Director: Ruikang (Ricky) Wang
2000 and prior
1. R.K. Wang, “Modelling Optical Properties of Soft Tissue by Fractal Distribution of Scatters”, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol.47, pp103-120 (2000)
2. G.D. Ward, I.A. Watson, D.E. Stewart-Tull, A.C. Wardlaw, R.K. Wang, M.A. Nutely, A. Cooper, “Bactericidal action of high power Nd:YAG laser light on Escherichia Coli in saline suspension”, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Vol 83, 517-525 (2000)
3. R.K. Wang, “Resolution improved optical coherence-gating tomography for imaging biological tissue”, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 46, 1905-1913 (1999)
4. E. Rue, R. K. Wang, and Y. Wickramasinghe, “An investigation into a four channel continuous wave NIRS device for regional cerebral oxygenation monitoring”, Advances in Optical Imaging, Photon Migration and Tissue Optics, ISSBN 1-55752-611-7, pp270-272 (1999)
5. R.K. Wang, and Y. Wickramasinghe, “A novel and fast algorithm to determine optical properties of turbid medium from time-resolved measurements”, Applied Optics. Vol. 37 (No.31), pp7342 – 7351 (1998)
6. R.K. Wang, “Space Variant Optical Correlation by the Use of Random Binary Phase Modulation”, Journal of Modern Optics. Vol. 45, pp653-659 (1998, No.3).
7. R.K. Wang, I.A. Watson, G.D. Ward, D.E. Stewart-Tull, and A.C. Wardlaw, “Temperature Distribution in Escherichia coli Liquid Suspensions during Irradiation by a High Power Nd:YAG Laser for Sterilisation Applications”. Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol 2, pp295-303(1997, No.3).
8. L. Shang, R.K. Wang, and C.R. Chatwin, “Complexed DOG Filters for Optical Correlation”, Journal of Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol.27. pp161-177 (1997).
9. R.K. Wang, IA Watson, GD Ward, DE Stewart-Tull, and AC Wardlaw, “Temperature distribution of E. coli liquid suspension during high power Nd:YAG laser irradiation, Journal of Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 35, Sup. Part I, 160 (1997)
10. R.K. Wang, “Joint Transform Correlator Performing Pure Phase Correlation for Optical Pattern Recognition”, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol.43, pp2019-2035 (1996).
11. R.K. Wang, I.A. Watson and C.R. Chatwin, “Random Phase Encoding for Optical Security”, Optical Engineering, Vol.35, pp2464-2469 (1996, No.9).
12. R.K. Wang, L. Shang, I.A. Watson, and C.R. Chatwin, “Cosine Wave Encoded Joint Transform Correlation”, Optical Engineering, Vol.35, pp1901-1910 (1996, No.7).
13. R.K. Wang, L. Shang, and C.R. Chatwin, “Modified Fringe-adjusted Joint Transform Correlation to Accommodate Noise in Input Scene”, Applied Optics, Vol.35, pp286-296 (1996, No.2).
14. D.M. Budgett, P.C. Tang, J.H. Sharp, R.K. Wang and B.F. Scott, “Parallel Pixel Processing Using Programmable Gate Arrays”, Electronics Letters, Vol.32, pp1557-1559 (1996, No.17), ISSN 0013-5194
15. I.A. Watson, G.D. Ward, R.K. Wang, J.H. Sharp, D.M. Budgett, and C.R. Chatwin, “Comparative Bactericidal Activities of Seven Different Lasers”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol.1, (1996, No.4).
16. R.K. Wang, C.R. Chatwin, and L. Shang, “Synthetic Discriminant Function Fringe-adjusted Joint Transform Correlation”, Optical Engineering, Vol.34, pp2935-2944 (1995).
17. R.K. Wang and C.R. Chatwin, “Multilevel Amplitude and Phase Encoded Modified Filter Synthetic Discriminant Function Filters”, Applied Optics, Vol.34, pp4094-4104(1995, No.20).
18. R.K. Wang, C.R. Chatwin and R.C.D. Young, “Assessment of A Wiener Filter -- Synthetic Discriminant Function for Optical Correlation”, Journal of Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol.22, pp33-51(1995, No.1).
19. R.K. Wang, C.R. Chatwin and M.Y. Huang, “Correlation Filter with a Noise Adaptive Discriminant Capability”, Optik: International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Vol.99, pp18-24(1995, No.1).
20. C.R. Chatwin, R.K. Wang and R.C.D. Young, “Tuneable Edge Enhanced Filters for Optical Correlation, (invited paper)” Journal of Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol.23, pp75-91 (1995, No.2).
1. M. Wilson, R. K. Wang, “A path integral model of light scattered by turbid media”, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics, Vol.34, pp1453-1472, (2001)
2. R.K. Wang, V.V. Tuchin, X. Xu, and J.B. Elder, “Concurrent Enhancement of imaging depth and contrast for Optical Coherence Tomography by hyperosmotic agents”, Journal of Optical Society of America B, Vol. 18 (No.7) pp948-953 (2001)
3. R.K. Wang, and M. Wilson, “A vertex/propagator model for least scattered photons traversing a turbid medium”. Journal of Optical Society of America A, Vol. 18 (No.1), pp224-231 (2001)
4. R.K. Wang, Y Yang, A El Haj, and J.B. Elder, “High resolution optical tomographic imaging of biological tissues”, Scope, Vol.10 (4), pp12-14 (2001)
5. R.K. Wang, J.B. Elder, “Optical Biopsy for soft biological tissue with optical coherence tomography”, Asian Journal of Physics, Vol 10, 513-518 (2001)
1. R.K. Wang, J.B. Elder, “Propylene Glycol as a contrasting medium for optical coherence tomography to image gastrointestinal tissues”, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Vol.30, pp201-208 (2002)
2. VV Tuchin, X Xu, RK Wang, “Dynamic optical coherence tomography in studies of optical clearing, sedimentation and aggregation of immersed blood”, Applied Optics, Vol. 41, pp258-271 (2002)
3. R.K. Wang, J.B. Elder, “High resolution optical tomographic imaging of soft biological tissues”, Laser Physics, Vol. 12, 611-616 (2002)
4. R.K. Wang, “Signal degradation by multiple scattering in optical coherence tomography of dense tissue: A Monte Carlo study”, Physics in Biology and Medicine Vol 47, Issue 13, pp2281-2299 (2002)
5. R. K. Wang and V. V. Tuchin, “Enhance light penetration in tissue for high resolution optical imaging techniques by use of biocompatible chemical agents (Invited)”, J. X-Ray Science Tech. Vol 10, 167-176 (2002)
1. X Xu, RK Wang, A El Haj, “Investigation of changes in optical attenuation of bone and neuronal cells in organ culture or 3 dimensional constructs in vitro with optical coherence tomography: relevance to cytochrome-oxidase monitoring”, European Biophysics Journal, 32:355-362 (2003).
2. X Xu, RK Wang, JB Elder, VV Tuchin, “Effect on dextran-induced changes in refractive index and aggregation on optical properties of whole blood”. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48: 1205–1221 (2003)
3. X Xu and R.K. Wang, “The role of water desorption on optical clearing of biotissue: studied with near infrared reflectance spectroscopy”, Medical Physics, 30 (6): 1246-1253 (2003)
4. S Proskurin, Y He, R.K. Wang, “Determination of Flow-velocity Vector Based on Doppler Shift and Spectrum Broadening with Optical Coherence Tomography”, Optics Letters 28: 1224 – 1226 (2003)
5. Y Yang, L Wu, Y Feng, R.K. Wang, “Observations of Birefringence in Tissues from Optic-fibre Based Optical Coherence Tomography”, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.14, 41-46 (2003)
6. Y Feng, R.K. Wang, J.B. Elder, “A Theoretical Model of Optical Coherence Tomography for system optimisation and characterisation”, Journal of Optical Society of America A 20: 1792-1803 (2003)
7. Y He, R.K. Wang and D Xing, “Enhanced sensitivity and spatial resolution for in vivo imaging with low-level light emitting probes using biocompatible chemical agents”, Optics Letters 28: 2076-2078 (2003)
8. X. Xu, R.K. Wang, and JB Elder, “Optical clearing effect on Gastric tissues immersed with biocompatible chemical agents studied by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 36:1707-1713 (2003)
9. R.K. Wang, X Xu, Y He, and JB Elder, “Investigation of optical clearing of gastric tissue immersed with the hyperosmotic agents”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 9: 234-242 (2003),
10. S.G. Proskurin, I.A. Sokolova, R.K. Wang, “Imaging of non-parabolic velocity profiles in converging flow with optical coherence tomography”, Physics in Medicine and Biology 48: 2907-2918 (2003)
11. L Wu, and R.K. Wang, “Laminar flow velocity estimation by the use of conventional optical coherence tomography”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (2003, In press) Withdraw
1. R.K. Wang, “High resolution visualisation of fluid dynamics with Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography”. Measurement Science and Technology 15 725–733 (2004)
2. X Xu, R.K. Wang, “Synergistic effect of hyperosmotic agents on optical clearing of gastric tissue studied with near infrared spectroscopy”. Physics in Medicine and Biology 49: 457 – 468 (2004)
3. Y Yang, S Whiteman, Y He, D Pittius, RK Wang, M Spiteri, “Use of OCT in delineating airway microstructures: comparison of OCT images with histopathologies”. Physics in Medicine and Biology 49: 1247-56 (2004)
4. RK Wang, JC Hebden, and VV Tuchin, “Recent developments in Biomedical Optics (editorial)”. Physics in Medicine and Biology 49: U3-U3 (2004)
5. Y He, R.K. Wang, “Dynamic optical clearing effect of tissue impregnated by hyper-osmotic agents: studied with optical coherence tomography”. Journal of Biomedical Optics 9: 200-206 (2004)
6. Y. Yang, J. Sulé-Suso, P. Hoban, A. El Haj, R. K. Wang. “Monitoring of tumour cell growth in artificial membranes”. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20: 442-447 (2004)
7. 111.Mason C, Markusen JF, Town MA, Dunnill P, Wang RK, “The potential of optical coherence tomography in the engineering of living tissue”, Physics in Medicine and Biology 49: 1097-1116 (2004)
8. S Proskurin, R.K. Wang, “Optical coherence tomography imaging of converging flow”, Physics in Medicine and Biology 49: 1265-76 (2004)
9. C Mason, JF Markusen, MA Town, Y He, P Dunnill, RK Wang. “Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography for Measuring Flow in Engineered Tissue”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20: 414-423 (2004)
10. R.K. Wang, R.P. Tatum and M. Somekh, “Special Issue on Optical Biosensing: Preface (Editorial)”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20(3): 413-413 (2004), 115.84.
11. Y. He, R. K. Wang, “Improvement of depth and spatial resolution of internally generated light imaging with optical clearing method”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20: 460-467 (2004)
12. J.Y. Jiang, R.K. Wang, “Comparing Synergistic Effects of Oleic Acid and Dimethyl Sulfoxide as Vehicle on Optical Clearing of Skin Tissue in vitro”, Physics in Medicine and Biology 49 (2004) 5283–5294
13. S.G. Proskurin, R.K. Wang, “Visualisation of human subcutaneous blood vessels by increasing coherence probing depth”, QUANTUM ELECTRON+ 34 (12): 1157-1162 (2004)
1. P.H. Tomlins, and R.K. Wang, “Theory, Developments and Applications of Optical Coherence Tomography”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 2519–2535(2005) [PDF]
2. Y Su, F Zhang, K Xu, J Yao, and R.K. Wang, “A Photoacoustic tomography system for imaging of biological tissues”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 2640-2644 (2005) [PDF]
3. W Chen, R Liu, K Xu, and R.K. Wang. “Influence of contact state on NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in vivo”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 2691-2695 (2005)
4. I.A. Watson, R.K. Wang, I. Peden, D.E.S. Stewart-Tull, A.C. Wardlaw. “Effect of laser and environmental parameters on reducing microbial contamination of stainless steel surfaces with Nd:YAG laser irradiation”. Journal of Applied Microbiology 99 934-944 (2005).
