Director: Ruikang (Ricky) Wang
In vivo OCT imaging of Retina and Choroid
In vivo OCT imaging of Retina and Choroid
Ultrahigh speed SDOCT (500,000 A-scans per second) provides ability for comprehensive assessment of the retina status over a large field view. (a) 3D rendered volumetric image. (b) to (f) are typical depth resolved fundus (en-face) images, which are corresponding to the depth positions marked by the red, yellow, green, blue and purple lines in (a).
The functional blood flow networks of the entire brain in mice were imaged by UHS-OMAG in vivo. Because of its depth-resolved imaging capability, OMAG is capable of providing simultaneous imaging of microcirculations within (A) the meninges and (B) the cortex of a mouse. SS, sagittal suture; ACS, anterior coronal suture; PCS, posterior coronal.
Representative meningeal microvascular network during thrombus formation induced by FeCl3. (A) is a sketch of the mouse skull; the red box indicates the region imaged by UHS-OMAG and the dotted line indicates the place where the FeCl3 was topically applied. (B) shows serial OMAG images of microvascular occlusion and blood flow changes, indicating development of thrombus for the region shown in (A). Numbers in the bottom left corner of each panel are minutes after application of FeCl3. (C) is a vascular sketch based on the vascular occlusion sequence in (B), where four vessels are indicated in different colors, the numbers indicate their occlusion sequence and the arrows show four regions of interest in which blood flow will be quantified.
In vivo 3D color depth image of mouse cerebral cortex through cranial window
OMAG is capable of providing (a) retinal microvasculature maps within a large field of view, and (b) the corresponding color depth-encoded retinal vasculature map (the red, green and blue represent the GCL, IPL and OPL respectively).
High resolution OMAG retinal vasculature network images reveal clear details of the vessel interconnections, particularly for the capillary blood vessels. (a), (b) and (c) present the blood vessel networks located at the GCL, IPL and OPL layers, respectively. (d) is the false color depth-encoded blood vessel images by combining together the vessels presented in (a), (b) and (c). The red, green and blue are corresponding to GCL, IPL and OPL respectively.
In vivo 3D imaging of Chicken Embryo
Gated Volumetric Imaging (Stage 17)
In vivo 3D imaging of Chicken Embryo
Maximum diastolic phase/Maximum systolic phase
In vivo 3D imaging of Chicken Embryo
Image on the left in frame: longitudinal cut, Image on the right in frame: cross-sectional cut
Photoacoustic Tomography and Imaging
In vivo 3D Imaging of Human Skin (Finger Pad)
In vivo 3D Full Range Complex Fourier Domain OCT Imaging
3D sweat glands.avi (16.5 MB)
En-face retina structure.mpg (40.5 MB)
Chicken embryo myocardium (7.91 MB)
En-face palm skin.avi (25.8 MB)
Human eye anterior chamber (6.6 MB)
In vivo OCT microangiography of anterior eye in a healthy C57BL/6 mouse. (a) Maximum intensity projection (MIP) view [3 mmX × 3 mmY] of the 3D OCT images and (b) corresponding microvascular MIP image. (c) Overlaid image of (a) and (b). (d) 3D rendered iris vasculature (Media 1).
Clear here to see video of capillary-level vasculature of entire human hand palm
In vivo imaging of human skin of dermatological conditions
Blood perfusion on the hand with stimulation
3-D OCT/OCTA reveals human skin structure and vasculature in vivo
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