Health Sciences Services

October 15, 2014

WaNPRC Microbiologist Discusses Ebola with Q13 Fox News

Dr. Michael G. Katze is a University of Washington microbiology professor, and is the Associate Director and Core Staff Scientist at the Washington National Primate Research Center. Dr. Katze has been studying the Ebola virus for nearly 15 years. He and his lab are working in partnership with Rocky Mountain Laboratories on an Ebola Vaccine. He recently provided interviews to Q13 Fox and the King 5 program Northwest New Day on the risks of Ebola.

Click here to Watch Dr. Michael Katze’s interview for Q13 Fox news

Click here to Watch Dr. Michael Katze’s interview for King 5 on Northwest New Day

Click here to learn more about the Katze Lab

For more Information on Dr. Michael G. Katze visit the UW Microbiology webpage.