5. R Liu, W Chen, X Gu, R.K. Wang, and K Xu. “Chance correlation in the non-invasive glucose measurement using near infrared spectroscopy”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 2675-2681 (2005)
6. M.Yu. Kirillin, A.V. Priezzhev, V.V. Tuchin, R.K. Wang and R. Myllyläm, “Effect of Red Blood Cell Aggregation and Sedimentation on Optical Coherence Tomography Signals from Blood Samples”. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 2582-2589 (2005)
7. Ying Yang, Pierre O Bagnaninchi, Suzanne C Whiteman, Daniel Gey van Pittius, Alicia J El Haj, Monica A Spiteri, Ruikang K Wang. “A Naturally Occurring Contrast Agent For OCT Imaging Of Smokers’ Lung”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 2590-2596 (2005)
8. Su YX, Wang RK, Xu KX, Zhang F, Yao JQ, “Time-resolved optoacoustic technique and its applications to noninvasive monitoring of biological tissue”. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 25 (8): 1176-1179 AUG 2005
9. J. Jiang, and Ruikang K Wang, “How different molarities of oleic acid as enhancer exert its effect on optical clearing of skin tissue in vitro”. Journal of X-ray Science and Technology 13: 149-159 (2005)
10. Yingjie Liu, Yixiong Su, Jianquan Yao, and Ruikang K Wang, “Influence of optical properties of surrounding medium on measured photoacoustic signals”. Journal of X-ray Science and Technology 13: 129-136 (2005)
11. Ma Zhenhe, Ruikang K Wang, Zhang Fan, Yao Jianquan. “Spectral optical coherence tomography using two-phase shifting method”. Chinese Physics Letters 22 (8): 1909-1912 (2005)
12. Wang RKK, Priezzhev AV, Fantini S, Special issue in honour of Professor Valery V Tuchin's contribution to the field of biomedical optics. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 38 (15): AUG 7 2005
1. R.K. Wang, Z. Ma, and S.J. Kirkpatrick, “Tissue Doppler optical coherence elastography for real time strain rate and strain mapping of soft tissue”, Applied Physics Letters, 89, 144103 (October, 2006) [PDF]
2. RK Wang and Z. Ma, “Real time flow imaging by removing texture pattern artifacts in ultrafast spectral domain optical Doppler tomography”, Optics Letters, 31, 3001-2003 (October, 2006) [PDF]
3. Sean J. Kirkpatrick, Ruikang K Wang, Ken Lee, Donald D. Duncan, and Molly Kulesz-Martin, “Imaging the mechanics of skin lesions by in vivo acousto-optical elastography, Optics Express, 14, (No.21, 16 OCT), pp 9770-9779 (2006) [PDF]
4. Y Yang, A Dubois, X Qin, J Li, A El Haj, R.K. Wang, “Investigation of optical coherence tomography as an imaging modality in tissue engineering”. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51: 1649–1659 (2006) [PDF]
5. P Tomlins, R.K. Wang, “Matrix Approach to Quantitative Refractive Index Analysis by Fourier Domain Optical Coherence Tomography”. Journal of Optical Society of America A, 23 (8): 1897-1907 (2006) [PDF]
6. Sean J. Kirkpatrick, Ruikang K Wang, Donald D. Duncan, “OCT-based elastography for large and small deformations”, Optics Express 14 (24): 11585-11597 (2006) [PDF]
7. R.K. Wang, Z. Ma, “A Practical approach to eliminate autocorrelation artifacts for volume-rate spectral domain optical coherence tomography”, Physics in Medicine and Biology 51:3231-3239 (2006) [PDF]
8. Z Ma, R.K. Wang, F. Zhang, J Yao, “Arbitrary three-phase shifting algorithm to achieve full range spectral optical coherence tomography”. Chinese Physics Letters, 23 (No.2): 366-369 (2006) [PDF]
9. Y Su, R.K. Wang, F. Zhang, J Yao, “Two-dimensional photoacoustic imaging of blood vessel networks within biological tissue”. Chinese Physics Letters, 23 (No.2): 512 – 515 (2006) [PDF]
10. V Prabhudesai, C Phelan,Y Yang, RK Wang, MG Cowling. “The Potential Role of Optical Coherence Tomography in the Evaluation of Vulnerable Carotid Atheromatous Plaques: A Pilot Study”, Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 29: 1039–1045 (2006), (Published on line: Sept 11, 2006) [PDF]
11. P Tomlins, R.K. Wang, “Simultaneous analysis of refractive index and physical thickness by Fourier domain optical coherence tomography”. IEE PROCEEDINGS-OPTOELECTRONICS 153 (5): 222-228 OCT 2006 [PDF]
12. Yi Wang, and Ruikang K Wang, “Imaging using parallel integral in Optical projection tomography”, Physics and Medicine in Biology, 51 (2006) 6023–6032 [PDF]
1. Lin An, Ruikang K Wang, “Use of scanner to modulate spatial interferogram for in vivo full range Fourier domain optical coherence tomography”. Optics Letters, 32, 3423-25 (2007). [Download PDF]
2. Ruikang K Wang, “Three dimensional optical angiography maps directional blood perfusion deep within microcirculation tissue beds in vivo”. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52, N531-N537 (2007) [Download PDF]
3. S.J, Kirkpatrick, D.D. Duncan, R.K. Wang, and M.T. Hinds, “Quantitative temporal speckle contrast imaging for tissue mechanics.” Journal of Optical Society of America A. 24, 3728-34 (2007). [PDF]
4. Ruikang K Wang, and Sawan Hurst “Mapping of cerebrovascular blood perfusion in mice with skin and cranium intact by Optical Micro-AngioGraphy at 1300nm wavelength”. Optics Express, 15, 11402-11412, (2007). [PDF]
5. Yi Wang and Ruikang K Wang, “Optimization of image-forming optics for transmission optical projection tomography”, Applied Optics, 46, 6815-6820 (2007) [PDF]
6. P.H. Tomlins and Ruikang K Wang, “Digital phase stabilization to improve detection sensitivity for optical coherence tomography”, Measurement Science and Technology, 18, 3365–3372, (2007) [PDF]
7. Y. Yang, P.O. Bagnaninchi, M. Ahearne, R.K. Wang, and K.K. Liu, “A novel OCT-based micro-indentation technique for mechanical characterization of hydrogels”, Journal of Royal Society Interface, 4 (17), 1169-1173, (2007) [PDF]
8. Ruikang K Wang, “Fourier domain optical coherence tomography achieves full range complex imaging in vivo by introducing a carrier frequency during scanning”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52, 5897-5907 (2007) [PDF]
9. C.M. Fan, Y. Wang, R.K. Wang, “Spectral Domain Polarization Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography Achieved by Single Camera Detection”, Optics Express, 15, 7950-7961, (2007) [PDF]
10. R.K. Wang, S.J. Kirkpatrick, Monica Hinds, ““Phase Sensitive Optical Coherence Elastography for Mapping Tissue Micro-Strains in Real Time”, Applied Physics Letters, 90, 164105, (April 2007) [PDF]
11. R.K. Wang, S. Jacques, Z. Ma, S. Hurst, S. Hanson, A. Gruber “ Three dimensional optical angiography”, Optics Express 15, 4083-4097 (April 2, 2007) [PDF]
12. Ruikang K Wang, “In vivo full range complex Fourier domain optical coherence tomography”, Applied Physics Letters, 90, 054103 (Issue 5, January 2007) [PDF]
13. PH Tomlins, WM Palin, AC Shortall and RK Wang, “Time-Resolved Simultaneous Measurement of Group Index and Physical Thickness during Photo-Polymerization of Resin Based Dental Composite”, Journal of Biomedical Optics12 (1), art. No. 014020. (January/February, 2007). [PDF]
14. D. A. Zimnyakov, A.B. Pravdin, L.V. Kuznetsova, V.I. Kochubey and V.V. Tuchin, R.K. Wang, O.V. Ushakova, “Random media characterization using the analysis of diffusing light data on the base of effective medium model, Journal of Optical Society of America A, 24 (3), 711-723 (2007). [PDF]
15. P.O. Bagnaninchi, Y. Yang, N. Zghoul, N. Maffulli, R.K. Wang, A. J. El Haj, “Chitosan Microchannel Scaffolds for Tendon Tissue Engineering characterized by optical coherence tomography”, Tissue Engineering, 13 (2), 323-331 (2007). [PDF]
1. Lin An, and Ruikang K Wang, “In vivo volumetric imaging of vascular perfusion within human retina and choroids with optical micro-angiography”, Optics Express, 16, 11438-11452 (2008)
2. Ruikang K Wang, “Directional blood flow imaging in volumetric optical micro-angiography achieved by digital frequency modulation”, Optics Letters, 33 (no 16) 1878-1880 (2008)
3. Sandra Rugonyi, Carley Shaut, Aiping Liu, Kent Thornburg and Ruikang K Wang, “Changes in wall motion and blood flow in the outflow tract of chick embryonic hearts observed with optical coherence tomography after outflow tract banding and vitelline-vein ligation”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53 5077–5091 (2008)
4. Yi Wang, and Ruikang K Wang, “Photoacoustic recovering of absolute optical absorption coefficient with exact solution of wave equation”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53, 6167-6177 (2008)
5. Jingying Jiang , Matthias Boese, Paul Turner, Ruikang K. Wang, “Penetration Kinetics of DMSO and Glycerol in Dynamic Optical Clearing of Porcine Skin Tissue in vitro Studied by FT-IR Spectroscopic Imaging”, Journal of Biomedical Optics. 13, Art. No. 021105 (2008)
6. S. Hurst, W. Huang, W. Zhang, NJ Alkayed, A. Gruber, R.K. Wang, “In-vivo optical imaging of cerebral blood perfusion during focal ischemia in mice”, Stroke, 39, 572-573 (2008)
7. Haixin Dong, Zhouyi Guo, Changchun Zeng, Huiqing Zhong, Yonghong He, Ruikang K. Wang, Songhao Liu, “Quantitative Analysis on Tongue Inspection in Traditional Chinese Medicine Using Optical Coherence Tomography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics. 13, Art. No. 011004, (2008)
8. D.D. Duncan, S.J. Kirkpatrick, and R.K. Wang. “Statistics of local speckle contrast”. Journal of Optical Society of America A. 25, 9-15 (2008).
9. H. Xiong, C. Zeng, Z. Guo, H. Zong, R.K. Wang, S. Liu, Y. He, “Potential ability of hematoporphyrin to enhance an optical coherence tomographic image of gastric cancer in vivo in mice”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53 6767–6775 (2008)
1. R.K. Wang, and H.M. Subhash, “Optical Micro-angiography: A new technique for high resolution imaging of blood perfusion”, Optics and Photonics News, 20 (No.11), 40-46 (2009)
2. Y.L. Jia, L. An, and R.K. Wang, “Doppler optical micro-angiography improves the quantification of local fluid flow and shear stress within 3D porous constructs”, Journal of Biomedical Optics (Letters), 14, 050504 (2009)
3. Y.L. Jia, N.J. Alkayed, R.K. Wang, “The Potential of Optical Micro-angiography to Monitor Cerebral Blood Perfusion and Vascular Plasticity Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice in vivo”, Journal of Biomedical Optics (Letters), 14, 040505 (2009)
4. J.S. Cetas, D.R. Lee, N.J. Alkayed, R.K. Wang, J.J. Iliff, M.M. Heinricher. “Brainstem control of cerebral blood flow and application to acute vasospasm following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage”, Neuroscience, 163, 719-729, (2009).
5. W. Zhang, J. J. Iliff, C. J. Campbell, R.K. Wang, P.D. Hurn, N. J. Alkayed, “Role of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in the Sex-Specific Vascular Response to Cerebral Ischemia”, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 29, 1475-1481 (2009)
6. A. Liu, R.K. Wang, K.L. Thornburg, and S. Rugonyi, “Efficient post-acquisition synchronization of 4D non-gated cardiac images obtained from optical coherence tomography: application to 4D reconstruction of the chick embryonic heart”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 14 (4), 044020 (2009)
7. J.J. Iliff, R.K. Wang, D.C. Zeldin, N.J. Alkayed, “Epoxyeicosanoids as Mediators of Neurogenic Vasodilation in Cerebral Vessels”, American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 296: 1352-1363 (2009)
8. R.K. Wang, and L. An, “Doppler optical micro-angiography for volumetric imaging of vascular perfusion in vivo”, Optics Express, 17 (11), 8926 – 8940 (2009)
9. Y. Jia , P. Bagnaninchi , Y. Yang , A. El Haj , M. Hinds , S. Kirkpatrick , R. K. Wang, “Doppler optical coherence tomography imaging of local fluid flow and shear stress within microporous scaffolds”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 14 (3), 034014 (2009)
10. A. Liu, R.K. Wang, K.L. Thornburg and S. Rugonyi. “Dynamic Variation of Hemodynamic Shear Stress on the Walls of Developing Chick Hearts: Computational Models of the Heart Outflow Tract”, Engineering with Computers, 25, 73-86 (2009).
