This website contains historical information on the RUCAs - an update is in progress
Rural Health Research Center Center for Workforce Studies Regional Information Center


RUCA Version 2.0 Download File Documentation

ZIPN 2004 ZIP code (numeric)
ZIPA 2004 ZIP code (alpha with leading zeros)
RUCA2 RUCA 2.0 code (e.g., 10.3 or 4.0)
ZIPTYP ZIP Type (1=residential (30,096), 2= commercial (11,832))
PARZIP Residential ZIP if “2” for RUCA Type (ZIPTYP) -- if ZIP is commercial this field holds the parent numeric residential ZIP code in which it is located; if ZIP is residential it contains the same ZIP as in ZIPN
LINF1 Flag indicating that linear distance between the ZIP and the nearest edge of a 1 was used because roads did not directly connect the two ZIP population centroids (e.g., islands, ferries, not roads for remote places in Alaska etc.) (1= yes (312) , 2= no (25,120), -1= NA (not applicable) (16,496)). NAs are ZIP codes with RUCA codes of 1.0 and 1.1.
LINF4 Flag indicating that linear distance between the ZIP and the nearest edge of a 4 was used because roads did not directly connect the two ZIP population centroids (e.g., islands, ferries, not roads for remote places in Alaska etc.) (1= yes (231) , 2= no (22,471), -1= NA (19,226)). NAs are ZIP codes with RUCA codes of 1.0, 1.1, 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2).
TTIM1A Road travel time to nearest Urbanized Area: (0=0, 1=1-29, 2=30-44, 3=45-59, 4=60-74, 5=75-89, 6=90 and longer) (if it was necessary to use linear distance, each mile is considered a minute of travel time) (see Data: Travel Distance and Time section). Travel time for RUCA codes 1.0 and 1.1 are assigned a zero.
TTIM4A Road travel time to nearest large Urban Cluster: (10,000-49,999) (0=0, 1=1-29, 2=30-44, 3=45-59, 4=60-74, 5=75-89, 6=90 and longer) (if it was necessary to use linear distance, each mile is considered a minute of travel time) (see Data: Travel Distance and Time section) (-1= Not Applicable for RUCA ZIP codes 1.0 and 1.1)
FASTA Road travel time is faster to the fastest travel Urbanized Area than to the fastest travel Census Bureau defined large Urban Cluster: (1= Urbanized Area (25,932) , 2= large Urban Cluster--10,000-49,999 population (15,996))
TDIS1A Road travel distance to nearest Urbanized Area: (0=0, 1=1-29, 2=30-44, 3=45-59, 4=60-74, 5=75-89, 6=90 and farther) (if it was necessary to use linear distance, linear distance was substituted) (see Data: Travel Distance and Time section). Travel distance for RUCA codes 1.0 and 1.1 are assigned a zero.
TDIS4A Road travel distance to nearest large Urban Cluster (10,000-49,999): (0=0, 1=1-29, 2=30-44, 3=45-59, 4=60-74, 5=75-89, 6=90 and farther) (if it was necessary to use linear distance, linear distance was substituted) (see Data: Travel Distance and Time section) (-1=Not Applicable for RUCA ZIP codes 1.0 and 1.1)
SHORTA Road travel distance is shorter to the closest Urbanized Area than to the closest Census Bureau defined Urban Cluster: (1= Urbanized Area (26,129) , 2= large Urban Cluster--10,000-49,999 population (15,799) )
TTIM1B Road travel time to nearest Urbanized Area: (0=0, 1=1-29, 2=30-44, 3=45-59, 4=60-74, 5=75-89, 6=90 and longer) (if it was necessary to use linear distance, each mile is considered a minute of travel time plus 60 minutes – for waits and travel time on ferries, planes etc.) (see Data: Travel Distance and Time section). Travel time for RUCA codes 1.0 and 1.1 are assigned a zero.

Road travel time to nearest large Urban Cluster (10,000-49,999): 0=0, 1=1-29, 2=30-44, 3=45-59, 4=60-74, 5=75-89, 6=90 and longer) (if it was necessary to use linear distance, each mile is considered a minute of travel time plus 60 minutes – for waits and travel time on ferries, planes etc.) (see Data: Travel Distance and Time section) (-1= Not Applicable for RUCA ZIP codes 1.0 and 1.1)

