Resources: Teaching

New in 2019! Team 7 Direct Observation Toolkit (click to access direct observation forms)


Please see these 3 documents to prepare for the MS3 small group teaching session on Fever:

19_Fever Module Facilitator Guide 20150624



Team 7 Teaching and Supporting Med Students.  Thanks to Danny Hibbard (residency grad ’16) and 2015-2016 Team 7 Seniors for this document!

Observed Structured Teaching Evaluation form (from Cincinnati Children’s). Reference: Zackoff M, Jerardi K, Unaka N, Fleming A, Patterson B, Klein M. Resident-as-teacher curriculum and assessment tool for brief didactic teaching in pediatrics. MedEdPORTAL Publications. 2015;11:10030.

Med Student Eval for Senior Resident

How to Write Clear Learning Objectives (extremely important for any talk, especially Morning Reports and Resident Case Presentations!)

Bedside Teaching

Peters M & ten Cate O. (2014).  Bedside teaching in medical education: a literature review. Perspectives on Medical Education 3(2): 76-88.  Access with UW NetID here.

Ramani S. (2003). Twelve tips to improve bedside teaching. Medical Teacher 25(2), 112-115. Access with UW NetID here.

Physical Exam Facilitator Handouts:

heart-murmur-teaching (courtesy of Dr. Sigi Wolf)

Pediatric Abdominal Exam (courtesy of Dr. Tiana Won)

Clinical Reasoning

Bowen JL. (2006). Educational strategies to promote clinical diagnostic reasoning. NEJM 355: 2217-2225.  Access with UW NetID here.

Long M et al. (2015). Questioning as a teaching tool. Pediatrics 135(3): 406-408.  Access with UW NetID here.


UW Pediatric Direct Observation Tool (with an overview of how to use it): UW Peds DOT

Morning Report Peer Feedback Instrument

Ende J. (1983). Feedback in clinical medical education. JAMA 250: 777-781. Access with UW NetID here.

Gigante J. et al. (2011). Getting beyond “Good job”: how to give effective feedback. Pediatrics 127(2): 205-207.  Access with UW NetID here.

Heen S. (2015). How to use others’ feedback to learn and grow. TEDxAmoskeagMillyardWomen. Link to YouTube or watch below.

Stone D & Heen S. (2014). Thanks for the feedback: The science and art of receiving feedback well (even when it is off base, unfair, poorly delivered and, frankly, you’re not in the mood).  New York: Penguin Books.