1. Y.L. Jia, T. Baumann and R.K. Wang, “Label-free 3D optical microangiography imaging of functional vasa nervorum and peripheral microvascular tree in the hind limb of diabetic mice”, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 3(4) 307–313 (2010)
2. Y. Wang, and R.K. Wang, “Autocorrelation optical coherence tomography for mapping transverse particle-flow velocity”, Optics Letters 35, 3538-3540 (2010).
3. Y.L. Jia, R.K. Wang, “Label-free in vivo optical imaging of functional microcirculations within meninges and cortex in mice”, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 194, 108-115. (2010)
4. Y. Jung*, Z.W. Zhi*, and R.K. Wang, “3D optical imaging of microvascular network within intact lymph node in vivo”, Journal of Biomedical Optics (Letters) 15, 050101 (2010). [*Equal authors]
5. Z. Ma, A. Liu, X. Yin, A. Troyer, K. Thornburg, R.K. Wang, S. Rugonyi. “Measurement of absolute blood flow velocity across outflow tract of HH18 chicken embryo based on 4D reconstruction using spectral domain optical coherence tomography”. Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp. 798-811 (2010).
6. R.K. Wang, and A.L. Nuttall, “Phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography imaging of the tissue motion within the organ of Corti at a sub-nanometer scale: A preliminary study,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15 (Sept/Oct), 056005 (2010).
7. Y.L. Jia, L. An, and R.K. Wang, “Label-free and highly sensitive optical imaging of detailed microcirculation within meninges and cortex in mice with the cranium left intact,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15 (May/June), 030510 (2010). [Result reported on the cover of the Journal]
8. H. M. Subhash, V. Davila, H. Sun, A.T. Nguyen-Huynh, A.L Nuttall and R.K. Wang, “Volumetric in vivo imaging of intra-cochlear microstructures in mice by high-speed spectral domain optical coherence tomography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15 (May/June), 036024 (2010)
9. R.K. Wang, L. An, P. Francis and D. Wilson, “Depth-resolved imaging of capillary networks in retina and choroid using ultrahigh sensitive optical microangiography”, Optics Letters 35, 1467-1469 (2010).
10. L. An, J. Qin and R.K. Wang, “Ultrahigh sensitive optical microangiography for in vivo imaging of microcirculations within human skin tissue beds,” Optics Express 18, 8220-8228 (2010).
11. R.K. Wang, L. An, S. Saunders, and D. Wilson, “Optical microangiography provides depth resolved images of directional ocular blood perfusion in posterior eye segment”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15 (March/April), 020502 (2010). (JBO Letters)
12. L. An, H.M. Subhash, D. Wilson, and R.K. Wang, “High resolution wide field imaging of retinal and choroidal blood perfusion with optical micro-angiography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15 (March/April), 026011 (2010).
13. R.K. Wang, “Optical Microangiography: A Label Free 3D Imaging Technology to Visualize and Quantify Blood Circulations within Tissue Beds in vivo”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16 (3) 545-554 (2010). (invited)
14. Y. Wang, and R.K. Wang, “High-resolution computed tomography of refractive index distribution by transillumination low coherence interferometry”, Optics Letters, 35, 91-93 (2010)
15. N. Choudhury, F.Y. Chen, X.R. Shi, A.L. Nuttall, and R.K. Wang, “Volumetric Imaging of Blood Flow within Cochlea in Gerbil in vivo”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16 (3), 524-529 (2010)
16. L. An, H.M. Subhash, and R.K. Wang, “Full Range Complex Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography for Volumetric Imaging at 47, 000 A Scans per Second”, Journal of Optics, 12 (8): 084003 (8pp) (2010)
1. G. Guan*, R. Reif* and R. K. Wang, “Depth profiling of photothermal compound concentrations using phase sensitive optical coherence tomography”, J. Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16, 126003, 2011. (*: Authors contributed equally to this work)
2. P. Li, L. An, R. Reif, T.T. Shen, M. Johnstone, R.K. Wang, “In vivo 3D multifunctional imaging of human corneal-scleral limbus with spectral domain optical coherence tomography”. Biomedical Optics Express 2 (11), 3109 – 3118 (2011)
3. Yali Jia, Peng Li, Suzan Dziennis and Ruikang K. Wang. “Responses of peripheral blood flow to acute hypoxia and hyperoxia as measured by optical microangiography”, PLoS ONE (In press, 2011)
4. Chunhui Li, Guangying Guan, Roberto Reif, Zhihong Huang*, and Ruikang K. Wang*, “Evaluating elastic properties of skin by measuring impulse response using phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography”, Journal of the Royal Society Interface (In press, 2011)
5. Peng Li, Aiping Liu, Liang Shi, Xin Yin, Sandra Rugonyi, and Ruikang K Wang, “Assessment of strain and strain rate in embryonic chick heart in vivo using tissue Doppler optical coherence tomography”, Physics in Medicine and Biology 56, 7081-7992 (2011)
6. A.K. Dunn, R. Leitgeb, R.K. Wang*, and H Zhang, “Introduction: feature issue on in vivo microcirculation imaging”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2, 1861-1863 (2011) [*Lead author].
7. Y. Wang, C.H. Li, and R.K. Wang. “Non-contact photoacoustic imaging by using a low coherence interferometer as the acoustic detector” Optics Letters 36(20), 3975-3977, (2011). doi:10.1364/OL.36.003975.
8. Lin An, Tueng T. Shen, and Ruikang K Wang. “Using ultrahigh sensitive Optical Microangiography to achieve comprehensive depth resolved vasculature mapping for human retina.” Journal of Biomedical Optics 16 (10), 106013 (2011)
9. Lin An, Peng Li, Tueng T. Shen, and R.K. Wang. “High speed spectral domain optical coherence tomography for retinal imaging at 500,000 A-lines per second”, Biomedical Optics Express 2(10), 2770-2783 (2011)
10. G.Z. Liu, S. Yousefi, Z.W. Zhi, and R.K. Wang, “Automatic Estimation of Point-Spread-Function for Deconvoluting Out-of-Focus Optical Coherence Tomographic Images Using Information Entropy-Based Approach”, Optics Express, 19 (19), 18135 – 18148 (2011). doi:10.1364/OE.19.018135
11. Y.L. Jia, P. Li and R.K. Wang, “Optical microangiography provides an ability to monitor responses of cerebral microcirculation to hypoxia and hyperoxia in mice”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16, 096019 (2011); doi:10.1117/1.3625238.
12. Z.W. Zhi*, J. Qin*, P. Li, and R.K. Wang, “Supercontinuum light source enables in vivo optical microangiography of capillary vessels within tissue beds”, Optics Letters36, pp. 3169-3171 (2011) doi:10.1364/OL.36.003169. (*: Authors contributed equally to this work)
13. Y.R. Jung, R. Reif, Y.G. Zeng and R.K. Wang, “Three-Dimensional High Resolution Imaging of Gold Nanorod Uptake in Sentinel Lymph Nodes”, Nano Letters11(7):2938-43 (2011).
14. Y.L. Jia, J. Qin, Z.W. Zhi, and R.K. Wang. “Ultra-high sensitive optical microangiography reveals depth-resolved microcirculation and its longitudinal response to prolonged ischemic event within skeletal muscles in mice”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16, 086004 (Aug 01, 2011); doi:10.1117/1.3606565.
15. F.Y. Chen, D.J. Zha, A. Fridberger, J.F. Zheng, N. Choudhury, S.L. Jacques, R.K. Wang, A.L. Nuttall, “A differentially amplified motion in the ear for near-threshold sound detection”, Nature Neuroscience, 14, 770-774 (2011).
16. L. An, G. Guan, and R.K. Wang, “High speed 1310nm spectral domain optical coherence tomography at 184,000 lines per second”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16 (6), 060506 (2011)
17. Y. Wang, and R.K. Wang, “Measurement of particle concentration in flow by statistical analyses of optical coherence tomography signals”, Optics Letters 36 (11), 2143-2145 (2011).
18. C.H. Li, Z.H. Huang, and R.K. Wang, “Elastic properties of soft tissue assessed by combined use of laser ultrasonics and low coherence interferometry”, Optics Express, 19, 10153-10163 (2011)
19. Z.W. Zhi, Y.R. Jung, Y.L. Jia L. An, R.K. Wang “Highly sensitive imaging of renal microcirculation in vivo using ultrahigh sensitive optical microangiography”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2(5), 1059-1068 (2011).
20. S. Yousefi, Z. Zhi, and R.K. Wang, “Eigendecomposition-based clutter filtering technique for optical microangiography”, IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering 58(8), 2316 – 2323 (2011)
21. R.K. Wang and L. An, “Multifunctional imaging of human retina and choroid with 1050nm spectral domain optical coherence tomography at 92 kHz line scan rate”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16 (5), 050503 (May 19, 2011)
22. P. Li, X. Yin, L. Shi, A.P. Liu, S. Rugonyi, and R.K. Wang, “Measurement of strain and strain rate in embryonic chick heart in vivo using spectral domain optical coherence tomography”, IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering 58(8), 2333 – 2338 (2011)
23. L. An, and R.K. Wang, “Full-range complex ultrahigh sensitive optical microangiography”, Optics Letters Vol. 36, Iss. 6, pp. 831–833 (2011)
24. A.P. Liu, A. Nickerson, A. Troyer, X. Yin, R. Cary, K. Thornburg, R.K. Wang, S. Rugonyi, “Quantifying blood flow and wall shear stresses in the outflow tract of chick embryonic hearts”, Computers and Structures 89, 855–867 (2011)
25. Z.W. Zhi, W. Cepurna, E. Johnson, T. Shen, J. Morrison and R.K. Wang, “Volumetric and quantitative imaging of retinal blood flow in rats with optical microangiography”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2, 579-591 (2011)
26. M.A. Berny, S. Hurst, E.I. Tucker, L.A. Pelc, R.K. Wang, P.D. Hurn, E. Di Cera, O.J. McCarty, and A. Gruber, “Thrombin mutant W215A/E217A treatment improves neurological outcome and reduces cerebral infarct size in a mouse model of ischemic stroke”, Stroke 42 (6), pp. 1736-1741 (2011).
27. J. Qin, J.Y. Jiang, L. An, D. Gareau, R.K. Wang. “In vivo volumetric imaging of microcirculation within human skin under psoriatic conditions using optical microangiography.” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 43(2): 122-129 (2011).
28. H. M. Subhash, V. Davila, H. Sun, A.T. Nguyen-Huynh, A.L Nuttall and R.K. Wang, “Volumetric in vivo imaging of microvascular perfusion within the intact cochlea in mice by ultrahigh sensitive-optical microangiography”, IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, 30, 224-230 (2011).
29. Y.L. Jia, and R.K. Wang, “Optical micro-angiography images structural and functional cerebral blood perfusion in mice with cranium left intact”, Journal of Biophotonics, 4, 57-63 (2011).
30. Y.L. Jia, M.R. Grafe, A. Gruber, N.J. Alkayed and R.K. Wang, “In Vivo Optical Imaging of Revascularization after Brain Trauma in Mice”, Microvascular Research 81, 73-80 (2011)
1. Peng Li and Ruikang K Wang. “Optical coherence tomography provides an ability to assess mechanical property of cardiac wall of developing outflow tract in embryonic heart in vivo”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(12), 120502-120502, 2012.
2. Roberto Reif *, Jia Qin *, Lei Shi *, Suzan Dziennis, Zhongwei Zhi, Alfred Nuttall and Ruikang K. Wang, “Monitoring hypoxia induced changes in cochlear blood flow and haemoglobin concentration using a combined dual-wavelength laser speckle contrast imaging and Doppler optical microangiography system”, PLoS One (In press) [* equal authors].
