 Day 2 End

Friday May 3 – Participant Presentations

8:30am Breakfast & Day 2 Recap
9:00 Individual Evaluation Plan Presentations!

Each participant presents their approach to their local evaluation question to a small group of their peers and workshop mentors.

11:30 Summary, Evaluation & Wrap-Up
12:00pm Adjourn

*Our intention is to allow time for attendees to fly home on the afternoon of Day 3.


Post-Workshop Videoconference

We will host one videoconference with attendees 1-2 months after the workshop. The goals of that videoconference are to check-in on individual program evaluation project progress, debrief workshop evaluation results, and gauge interest of attendees (& their HD) to engage in longer-term follow-up.