FASTB Road travel time is faster to the fastest travel Urbanized Area than to the fastest travel Census Bureau defined large Urban Cluster: (1=Urbanized Area, 2= large Urban Cluster--10,000-49,999)
TDIS1B Road travel distance to nearest Urbanized Area: (0=0, 1=1-29, 2=30-44, 3=45-59, 4=60-74, 5=75-89, 6=90 and farther) (if it was necessary to use linear distance, linear distance is substituted for travel distance plus 75 miles – for waits and travel time on ferries, planes etc.) (see Data: Travel Distance and Time section). Travel distance for RUCA codes 1.0 and 1.1 are assigned a zero.
TDIS4B Road travel distance to nearest large Urban Cluster (10,000-49,999): (0=0, 1=1-29, 2=30-44, 3=45-59, 4=60-74, 5=75-89, 6=90 and farther) (if it was necessary to use linear distance, linear distance is substituted for travel distance plus 75 miles – for waits and travel time on ferries, planes etc.) (see Data: Travel Distance and Time section) (-1=Not Applicable for RUCA ZIP codes 1.0 and 1.1)
SHORTB Road travel distance is shorter to the closest Urbanized Area than to the closest Census Bureau defined large Urban Cluster: (1= Urbanized Area ) , 2= large Urban Cluster--10,000-49,999 population)
UP1SZ This variable is not yet available – work in progress currently (-9s in column) 2000 population of largest work commuting Census Bureau defined Urbanized Area or Urban Cluster destination (primary flow): (0=0, 1=1-2,499; 2=2,500-4,999; 3=5,000-9,999; 4=10,000-19,999; 5=20,000-29,999; 6=30,000-49,999; 7=50,000-99,999; 8=100,000-249,999; 9=250,000-499,999; 10=500,000-999,999; 11=1,000,000-1,999,999; 12=2,000,000 and higher) (see Data: Urbanized Area and Urban Cluster Populations section)
UP2SZ This variable is not yet available – work in progress currently (-9s in column) 2000 population of second to largest work commuting Census Bureau defined Urbanized Area or Urban Cluster destination (secondary flow): (0=0, 1=1-2,499; 2=2,500-4,999; 3=5,000-9,999; 4=10,000-19,999; 5=20,000-29,999; 6=30,000-49,999; 7=50,000-99,999; 8=100,000-249,999; 9=250,000-499,999; 10=500,000-999,999; 11=1,000,000-1,999,999; 12=2,000,000 and higher) (see Data: Urbanized Area and Urban Cluster Populations section)
FIPSST State FIPS code where majority of population of the ZIP resides
STATE State alpha two-digit state abbreviation where the majority of the population resides (e.g., CA= 2,717) . USPS state abbreviations.
MST Flag that indicates whether a ZIP crosses a state boundary and the alpha two-digit state abbreviation of the overlapping state ( there are 6 ). Otherwise the field is blank.
UUSZ This variable is not yet available – work in progress currently (-9s in column) 2000 population of the Census Bureau defined urban unit (i.e., Urbanized Area, Urban Cluster, and Census Rural if less than place of 2,500) in which the ZIP code resides (approximated from Census tracts): (1=<2,500; 2=2,500-4,999; 3=5,000-9,999; 4=10,000-19,999; 5=20,000-29,999; 6=30,000-49,999; 7=50,000-99,999; 8=100,000-249,999; 9=250,000-499,999; 10=500,000-999,999; 11=1,000,000-1,999,999; 12=2,000,000 and higher) (see Data: Urbanized Area and Urban Cluster Populations section)
UTYP This variable is not yet available – work in progress currently (-9s in column) 2000 Census Bureau defined type of ZIP Code (approximated from Census tracts): (1=Urbanized Area, 2=Urban Cluster, 3=Other – places not in towns of 2500 or more called Rural by the Census Bureau)
ZIPPOP 2004 population estimate: (1=zero, 2=1-99, 3=100-499, 4=500-999, 1000 and higher) – commercial ZIPs will always show zero population (2004 populations estimates provided by Claritas Inc.). In addition, 152 other ZIP code areas have a population estimate of zero.


  1. NA= not applicable
  2. For all variables, “-1” is not applicable and “-9” is used when the data are missing/not available.
  3. Many of the variables are not available for Puerto Rico.
  4. Travel times and distances are one-way along the route determined to be the fastest route to the closest named place type on paved roads. Distances and times are calculated from the population centroid of the origin ZIP code area to the population centroid of the potential destination ZIP code areas. The information provided represents the travel time and distance to the nearest centroid of the type indicated (e.g., code 1.0 or 1.1). Travel time and distance for variables (i.e., TTIM1A, TTIM4A, TDIS1A, TDIS4A, TTIM1B, TTIM4B, TDIS1B, and TDIS4B) are assigned zero when they are within their type (e.g., travel time to the nearest 1.0 when the ZIP is a 1.0). They are assigned a -1 when it is not applicable (e.g., no times or distances for 1.0s and 1.1s to 4s). Of course, the travel times and distances can be combined to show nearest travel time and distance to 1s and 4s (i.e., closest one looking at both types of destinations). In such cases, the -1s assigned for the 1s (relative to the 4s) would be recoded to zeros for the comparisons.

There are 41,928 cases in the national file. Individual state files contain the following number of cases:

AK: 283 AL: 842 AR: 709 AZ: 518 CA: 2717
CO: 659 CT: 440 DC: 262 DE: 98 FL: 1488
GA: 977 HI: 141 IA: 1066 ID: 330 IL: 1588
IN: 988 KS: 769 KY: 1010 LA: 724 MA: 713
MD: 627 ME: 519 MI: 1168 MN: 1039 MO: 1181
MS: 537 MT: 408 NC: 1091 ND: 411 NE: 620
NH: 297 NJ: 739 NM: 429 NV: 231 NY: 2222
OH: 1454 OK: 775 OR: 486 PA: 2212 RI: 91
SC: 540 SD: 399 TN: 804 TX: 2672 UT: 348
VA: 1265 VT: 312 WA: 733 WI: 905 WV: 895
WY: 196   PR: under construction