3. Zhongwei Zhi, Xin Yin, Suzan Dziennis, Tomasz Wietecha, Kelly L. Hudkins, Charles E. Alpers, Ruikang K Wang. “High quality optical microangiography of retina and choroid and measurement of total retinal blood flow in mice.” Biomedical Optics Express, 3 (11), 2976-2986 (2012)
4. Guozhong Liu, Zhongwei Zhi, and Ruikang K. Wang, “Digital Focusing of OCT Images Based on Scalar Diffraction Theory and Information Entropy”, Biomedical Optics Express 3(11), 2774 – 2783 (2012)
5. Lin An, Murray Johnstone and Ruikang K Wang, “Optic nerve head microstructure and microvasculature correlation using optical microangiography in human subjects”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 17 (11), 116018 (2012); doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.11.116018
6. Chunhui Li, Shaozhen Song, Guanying Guan, Ruikang K. Wang, Zhihong Huang, “Frequency dependence of laser ultrasonic SAW phase velocities measurements” Ultrasonics, (in press, 2012). [Epub ahead of print],
7. Suzan Dziennis, Roberto Reif, Zhongwei Zhi, Alfred L. Nuttall and Ruikang K. Wang, “Effects of hypoxia on cochlear blood flow in mice”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(10), 106003 (2012). DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.10.106003
8. Peng Li, Xin Yin, Liang Shi, Sandra Rugonyi, and Ruikang K Wang. “In vivo functional imaging of blood flow and wall strain in outflow tract of embryonic chick heart using ultrafast spectral domain optical coherence tomography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17 (9), 096006 (2012).
9. Jia Qin, Lei Shi, Suzan Dziennis, Roberto Reif, and Ruikang K. Wang, “Fast synchronized dual-wavelength laser speckle imaging system for monitoring hemodynamic changes in a stroke mouse model”, Optics Letters, 37 (19), 4005 – 4007 (2012)
10. Roberto Reif and Ruikang K. Wang, “Label-free imaging blood vessel morphology with capillary resolution using optical microangiography”, Quant Imaging Med Surg 2(3): 207-212 (2012). DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4292.2012.08.01
11. X. Yin, A.P. Liu, Z.H. Ma, K.L. Thornburg, R.K. Wang, S. Rugonyi, “Extracting Heart Outflow Tract of Chicken Embryo from Optical Coherence Tomography 4D Data Using Double-line Model”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 17 (9), 096005 (2012).
12. Zhongwei Zhi, William O. Cepurna, Elaine C. Johnson, John C. Morrison, Ruikang K. Wang. “Effects of Intraocular Pressure on Retinal and Optic Nerve Head Blood Flow in Rats Determined by optical coherence tomography/Optical Microangiography”, Biomedical Optics Express, 3 (9), 2220-2233 (2012).
13. Peng Li, Roberto Reif, Zhongwei Zhi, Elizabeth Martin, Tueng T. Shen, Murray Johnstone, and Ruikang K. Wang, “Phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography characterization of pulse-induced trabecular meshwork displacement in ex vivo nonhuman primate eyes”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 17 (7), 076026 (2012).
14. Aiping Liu, Xin Yin, Liang Shi, Peng Li, Kent Thornburg, Ruikang K Wang, Sandra Rugonyi, “Biomechanics of the chick embryonic heart outflow tract at HH18 using 4D optical coherence tomography imaging and computational modelling”, PLoS ONE 7 (7), e40869, (2012)
15. Hrebesh M. Subhash, Anh Nguyen-Huynh, Ruikang K. Wang, Steven L. Jacques, Niloy Choudhury and Alfred L. Nuttall. “Feasibility of spectral-domain phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography for middle ear vibrometry”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 17, 060505 (2012)
16. Philberta Y. Leung, Sawan Hurst, Michelle A. Berny-Lang, Norah G. Verbout, David Gailani, Erik I. Tucker, Ruikang K. Wang, Owen J.T. McCarty, András Gruber, “Inhibition of factor XII-mediated activation of factor XI provides protection against experimental acute ischemic stroke in mice”, Translational Stroke Research, 3 (3), pp 381-389. DOI: 10.1007/s12975-012-0186-5
17. Chunhui Li, Guangying Guan, Zhihong Huang, Murray Johnstone, and Ruikang K. Wang. “Non-contact all-optical measurement of corneal elasticity”, Optics Letters 37, 1625-1627 (2012)
18. Roberto Reif, Jia Qin, Lin An, Zhongwei Zhi, Suzan Dziennis and Ruikang Wang. “Quantifying optical microangiography images obtained from a spectral domain optical coherence tomography system”, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, volume 2012 Article ID 509783, 11 pages, (2012). doi:10.1155/2012/509783
19. Xusheng Zhang, Siavash Yousefi, Lin An, Ruikang K. Wang. “Automated Segmentation of Intra-macular Layers in FD-OCT Structural images from Normal Subjects”, Journal Biomedical Optics 17, 046011 (2012), DOI:10.1117/1.JBO.17.4.046011
20. Chunhui Li, Guangying Guan, Sinan Li, Zhihong Huang, and Ruikang K. Wang. “Evaluating elastic properties of heterogeneous soft tissue by surface acoustic waves detected by phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17, 057002 (May 03, 2012);
21. C. Li, S. Li, G. Guan, C. Wei, Z. Huang, and R.K. Wang, “A comparison of laser ultrasound measurements and finite element simulations for evaluating the elastic properties of tissue mimicking phantoms”, Optics & Laser Technology, 44, 866-871 (2012)
22. Zhiliang Tan, Yanfei Liao, Yongbo Wu, Zhilie Tang, and Ruikang K. Wang. “Photoacoustic microscopy achieved by microcavity synchronous parallel acquisition technique”, Optics Express, 20 (5), 5802-5808 (2012).
23. Zhongwei Zhi, Yeongri Jung and Ruikang K. Wang. “Label-free 3D imaging of microstructure, blood and lymphatic vessels within tissue beds in vivo”, Optics Letters, 37 (5), 812-814 (2012)
24. Jia Qin*, Roberto Reif*, Zhongwei Zhi, Suzan Dziennis, and Ruikang Wang. “Hemodynamic and morphological vasculature response to a burn monitored using a combined dual-wavelength laser speckle and optical microangiography imaging system”, Biomedical Optics Express 3 (3), 455-466 (2012) [* = equal authors]
25. Chunhui Li, Guangying Guan, Xi Cheng, Zhihong Huang, Ruikang K. Wang, “Quantitative elastography provided by surface acoustic waves measured by phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography”, Optics Letters, Vol.37 (4), 722-724 (2012)
26. Y.R. Jung, G.Y. Guan, C.W. Wei, X. Gao, M. O’Donnell and R.K. Wang, “Multifunctional nanoprobes engineered for enhancing utilities of optical based imaging techniques” Journal of Biomedical Optics 17 (1), 016015 (2012)
27. D.J. Zha, F.Y. Chen, S. Ramamoorthy, A. Fridberger, N. Choudhury, S.L. Jacques, R.K. Wang, A.L. Nuttall. “In vivo outer hair cell length changes expose the active process in the Cochlea”, PLoS One 7(4): e32757 (2012). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032757
28. C.H. Li, G. Guan, R. Reif, Z. Huang, and R.K. Wang, “Evaluating elastic properties of skin by measuring impulse response using phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography”, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9 (5) 831-841 (2012). doi: 10.1098/rsif.2011.0583.
1. Roberto Reif, Zhongwei Zhi, Suzan Dziennis, Alfred L. Nuttall and Ruikang K. Wang, “Changes in cochlear blood flow in mice due to loud sound exposure using Doppler optical microangiography and laser Doppler flowmetry” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 3(5):235-242 (2013).
2. S. Song, Z. Huang, T.M. Nguyen, E.Y. Wong, B. Arnal, M. O’Donnell, and R.K. Wang “Shear modulus imaging by direct visualization of propagating shear waves with phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography”, J. Biomed. Opt. 18(12), 121509 (Nov 08, 2013). doi:10.1117/1.JBO.18.12.121509
3. S. Song, Z. Huang, and R.K. Wang, “Tracking shear wave propagating within tissue using phase sensitive optical coherence tomography: Motion artefact and its compensation”, J. Biomed. Opt. 18 (12), 121505 (2013); doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.12.121505
4. C.R. Sun, H. Sun, S. Wu, C.C. Lee, R.K. Wang, S.G. Kernie and J.L. Liu, “Conditional ablation of neuroprogenitor cells in adult mice impedes recovery of post-stroke cognitive function and reduces synaptic connectivity in the perforant pathway”, J. Neuroscience, 33 (44): 17314-17325 (2013)
5. Guangying Guan, Chunhui Li, Yuting Ling, Yang Ying, Jan B. Vorstius, Robert P. Keatch, Ruikang K. Wang and Zhihong Huang. “Quantitative evaluation of degenerated tendon model using combined optical coherence elastography and acoustic radiation force method”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18 (11), 111417 (2013), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.11.111417.
6. Ruikang K Wang, “Label-free optical microangiography of tissue microcirculations in vivo”, China Medical Device 28(11), 1-4 (2013). [Invited]
7. Lei Shi, Jia Qin, and Ruikang K. Wang, “Wide velocity range Doppler optical microangiography using optimized step-scanning protocol with phase-variance mask”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18 (10), 106015 (October 28, 2013); doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.10.106015.
8. Peng Li, Tueng T. Shen, Murray Johnstone, and Ruikang K. Wang. “Pulsatile motion of the trabecular meshwork in healthy human subjects quantified by phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography”, Biomedical Optics Express, 4(10), 2051-2065 (2013)
9. Siavash Yousefi, Jia Qin, and Ruikang Wang, “Label-free optical lymphangiography: development of an automatic segmentation method applied to optical coherence tomography to visualize lymphatic vessels using Hessian filters”, J Biomed Opt. 18(8):86004 (2013). doi: 10.1117/1.
10. Siavash Yousefi, Jia Qin, and Ruikang Wang, “Super-Resolution Spectral Estimation of Optical Micro-angiography for Capillary Flow Quantification”, Biomedical Optics Express, 4 (7), 1214 – 1228 (2013)
11. R. Liu, J. Qin, and R.K. Wang, “Motion-contrast laser speckle imaging of microcirculation within tissue beds in vivo”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18 (6), 060508 (2013)
12. L. An, J. Chao, M. Johnstone, and R.K. Wang, “Non-invasive imaging of pulsatile movements of the optic nerve head in normal human subjects using phase-sensitive spectral domain OCT”, Optics Letters, Vol.38 (9), 1512-14 (2013).
13. H.M. Subhash, N. Choudhury, F. Chen, R.K. Wang, S.L. Jacques, A.L. Nuttall. “Depth-resolved dual-beamlet vibrometry based on Fourier domain low coherence interferometry”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(3), 036003 (March 2013)
14. S. Yousefi, J. Qin, Z. Zhi, R.K. Wang, “Uniform enhancement of optical micro-angiography images using rayleigh contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization”, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 3(1):5-17 (2013). doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4292.2013.01.01.
15. G Liu and R.K. Wang, “Stripe motion artifact suppression in phase-resolved OCT blood flow images of the human eye based on the frequency rejection filter”, Chinese Optics Letters, 11(3), 031701(2013).
16. Y. Jung, S. Dziennis, Z. Zhi, R. Reif and R.K. Wang, “Tracking dynamic microvascular changes during healing after complete biopsy punch on the mouse pinna using optical microangiography”, PLoS One 8(2): e57976 (2013). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057976 .
17. P. Li, L. An, G. Lan, M. Johnstone, D. Malchow and R.K. Wang. “Extended imaging depth to 12 mm for 1050-nm spectral domain optical coherence tomography for imaging the whole anterior segment of the human eye at 120-kHz A-scan rate”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(1), 016012 (January 2013)
18. L. An, P. Li, G. Lan, D. Malchow and R.K. Wang, “High-resolution 1050 nm spectral domain retinal optical coherence tomography at 120 kHz A-scan rate with 6.1 mm imaging depth”, Biomedical Optics Express 4(2), 245-259 (2013).
