Director: Ruikang (Ricky) Wang
GA segmentation
To segment geographic atrophy (GA) in OCT scans, based on the hyper-transmission defects by machine learning algorithm.
Zeiss OCT/OCTA IMG files 6x6 macular scans
Pixel wise 2D GA mask (.png)
GA area with (.csv)
manual correction 2D GA mask (.png)
Chu, Zhongdi, et al. "Automatic geographic atrophy segmentation using optical attenuation in OCT scans with deep learning." Biomedical Optics Express 13.3 (2022): 1328-1343.
The interface of the software
The 3-channel composite image was used as the input for the software. The hyperTD region was segmented by the algorithm.
The b-scan checking tool to review the lesion through OCT 3D volumes.
The result of automatically segmentation can be manually edited by the grader.
Each identical lesion was labeled after adjusted by the human grader, and its area was calculated by the software.
Contact Info
Department of Bioengineering, N410 William H. Foege Building, 3720 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98195
E-mail: wangrk @ uw dot edu
Phone: (2o6) 616-5o25