The Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is located at the University of Washington. We work to meet the information needs of fish and wildlife managers and to train the next generation of fish and wildlife professionals.
Our Mission
Our mission is to support fish and wildlife conservation in Washington and beyond through world-class research in ecology, biology, and social science.
Our Vision
Our vision is excellence in applied fish and wildlife science, with research that is responsive to management agency needs while continuing to push the boundaries of our knowledge.
Our Values
We rely on trust and respect to create effective partnerships with stakeholders and rightsholders. We frame our science in collaboration with scientists, managers, and community members. We believe in open science and communicating our findings to policymakers and the general public alike. We provide a welcoming and supportive environment that allows students and postdoctoral scientists to obtain the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to creatively solve conservation problems.