19. C. Li, S. Song, G. Guan, R.K. Wang, Z. Huang, “Frequency dependence of laser ultrasonic SAW phase velocities measurements” Ultrasonics, 53 (1) 191-195 (2013). DOI: 10.1016/j.ultras.2012.05.009
1. Y. Sun, P. Li, M. Johnstone, R.K. Wang, T.T. Shen, “Pulsatile Motion of Trabecular Meshwork in a Patient with Iris Cyst by Phase-Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography: A Case Report.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 5 (1), 171-173 (2014)
2. P Li, Y Sun, S Hariri, Z Zhou, T.T. Shen, and R.K. Wang, “Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Evaluation of Ocular Graft-versus-Host Disease: A Case Study.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 5 (1), 163-170 (2014).
3. C. Li, G. Guan, F. Zhang, F. Zhang, S. Song, R.K. Wang, Z. Huang and G. Nabi. “Quantitative elasticity measurement of urinary bladder wall using laser-induced surface acoustic waves.” Biomedical Optics Express, 5(12): 4313-4328 (2014).
4. Y.D. Li*, U. Baran*, and R.K. Wang, “Application of thinned-skull cranial window to mouse cerebral blood flow imaging using optical microangiography”, PLoS one, 9(11): e113658. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0113658 (2014).
5. S. Hariri, M. Johnstone, Y. Jiang, S. Padilla, Z. Zhou, R. Reif and R.K. Wang, "Platform to investigate aqueous outflow system structure and pressure-dependent motion using high-resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography," J. Biomed. Opt., 19(10), 106013 (2014). doi:10.1117/1.JBO.19.10.106013.
6. S. Yousefi and R.K. Wang, “Simultaneous Estimation of Bidirectional Particle Flow and Relative Flux using MUSIC-OCT: Phantom Studies”, Phys. Med. Biol. 59 (22): 6693-6708 (2014). doi:10.1088/0031-9155/59/22/6693. Selected by Editor-in-Chief as a featured article for the issue.
7. H. Wang, U. Baran, Y.D. Li, W. Qin, W. Wang, H.S. Zeng, and R.K. Wang, “Does optical microangiography provide accurate imaging of capillaries: validation using multiphoton microscopy.” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19 (10): 106011 (2014).
8. X. Yin, J. Chao, R.K. Wang, “User-guided segmentation for volumetric retinal optical coherence tomography images”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19 (8), 086020 (2014)
9. Y.P. Huang*, Q.Q, Zhang*, M.R. Thorell, L. An, M. Durbin, M. Laron, G. Gregori, U. Sharma, P. Rosenfeld, R.K. Wang, “Swept-source OCT Angiography of the Retinal Vasculature using Intensity Differentiation Based OMAG Algorithms”, OSLI Retina, 45 (5):382-389 (2014). doi: 10.3928/23258160-20140909-08. Editorial commentary: OCT Angiography: The Next Era of OCT Technology Emerges by Carmen A. Puliafito, the editor-in-Chief. Doi: 10.3928/23258160-20140925-01
10. M.R. Thorell*, Q.Q, Zhang*, Y.P. Huang, L. An, M. Durbin, M. Laron, U. Sharma, P.F. Stetson, G. Gregori, R.K. Wang, P. Rosenfeld, “Swept Source OCT Angiography of Macular Telangiectasia Type 2”, OSLI Retina, 45 (5):382-389 (2014). Editorial commentary: OCT Angiography: The Next Era of OCT Technology Emerges by Carmen A. Puliafito, the editor-in-Chief. Doi: 10.3928/23258160-20140925-01. Featured on the cover of the journal.
11. W.J. Choi, and R.K. Wang, “In vivo imaging of functional microvasculature within tissue beds of oral and nasal cavities by swept-source optical coherence tomography with a forward/side-viewing probe”, Biomedical Optics Express, 5 (8), 2620-2634 (2014).
12. D.A. Siler, R. Martini, J. Ward, J. Nelson, R. Borkar, K. Zuloaga , J. Liu, J. Raskin, V. Anderson, A. Dogan, R.K. Wang, N.J. Alkayed MD, and J.S. Cetas. “Protective Role of P450 Epoxyeicosanoids in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage”, Neurocritical Care (in press, 2014). DOI: 10.1007/s12028-014-0011-y
13. W.J. Choi, and R.K. Wang “Volumetric cutaneous microangiography of human skin in vivo by VCSEL swept-source optical coherence tomography”, Quantum Electronics 44 (8), 740-745, (2014)
14. S. Yousefi, Z. Zhi and R.K. Wang, “Label-free optical imaging of lymphatic vessels within tissue beds in vivo” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 20 (2), 6800510 (2014). doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2013.2278073. Featured on the cover of the journal.
15. S. Ramamoorthy, D. Zha, F. Chen, S. Jacques, R.K. Wang, N. Choudhury, A.L. Nuttall, and A. Fridberger, "Filtering of acoustic signals within the hearing organ." The Journal of Neuroscience, 34 (27): 9051-9058 (2014); doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0722-14.2014
16. R. Reif, U. Baran, and R.K. Wang, “Motion artefact and background noise suppression on optical microangiography frames using a Naïve Bayes mask”, Applied Optics 53 (19), 4164 – 4171 (2014).
17. S. Yousefi, J. Qin, S. Dziennis and R.K. Wang, “Assessment of microcirculation dynamics during cutaneous wound healing phases in vivo using optical microangiography," J. Biomed. Opt., 19 (7), 076015 (2014). doi:10.1117/1.JBO.19.7.076015.
18. H Li, B Jiang, X Yang, M Eastman, Y Liu,; L Wang, J Campbell, L Lampert, RK Wang, GL Rorrer, J Jiao. “Near-infrared selective and angle-independent backscattering from magnetite nanoparticle-decorated diatom frustules”, ACS Photonics, 1 (6), 477–482 (2014) DOI: 10.1021/ph4001185
19. W.J. Choi, H.Q. Wang, and R.K. Wang, “OCT microangiography for monitoring the response of vascular perfusion to external pressure on human skin tissue”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(5), 056003 (May 2014)
20. W.J. Choi, Z. Zhi, and R.K. Wang, “In vivo OCT microangiography of rodent iris”, Optics Letters, 39 (8), 2455–2458 (2014).
21. H.Q Wang, L. Shi, J. Qin, S. Yousefi, Y. Li, R.K. Wang, “Multimodal optical imaging can reveal changes in microcirculation and tissue oxygenation during skin wound healing”, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 46(6):470-8 (2014). doi: 10.1002/lsm.22254
22. H.Q. Wang*, U. Baran* and R.K. Wang, “In vivo blood flow imaging of inflammatory human skin induced by tape stripping using optical microangiography”, Journal of Biophotonics (In press, 2014). DOI 10.1002/jbio.201400012
23. C. Li, F. Zhang, G. Guan, R.K. Wang, Z. Huang and G Nabi, “Laser induced surface acoustic wave combined with phase sensitive optical coherence tomography for superficial tissue characterization: a solution for practical application”, Biomedical Optics Express, 5(5) 1403-1418 (2014). DOI:10.1364/BOE.5.001403
24. P. Li, M Johnstone, and R.K. Wang, “Full anterior segment biometry with extended imaging range spectral domain optical coherence tomography at 1340-nm”, J. Biomed. Opt. 19 (4), 046013 (April 21, 2014); doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.19.4.046013
25. W. J. Choi, R. Reif, S. Yousefi, and R.K. Wang, “Improved microcirculation imaging of human skin in vivo using optical microangiography with a correlation mapping mask”, Journal of Biomedical Optics ; 19(3):36010 (2014). DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.19.3.036010.
26. T.M. Nguyen, S. Song, B. Arnal, Z. Huang, M. O’Donnell, R.K. Wang, “Visualizing ultrasonically-induced shear wave propagation using phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography for dynamic elastography” Optics Letters 39 (4), 838-841 (2014). DOI: 10.1364/OL.39.000838
27. D.A. Siler, J. Gonzalez, R.K. Wang, J. Cetas, and N. Alkayed, “Intracisternal administration of tissue plasminogen activator improves cerebrospinal fluid flow and cortical perfusion after subarachnoid haemorrhage in mice”, Translational Stroke Research 5(2):227-37 (2014). DOI: 10.1007/s12975-014-0329-y.
28. R. Reif, S. Yousefi, W. J. Choi, and R.K. Wang, “Analysis of cross-sectional image filters for evaluating non-averaged optical microangiography images”, Applied Optics 53 (5), 806-815 (2014). DOI: 10.1364/AO.53.000806
29. J. Qin, L. Shi, H.Q. Wang and R.K. Wang,, “Functional evaluation of hemodynamic response during neural activation using optical microangiography integrated with dual-wavelength laser speckle imaging”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(2), 026013 (February 2014)
30. M. Ogami, R. Kulkarni, H. Wang, R. Reif, R. K. Wang “Laser speckle contrast imaging of skin blood perfusion responses induced by laser coagulation” Quantum Electronics 44 (8), 746-750 (2014)
31. Z. Zhi, J. Chao, T. Wietecha, K.L. Hudkins, C.E. Alpers, R.K. Wang, “Noninvasive Imaging of Retinal Morphology and Microvasculature in Obese Mice using Optical Coherence Tomography and Optical Microangiography” Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science 55(2), 1024–1030 (2014). DOI: 10.1167/iovs.13-12864
32. T.M. Nguyen, S. Song, B. Arnal, E.Y. Wong, Z. Huang, R.K. Wang, M. O’Donnell, “Shear wave pulse compression for dynamic elastography using phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(1), 016013 - 016013 (2014)
33. H.Y. Shen, H. Sun, M.M. Hanthorn, Z. Zhi, J.-Q. Lan, D.J Poulsen, R.K. Wang, and D. Boison, “Overexpression of adenosine kinase in cortical astrocytes and focal neocortical epilepsy in mice”, Journal of Neurosurgery 120 (3), 628-638 (2014) DOI: 10.3171/2013.10.JNS13918
1. Z Ma, S Dou, Y Zhao, C Guo, J Liu, Q Wang, T Xu, R.K. Wang and Y Wang. “In vivo assessment of wall strain in embryonic chick heart by spectral domain optical coherence tomography”, Applied Optics, 54 (31), 9253-9257 (2015)
2. W. Qin, Y.D. Li, X. Qi, J. Wang, R.K. Wang. “In vivo monitoring of microcirculation in burn healing process with optical microangiography”, Advances in Wound Care, November 2015, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/wound.2015.0669.
3. A. Zhang, Q.Q. Zhang, C.-L. Chen, and R.K. Wang. “Methods and Algorithms for Optical Coherence Tomography Based Angiography: A Review and Comparison”, J Biomed Optics, 20(10), 100901 (Oct 16, 2015). Doi:10.1117/1.JBO.20.10.100901
4. C.L. Chen, Q.Q. Zhang, A.Q. Zhang, and R.K. Wang, “OCT angiography: A new approach with ‘gold standard’ capabilities and more”, Laser Focus World Volume 8 (10), (2015)
5. S.Z. Song, N. M. Le, Z.H. Huang, and R.K. Wang. “Quantitative shear wave optical coherence elastography with programmable phased array ultrasound as wave source”, Optics Letters, 40 (21), 5007-5010 (2015). Doi: 10.1364/OL.40.005007
6. A. Zhang, Q.Q. Zhang, and R.K. Wang. “Minimizing projection artifacts for accurate presentation of choroidal neovascularization in OCT micro-angiography”, Biomedical Optics Express, 6(10), 4130-4143 (2015).
7. W.J. Choi, and R.K. Wang. “1.3 µm VCSEL SS-OCT enables 2.3 mm-deep brain imaging of a cranial window model of mouse in vivo”, J Biomed Opt. 20(10), 106004 (Oct 08, 2015). Doi:10.1117/1.JBO.20.10.106004. Selected for Press Release by SPIE.
8. Q.Q. Zhang, R.K. Wang, C.L. Chen, A.D. Legarreta, M.K. Durbin, L. An, U. Sharma, P. F. Stetson, J. E. Legarreta, G. Gregori, and P. J. Rosenfeld. “Swept Source OCT Angiography of Neovascular Macular Telangiectasia Type 2”, RETINA The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases 35 (11), 2285-2299 (2015).
9. U. Baran, W.J. Choi, and R.K. Wang. “Potential use of OCT angiography in clinical dermatology”, Skin Research & Technology (In press, 2015). DOI: 10.1111/srt.12255
10. Y. Inamoto, Y-C Sun, M.E.D. Flowers, P. A. Carpenter, P.J. Martin, P. Li, R. K. Wang, X. Chai, B.E. Storer, T.T. Shen, S.J. Lee. “Bandage soft contact lenses for ocular graft-versus-host disease”, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 21(11):2002-7 (2015) doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2015.07.01
11. Z Zhi, W Cepurna, E Johnson, and J Morrison, R.K. Wang, “Evaluation of the effect of Elevated IOP on Retinal Capillary Bed and Total Retinal Blood Flow in Rats under Controlled Systemic Blood Pressure.” Microvascular research. 101, 86–95 (2015). Doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2015.07.001
12. S.H. Chang, S. Yousefi, J. Qin, K. Tarbet, S. Dziennis, R.K. Wang, and M.C. Chappell. “External Compression Versus Intravascular Injection: A Mechanistic Animal Model of Filler-Induced Tissue Ischemia”, Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2015;XX:00–00 (In press).
13. U BARAN, Y.D. LI, and RK WANG, “In vivo tissue injury mapping using OCT based methods”, Applied Optics, 54 (21), 6448-6453 (2015). Doi: 10.1364/AO.54.006448.
14. W. Qin, U. Baran, R.K. Wang, “Lymphatic response to depilation-induced inflammation in mouse ear assessed with label-free optical lymphangiography”, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 47(8):669-76. (2015). Doi: 10.1002/lsm.22387
15. QQ Zhang, Y. Huang, T. Zhang, S. Kubach, L. An, M. Laron, U. Sharma, R.K. Wang, “Wide-field imaging of retinal vasculature using optical coherence tomography-based microangiography provided by motion tracking” J. Biomed. Opt., 20(6), 066008 (June 2015)
16. U. Baran*, Y.D. Li*, and R.K. Wang, “Vasodynamics of pial and penetrating arterioles in relation to arteriolo-arteriolar anastomosis after focal stroke”, Neurophotonics 2(2), 025006 (Apr–Jun 2015). [This article was reported in multiple news media, including Science Daily]
17. Z Zhi, W Qin, J Wang, W Wei, RK Wang. “4D Optical Coherence Tomography based Microangiography achieved by 1.6 MHz FDML Swept source”, Optics Letters, 40 (8), 1779-1782 (2015).
18. R Marcu, S Kotha, Z Zhi, W Qin, CK Neeley, RK Wang, Y Zheng, BJ Hawkins. “The Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore Regulates Endothelial Bioenergetics and Angiogenesis”, Circulation Research 116 (8), 1336-1345, (2015).
19. A. Zhang and R.K. Wang, “Feature space optical coherence tomography based micro-angiography”, Biomed Opt Express 6 (5), 1919-1928 (2015). doi: 10.1364/BOE.6.001919
20. S. Dziennis, J. Qin, L. Shi and R.K. Wang, “Macro-to-micro cortical vascular imaging underlies regional differences in ischemic brain”, Scientific Reports, 5, 10051; doi: 10.1038/srep10051 (2015).
21. Y. Huang, Q.Q. Zhang, R.K. Wang, “Efficient method to supress artefacts caused by tissue hyper-reflections in optical microangiography of retina vasculature.” Biomedical Optics Express, 6 (4), 1195-1208 (2015).
22. Y Wang, Z. Ma and R.K. Wang, “Transverse velocity of particles in capillary vessels mapped by time-varying laser speckle through perturbation analyses”, Optics Letters, 40 (9), 1896-1899 (2015).
23. Y Akamatsu, C.C. Lee, L Shi, R.K. Wang and J.L. Liu, “Impaired leptomeningeal collateral flow contributes to the poor outcome following experimental stroke in the Type 2 diabetic mice”, The Journal of Neuroscience, 35 (9), 3851-3864, (2015).
24. U Baran, Y Li, WJ Choi, G Kalkan, and RK Wang, “High resolution imaging of acne lesion development and scarring in human facial skin using OCT-based microangiography.” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 47 (3), 231-238, (2015). Reported in Dermatology Times.
25. A Zhang, Q Zhang, Y Huang, Z Zhong, and R.K. Wang, “Multifunctional 1050 nm spectral domain OCT system at 147K for posterior eye imaging.” Modern Technologies in Medicine, 7(1), 7-12 (2015).
26. WJ Choi, KL Pepple, and R.K. Wang, “OCT-based microangiography for quantitative monitoring of structural and vascular changes in a rat model of acute anterior uveitis in vivo: a preliminary study.” J. Biomed. Opt. 20 (1), 016015-016015 (2015)
27. M. Strathman, Y. Liu, E.G. Keeler, M. Song, U. Baran, J. Xi, M.T. Sun, R.K. Wang, X. Li and L.Y. Lin, “MEMS scanning micromirror for optical coherence tomography”, Biomedical Optics Express, 6(1), 211-224 (2015).
28. T.M. Nguyen, B. Arnal, S. Song, Z. Huang, R.K. Wang, M. O’Donnell, “Shear wave elastography using amplitude-modulated acoustic radiation force and phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography.” J. Biomed. Opt., 20 (1), 016001-016001 (2015).
29. S. Yousefi, T. Liu and R.K. Wang, “Segmentation and quantification of blood vessels for OCT-based micro-angiograms using hybrid shape/intensity compounding”, Microvascular research. 97(1): 37-46 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/j.mvr.2014.09.007
30. U. Baran, L. Shi, and R.K. Wang, “Capillary blood flow imaging within human finger cuticle using optical microangiography”, Journal of Biophotonics 8 (1-2), 46-51 (2015). Article first published online: 12 NOV 2013. DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201300154
31. C. Li, G. Guan, Y. Hsu, J. Huang, S. Lang, R.K. Wang, Z. Huang, and G. Nabi, “Detection and characterisation of biopsy tissue using quantitative optical coherence elastography (OCE) in men with suspected prostate cancer.” Cancer Letters, 357 (1), 121-128 (2015). DOI:
32. Q.Q. Zhang, M Neitz, J Neitz, R.K. Wang, “Geographic Mapping of Choroidal Thickness in Myopic eyes using 1050-nm Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography.” Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. 8(4), 1550012; DOI: 10.1142/S1793545815500121 (2015).
1. J.J. Xu, S.Z. Song, W. Wei and R.K. Wang, “Wide field and highly sensitive angiography based on optical coherence tomography with akinetic swept source.” Biomedical Optics Express, In press (2016).
2. L. Ambrozinski*, S. Song*, S. J. Yoon*, I. Pelivanov, D. Li, L. Gao, T.T. Shen, R.K. Wang and M. O’Donnell. “Acoustic micro-tapping for non-contact 4D imaging of tissue elasticity. Sci. Rep. 6, 38967; doi: 10.1038/srep38967 (2016).
3. R Liao, M. Wang, F Zhang, D. Han, R.K. Wang, G. Yang, and Y Zeng, “Optical projection angiography”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 193702 (2016).
4. A Lin; A.Y. Lee; Q.Q. Zhang; K. Rezaei, J.L. Kinyoun, R.K. Wang, and C.S. Lee. “Association between OCT-based Microangiography Perfusion indices and Diabetic Retinopathy Severity”, British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2016 (In press). doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2016-309514.
5. WJ Choi, YD Li, W Qin and RK Wang. “Cerebral capillary velocimetry based on temporal OCT speckle contrast”. Biomedical Optics Express, 7(12), 4859-4873 (2016).
6. C.X. Li, and R.K. Wang. “Dynamic laser speckle angiography achieved by eigen-decomposition filtering.” Journal of Biophotonics, In Press. 2016. DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201600237
7. S.Z. Song, J.J. Xu and R.K. Wang, “Long-range and wide field of view optical coherence tomography for in vivo 3D imaging of large volume object based on akinetic programmable swept source.” Biomedical Optics Express, 7 (11): 4734-4748 (2016).
8. B-Y Hsieh, S.Z. Song, T-M Nguyen, S.J. Yoon, T.T. Shen, R.K. Wang, and M. O’Donnell. “Moving-source shear wave reconstruction for high-resolution optical coherence elastography”, J. Biomed. Opt. 21(11), 116006 (2016), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.11.116006.
9. Y.D. Li, W. J. Choi, W. Qin, X.L. Qi, U. Baran, L.M. Habenicht, R.K. Wang, “Optical coherence tomography based microangiography provides an ability to longitudinally image arteriogenesis in vivo”. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 274, 164-171 (2016).
10. Q.Q. Zhang, J.G. Wang, and R.K. Wang. “Highly Efficient Statistical Optical Microangiography Based on Eigen Decomposition.” Quant Imaging Med Surg 2016; 6(5):557-563. doi: 10.21037/qims.2016.10.03
11. Y. Nishijima, Y. Akamatsu, S.Y. Yang, C.C. Lee, U. Baran, S. Song, R.K. Wang, T. Tominaga, J.L. Liu, “Impaired collateral flow compensation during chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in the type-II-diabetic mice”, Stroke (In press), 2016. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.116.014882
12. AY Lee; QQ Zhang; D Baughman; R Mudumbai; RK Wang; CS Lee. “Evaluation of Bilateral Central Retinal Artery Occlusions with Ocular Coherence Tomography based Microangiography (OMAG): A Case Report”, Journal of Medical Case Reports. 10 (1), 307 (2016).
13. A.Y. Kim; D.C. Rodger; A. Shahidzadeh; Z.D. Chu; N. Koulisis, B. Burkemper; X. Jiang, K. Pepple; R.K. Wang; C.A. Puliafito; N.A. Rao; A.H. Kashani “Quantifying retinal microvascular changes in uveitis using spectral domain optical coherence tomography angiography (SD-OCTA)”. American Journal of Ophthalmology 171, 101-112 (2016).
14. U. Baran, WJ Choi, YD Li, and RK Wang. “Tail artifact removal in OCT angiography images of rodent cortex.” J Biophotonics, (Early posting) 1–9 (2016) / DOI 10.1002/jbio.201600194.
15. W Qin, M.A. Roberts, X.L. Qi, C. Murray, Y. Zheng, and R.K. Wang. “Depth-resolved 3D visualization of coronary microvasculature with optical microangiography”, Physics in Medicine and Biology 61(21), 7536-7550 (2016).
16. K.A. Rezaei, Q.Q. Zhang, J. Kam, J. Liu, R.K. Wang, “Optical coherence tomography based microangiography as a non-invasive imaging modality for early detection of choroido-neovascular membrane in choroidal rupture.”, SpringerPlus, 5:1470 (2016). DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-3161-x
17. C. Xin, M. Johnstone, N.L. Wang, and R.K. Wang. “High Resolution OCT Imaging Reveals Pressure-dependent Collector Channel Opening and Closing in Synchrony with Trabecular Meshwork Motion in Human Eyes”, PLOS ONE, 11(9):e0162048 (2016). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162048
18. Q.Q. Zhang, A.Q. Zhang, C. Lee, A. Lee, K.A. Rezaei, A. Miller, F. Zheng, L. Roisman, G. Gregori, M.K. Durbin, L. An, P. F. Stetson, P. J. Rosenfeld and R.K. Wang. “Projection artifact removal enables accurate presentation and monitoring of choroidal neovascularization imaged by optical coherence tomography angiography”, Ophthalmology Retina, (In press) 2016
19. L. Ambrozinski, I. Pelivanov, S. Song, S. J. Yoon, D. Li, L. Gao, T.T. Shen, R.K. Wang and M. O’Donnell. “Air-coupled acoustic radiation force based method for non-contact generation of broadband mechanical waves in soft tissue”. Applied Physics Letters, 109, 043701 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4959827.
20. C.L. Chen, A.Q. Zhang, Q.Q. Zhang, D. Gupta, J.C. Wen, C. Xin, R.C. Mudumbai, K.D. Bojikian, M.A. Johnstone, P.P. Chen, R.K. Wang. “Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Vascular Microcirculation in Glaucoma Using Optical Coherence Tomography–Based Microangiography”, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 57, OCT475-OCT485 (2016). doi:10.1167/iovs.15-18909
21. U. Baran, W. Zhu, W.J. Choi, M. Omori, W. Zhang, N.J. Alkayed, and R.K. Wang. “Automatic segmentation and enhancement of optical coherence tomography images of rodent cerebral cortex”, J Neuroscience Methods, 270:132-137 (2016). doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.06.014
22. R.L. Warren*, S. Ramamoorthy*, N. Ciganovic*, Y. Zhang, T. Wilson, T. Petrie, R.K. Wang, S.L. Jacques, T. Reichenbach, A.L. Nuttall, A. Fridberger. “Minimal basilar membrane motion in low-frequency hearing.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 113(30):E4304-10. (2016)
23. W.J. Choi, W. Qin, C.-L. Chen, J.G. Wang, Q.Q. Zhang, X.Q. Yang, B.Z. Gao, and R.K. Wang. “Characterizing relationship between optical microangiography signals and capillary flow using microfluidic channels.” Biomed Opt Express, 7(7), 2709-2728 (2016). doi: 10.1364/BOE.7.002709
24. K.L. Pepple, W.J. Choi, L. Wilson, R.N. Van Gelder, R.K. Wang. “Quantitative assessment of anterior segment inflammation in a rat model of uveitis using spectral domain optical coherence tomography”, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 57(8), 3567-3575 (2016). doi:10.1167/iovs.16-19276
25. ZD Chu, J. Lin, C. Gao, C Xin, Q Zhang, C-L Chen, L. Roisman, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, and R.K. Wang. “Quantitative assessment of the retinal microvasculature using OCT angiography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 21(6), 066008 (2016), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.6.066008.
26. C.L. Chen, K. D. Bojikian, C. Xin, J.C. Wen, Q.Q. Zhang, R.C. Mudumbai, M.A. Johnstone, P.P. Chen, R.K. Wang. “Repeatability and reproducibility of optic disc perfusion measurements using optical coherence tomography based angiography”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 21(6), 065002 (2016), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.6.065002.
27. N. Le, S.Z. Song, G. Nabi, R.K. Wang, Z.H. Huang. “Feasibility study: Quantitative measurement and Real-time tracking of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound using Phase-Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography”, International Journal of Hyperthermia, 32:6, 713-722 (2016), DOI: 10.1080/02656736.2016.1190036.
28. W. Qin, R.K. Wang. “Assessment of edema volume in skin upon injury in a mouse ear model with optical coherent tomography.” Lasers in Medical Science, 31: 1351 (2016). doi:10.1007/s10103-016-1984-x.
29. S.Z. Song, W. Wei, B.Y. Hsieh, I. Pelivanov, T.T. Shen, M. O’Donnell and R.K. Wang. “Strategies to improve phase-stability of ultrafast swept source optical coherence tomography for single shot imaging of transient mechanical waves at 16 kHz frame rate”. Applied Physics Letters. 108, 191104 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4949469.
30. C. Xin, R.K. Wang, S.Z. Song, T.T. Shen, J. Wen, E. Martin, Y. Jiang, S. Padilla, M. Johnstone. “Aqueous outflow regulation: Optical coherence tomography implicates pressure-dependent tissue motion.” Experimental Eye Research, (In press), 2016.
31. K. D. Bojikian, C.L. Chen, J.C. Wen, Q.Q. Zhang, C. Xin, D. Gupta, R.C. Mudumbai, M.A. Johnstone, R.K. Wang, and P.P. Chen. “Optic disc perfusion in eyes with primary open angle glaucoma and normal tension glaucoma using optical coherence tomography-based microangiography”, PlosOne, 11 (5), e0154691 (2016). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0154691 May 5, 2016
32. R.K. Wang, A.Q. Zhang, W.J. Choi, Q.Q. Zhang, A. Miller, G. Gregori, and P.J. Rosenfeld, “Wide field OCT Angiography enabled by two repeated measurements of B-scans”, Optics Letters, 41(10), 2230 - 2233 (2016)
33. J.J. Xu, W. Wei, S.Z. Song, X.L. Qi and R.K. Wang. “Scalable wide-field optical coherence tomography-based angiography for in vivo imaging applications”, Biomed. Opt. Express. 7 (5); 1905 - 1919 (2016)
34. U. Baran, W. Wei, J.J. Xu, X.L. Qi, W.O. Davis, R.K. Wang. “Video rate volumetric OCT-based angiography achieved by 18 kHz MEMS scanner with 1.6 MHz swept laser source”, Opt. Eng. 55(4) 040503 (2016). doi: 10.1117/1.OE.55.4.040503.
35. A.Y. Kim, Z.D. Chu, A. Shahidzadeh, R.K. Wang, C.A. Puliafito, and A.H. Kashani, “Quantification of microvascular changes in diabetic retinopathy with optical coherence tomography angiography”, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 57:OCT362–OCT370 (2016). DOI:10.1167/iovs.15-18904
36. C.L. Chen, K.D. Bojikian, Q.Q. Zhang, D. Gupta, J.C. Wen, C. Xin, R.C. Mudumbai, R. Kono, M.A. Johnstone, P.P. Chen, R.K. Wang. “Optic disc perfusion in normal eyes and eyes with glaucoma using optical coherence tomography-based microangiography”, Quant Imaging Med Surg. 6(2): 125–133 (2016). doi: 10.21037/qims.2016.03.05
37. J. Jia, C.M. Davis, W. Zhang, M.L. Edin, S. Jouihan,T. Jia, J.A. Bradbury, J. P. Graves, L.M. DeGraff, C. R. Lee, O. Ronnekleiv, R.K. Wang, Y. Xu, D.C. Zeldin, N.J. Alkayed, “Sex- and Isoform-Specific Mechanism of Neuroprotection by Transgenic Expression of P450 Epoxygenase in Vascular Endothelium”, Experimental Neurology, 279 (2016), 75–85 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2016.02.016
38. Q.Q. Zhang, C.S. Lee, J. Chao, C.L. Chen, T. Zhang, U. Sharma, A.Q. Zhang, J. Liu, K. Rezaei, K.L. Pepple, R. Munsen, J. Kinyoun, M. Johnstone, R.N. Van Gelder, and R.K. Wang. “Wide-field optical coherence tomography based microangiography for retinal imaging”, Scientific Reports, 6, Article number: 22017 (2016). doi:10.1038/srep22017
39. W. Wei, J.J. Xu, U. Baran, S.Z. Song, W. Qin, X.L. Qi, and R.K. Wang. “Inter-volume analysis to achieve 4D optical micro-angiography for observation of dynamic blood flow”, J. Biomed. Opt. 21(3), 036005 (2016). doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.3.036005.
40. J Kam, QQ Zhang, J Lin, J Liu, R.K. Wang, K.A. Rezaei, “Optical coherence tomography based microangiography findings in hydroxychloroquine toxicity”, Quant Imaging Med Surg. 6(2):178-83 (2016). doi: 10.21037/qims.2016.01.01
41. S. Ramamoorthy; Y. Zhang; T. Petrie; A. Fridberger; T. Ren; R.K. Wang; S.L. Jacques; A.L. Nuttall. “Minimally invasive surgical method to detect sound processing in the cochlear apex by optical coherence tomography”. J. Biomed. Opt. 21(2) 025003 (2016). doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.2.025003.
42. L. Roisman, Q.Q. Zhang, R.K. Wang, G. Gregori, A. Zhang, C.L. Chen, M.K. Durbin, L. An, P. F. Stetson, G. Robbins, A. Miller, F. Zheng, and P. J. Rosenfeld “Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography of Asymptomatic Neovascularization in Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration”. Ophthalmology, 123(6):1309 - 1319 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.ophtha.2016.01.044
43. U. Baran, W Qin, X. Qi, G Kalkan, and R.K. Wang. “OCT-based label free in vivo lymphangiography within human skin”, Scientific Reports, 6, 21122 (2016).
44. U. Baran, and R.K. Wang. “Optical coherence tomography based angiography in neuroscience: A Review”, Neurophotonics 3(1), 010902 (Jan 20, 2016). doi:10.1117/1.NPh.3.1.010902. Selected as Cover of the Journal.
1). AJ Deegan, W Wang, SJ Men, YD Li, SZ Song, JJ Xu1, RK Wang. “Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Monitors Human Cutaneous Wound Healing Over Time.” Quant Imaging Med Surg. In press.
2). Y.D Li*, W. Wei*, and R.K. Wang. “Capillary flow homogenization during functional activation revealed by optical coherence tomography angiography based capillary velocimetry.”, In revision.
3). QQ Zhang, F Zheng, G Gregori, ZD Chu, C-L Chen, C. Li, L de Sisternes, M Durbin, PJ Rosenfeld and RK Wang. “A novel strategy for quantifying choriocapillaris flow voids using swept source OCT angiography.” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 59(1):203-211 (2018). doi: 10.1167/iovs.17-22953.
4). Mitchell A. Kirby, Ivan Pelivanov, Shaozhen Song, Łukasz Ambrozinski, Soon Joon Yoon, Liang Gao, David Li, Tueng T. Shen, Ruikang K. Wang, Matthew O’Donnell, "Optical coherence elastography in ophthalmology," Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(12), 121720 (23 December 2017).
5). Z.D. Chu, A. Deegan, Q.Q. Zhang, K. Pepple, M. Durbin, G. Gregori, and R.K. Wang. “Complex Signal-Based OCT Microangiography Enables In Vivo Visualization of Choriocapillaris in Human Choroid.” J. Biomed. Opt 22(12), 121705 (24 November 2017) doi:10.1117/1.JBO.22.12.121705
6). Le N, Song S, Zhang Q, Wang RK. Robust principal component analysis in optical micro-angiography. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2017;7(6):654-667. doi: 10.21037/qims.2017.12.05
7). A. Deegan, F. Talebi-Liasi, S.Z. Song, J.J. Xu, Y.D. Li, SJ Men, M. Shinohara, M.E. Flowers, S. Lee, and R.K. Wang. “Optical coherence tomography angiography of skin with healthy and inflammatory dermatologic conditions.” Lasers Surg Med. (2017). doi: 10.1002/lsm.22788. [Epub ahead of print]
8). JJ Xu, SZ Song, SJ Men, and R.K. Wang. "Long ranging swept-source optical coherence tomography-based angiography outperforms its spectral-domain counterpart in imaging human skin microcirculations," J. Biomed. Opt. 22(11), 116007 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.11.116007.
9). GM Richter; I Madi; ZD Chu; B Burkemper; A Zaman; B Sylvester; A Reznik, A Kashani; RK Wang; R Varma; “Structural and functional associations of macular microcirculation in the ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer in glaucoma using optical coherence tomography angiography.” Journal of Glaucoma. In press. 2018 Feb 1. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000000888. [Epub ahead of print]
10). K Pakzad-Vaezi, K Khaksari, ZD Chu, RN Van Gelder, RK Wang, KL Pepple. “Swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography of serpiginous choroiditis.” Ophthalmology Retina. In press, 2017.
11). ZY Zhao, P Faith, K Pakzad-Vaezi, ZD Chu, RK Wang, RC Mudumbai, K Rezaei, “Paracentral Acute Middle Maculopathy Associated With Bilateral Optic Disc Swelling And Meningitis.” Retinal Cases and Brief Reports. In press, 2017. doi: 10.1097/ICB.0000000000000671
12). KS Park, WJ Choi, SZ Song, JJ Xu, and RK Wang. “Multifunctional in vivo imaging for monitoring wound healing process using swept-source polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography.” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (In Press, 2017). DOI: 10.1002/lsm.22767
13). A.H. Kashani, K.M. Green, J. Kwon, Z.D. Chu, Q.Q. Zhang, R.K. Wang, S. Garrity, D. Sarraf, C. Rebhun, N.K. Waheed, S. Gattoussi, K.B. Freund, G.H. Liu, P.J. Rosenfeld. “Suspended Scattering Particles in Motion: A Novel Feature of OCT Angiography in Exudative Maculopathies”. Ophthalmology Retina. In Press, 2017.
14). JJ Xu, SZ Song, YD Li, R.K. Wang. “Investigation of the impact of amplitude, phase and complex-based algorithms on OCT angiography with different phase noise.” Phys. Med. Biol. 63, 015023 (2018). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa94bc.
15). S.Z. Song, J.J. Xu, and R.K. Wang, “Flexible wide-field OCT angiography based on Fourier-domain multiplexed dual-beam swept source optical coherence tomography.” Journal of Biophotonics (In press, 2017) PubMed: 28941235 DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201700203
16). F Zheng, QQ Zhang, EH Motulsky, JR de Oliveira Dias, CL Chen, ZD Chu, AR Miller, W Feuer, G Gregori, S Kubach, MK Durbin, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Comparison of Neovascular Lesion Area Measurements from Different Swept Source OCT Angiographic Scan Patterns in Age-Related Macular Degeneration.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 58 (12), 5098-5104 (2017).
17). JR de Oliveira Dias, QQ Zhang, JMB Garcia, F Zheng, EH Motulsky, L Roisman, AR Miller, CL Chen, S Kubach, L de Sisternes, MK Durbin, RK Wang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld. “Prevalence and Natural History of Subclinical Neovascularization in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Imaged with Swept Source OCT Angiography.” Ophthalmology, (In Press, 2017) DOI:
18). W Wei, WJ Choi, and RK Wang. “Microvascular imaging and monitoring of human oral cavity lesions in vivo by swept-source OCT based angiography.” Lasers in Medical Science (In Press, 2017)
19). JL Do, B Sylvester, A Shahidzadeh, RK Wang, Z Chu, V Patel, GM Richter. “Utility of optical coherence tomography angiography in detecting glaucomatous damage in a uveitic patient with disc congestion: A case report”. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports. 8, 78-83 (2017).
20). K. Wang, M.A. Johnstone, C. Xin, S.Z. Song, S. Padilla, J.A. Vranka, T.S. Acott, K. Zhou, S.A. Schwaner, R.K. Wang, T. Sulchek, C.R. Ethier, “Estimating human trabecular meshwork stiffness by numerical modelling and advanced OCT imaging.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 58 (11), 4809-4817 (2017). doi:10.1167/iovs.17-22175
21). A.H. Kashani, C.-L. Chen, J.K. Gahm, F. Zheng, G.M. Richter, P.J. Rosenfeld, Y. Shi, R.K. Wang, “Optical coherence tomography angiography: A comprehensive review of current methods and clinical applications”, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 60, 66-100 (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.preteyeres.2017.07.002.
22). X.Y. Jiang, E. Johnson, W. Cepurna, D. Lozano, S.J. Men, R.K. Wang*, and J. Morrison*. “The effect of age on the response of retinal capillary filling to changes in intraocular pressure measured by optical coherence tomography angiography.” Microvascular Research. 115 (2018) 12–19 (
23). WJ Choi, R.K. Wang. “Optical coherence tomography imaging of cranial meninges post brain injury in vivo”, Chin. Opt. Lett,15(9),090005 (2017). 10.3788/col201715.090005
24). AR Sweeney, QQ Zhang, RK Wang, KA Rezaei “Optical coherence tomography microangiography imaging of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma," Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging Retina, (In press, 2017)
25). W Wei, A. Deegan, and RK Wang. “Automatic motion correction for in vivo human skin optical coherence tomography angiography through combined rigid and nonrigid registration.” J. Biomed. Opt. 22(6), 066013 (Jun 21, 2017). doi:10.1117/1.JBO.22.6.066013.
26). SZ Song, JJ Xu, SJ Men, TT Shen, and RK Wang. “Robust numerical phase stabilization for long-range swept-source optical coherence tomography.” J Biophotonics. 10(11) 1398-1410 (2017). doi: 10.1002/jbio.201700034. Selected as Front Cover of the Journal.
27). RK Wang, QQ Zhang, YD Li, and SZ Song. “Optical coherence tomography angiography based capillary velocimetry.” J Biomed Opt. 22(6), 066008 (Jun 15, 2017).
28). U. Baran, E. Swanson, J.E. Sanders, and R.K. Wang. “OCT-based microangiography for reactive hyperemia assessment within residual limb skin of people with lower-limb loss.” Skin Research and Technology (Accepted, In press, 2017). DOI: 10.1111/srt.12383
29). J R Chao, D A Lamba, T R Klesert, A La Torre, A Hoshino, R J Taylor, A Jayabalu, A L Engel, T H Khuu, R K Wang, M Neitz, J Neitz, T A Reh. “Transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Cells into the Subretinal Space of a Non-Human Primate.” Translational Vision Science & Technology (TVST), 2017, Vol.6, 4. doi:10.1167/tvst.6.3.4
30). SJ Men, C-L Chen, W Wei, T-Y Lai, SZ Song, RK Wang. “Repeatability of vessel density measurement in human skin by OCT-based microangiography.” Skin Research and Technology 23(4):607-612 (2017). doi: 10.1111/srt.12379. [Epub ahead of print]
31). N. Koulisis; A.Y. Kim; Z. Chu; A. Shahidzadeh; B. Burkemper; L.C. Olmos de Koo; A.A. Moshfeghi; H. Ameri; C.A. Puliafito; V.L. Isozaki; R.K. Wang; A.H. Kashani. “Quantitative Microvascular Analysis of Retinal Venous Occlusions by Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography”, Plos One 12 (4): e0176404 (2017)
32). CX Li, and RK Wang, “Velocity measurements of heterogeneous RBC flow in capillary vessels using dynamic laser speckle signal.” J. Biomed. Opt. 22(4), 046002 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.4.046002.
33). CL Chen, and RK Wang. “Optical Coherence Tomography Based Angiography [Invited]” Biomedical Optics Express, 8(2), 1056 - 1082 (2017).
34). QQ Zhang, CL Chen, ZD Chu, F Zheng, AR Miller, L Roisman, JR De Oliveira Dias, Z Yehoshua, KB. Schaal, W Feuer, G Gregori, S Kubach, L An, PF Stetson, MK Durbin, PJ Rosenfeld, RK Wang. “Automated quantitation of choroidal neovascularization: a comparison study between spectral domain and swept source OCT angiograms.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 58 (3):1506– 1513 (2017). DOI:10.1167/iovs.16-20977.
35). AR Miller, L Roisman, QQ Zhang, F Zheng; JR de Oliveira Dias, Z Yehoshua, KB Schaal, W Feuer, G Gregori, ZD Chu, CL Chen, S Kubach, L An, PF Stetson, MK Durbin, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Comparison between Spectral Domain and Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiographic Imaging of Choroidal Neovascularization.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 58 (3):1499–1505 (2017). DOI:10.1167/iovs.16-20969.
36). CL Chen, KD Bojikian, JC Wen, QQ Zhang, C Xin, RC Mudumbai, MA Johnstone, PP Chen, RK Wang “Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Vascular Microcirculation in Glaucomatous Eyes with Single Hemifield Visual Field Loss.” JAMA Ophthalmology, 135(5):461-468 (2017). doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2017.0261.
37). J Lu; Y.Z. Gao; Z.H. Ma; H.X. Zhou; R.K. Wang; Y. Wang. “in vivo photoacoustic imaging of blood vessels using a homodyne interferometer with zero-crossing triggering." J. Biomed. Opt. 22(3), 036002 (2017).
38). KA Rezaei, QQ Zhang, CL Chen, J Chao, RK Wang. “Retinal and choroidal vascular features in patients with retinitis pigmentosa imaged by OCT based microangiography” Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 255(7):1287-1295 (2017).
39). C Xin, X Chen, M Li, HZ Wang, RK Wang, and NL Wang. “Imaging collector channel entrance with a new intra-ocular micro-probe swept-source optical coherence tomography.” Acta Ophthalmologica 95(6):602-607 (2017). doi: 10.1111/aos.13415.
40). J.J. Xu, S.Z. Song, W. Wei and R.K. Wang, “Wide field and highly sensitive angiography based on optical coherence tomography with akinetic swept source.” Biomedical Optics Express, 8 (1), 420-435 (2017).
1. H ZHOU, ZD CHU, QQ ZHANG, YN DAI, G GREGORI, PJ ROSENFELD, AND RK WANG. “Attenuation correction assisted automatic segmentation for assessing choroidal thickness and vasculature with swept-source OCT.” Biomedical Optics Express. 9(12), 6067 – 6080 (2018).
2. ZD Chu, H Zhou, YX Cheng, QQ Zhang and RK Wang. “Improving visualization and quantitative assessment of choriocapillaris with swept source OCTA through registration and averaging applicable to clinical systems.” Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 16826 (2018). DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-34826-5
3. PJ Tang, JJ Xu, and RK Wang. “Imaging and visualization of the polarization state of the probing beam in polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 231101 (2018); Selected as Editor’s Pick on Dec. 3, 2018.
4. JJ Xu, YD Li, SZ Song, W Cepurna, J Morrison and RK Wang. “Evaluating changes of blood flow in retina, choroid, and outer choroid in rats in response to elevated intraocular pressure by 1300nm swept-source OCT.” Microvascular Research, 121:37-45 (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2018.09.003.
5. Jia Qin, Nicholas Rinella, Qinqin Zhang, Hao Zhou, Michael Deiner, Austin Roorda, Travis Porco, Ruikang K. Wang, Daniel M. Schwartz, Jacque L. Duncan. “OCT Angiography and Cone Photoreceptor Imaging in Geographic Atrophy.” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 59(15), 5985-5992 (2018).
6. Grace M. Richter, Beau Sylvester, Zhongdi Chu, Bruce Burkemper, Ingy Madi, Ryuna Chang, Alena Reznik, Rohit Varma, Ruikang K. Wang. “Peripapillary microvasculature in the retinal nerve fiber layer in glaucoma by optical coherence tomography angiography: focal structural and functional correlations and diagnostic performance.” Clinical Ophthalmology 2018.12: 2285–2296
7. Grace M. Richter, Ryuna Chang, Betty Situ, Zhongdi Chu, Bruce Burkemper, Alena Reznik, Amir Kashani, Rohit Varma, Ruikang K Wang. “Diagnostic Performance of Macular Versus Peripapillary Vessel Parameters by Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Glaucoma”. Translational Vision Science & Technology (TVST). 7(6):21 (2018). doi: 10.1167/tvst.7.6.21.
8. Qinqin Zhang, Kasra A Rezaei, Steven S. Saraf, Zhongdi Chu, Fupeng Wang, and Ruikang K. Wang. “Ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography in diabetic retinopathy”, Quant Imaging Med Surg 8(8):743-753 (2018). doi: 10.21037/qims.2018.09.02.
9. Kathryn L. Pepple, Zhongdi Chu, Jessica Weinstein, Marion Munk, Russell Van Gelder, Ruikang K. Wang. “Use of En Face Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Identifying Choroidal Flow Voids in 3 Patients With Birdshot Chorioretinopathy.” JAMA Ophthalmol. 136(11):1288-1292 (2018). doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2018.3474.
10. QQ Zhang, YY Shi, H Zhou, G Gregori, ZD Chu, L de Sisternes, M Durbin, PJ Rosenfeld, and RK Wang. “Accurate estimation of choriocapillaris flow deficits beyond normal intercapillary spacing with swept source OCT angiography.” Quant Imaging Med Surg 2018;8(7):658-666. doi: 10.21037/qims.2018.08.10
11. Nhan Le, Shaozhen Song, Hao Zhou, Jingjiang Xu, Yuandong Li, Alireza Sadr, Kwok-Hung Chung, Hrebesh M. Subhash, Latonya Kilpatrick, Ruikang Wang. “A non-invasive imaging and measurement using optical coherence tomography angiography for the assessment of gingiva: An in vivo study.” Journal of Biophotonics 11:e201800242 (2018). Featured on the cover of the Journal.
12. W Wei, Y Li, A. Deegan and RK Wang. “Mapping and quantitating penetrating vessels in cortical brain using Eigen-decomposition of OCT signals and subsequent principal component analysis.” IEEE JSTQE Special Issue on Biophotonics. vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 1-9, Jan.-Feb. 2019, Art no. 6800809. doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2018.2863573
13. Fupeng Wang, Qinqin Zhang, Anthony J. Deegan, Jun Chang, Ruikang K. Wang. “Comparing imaging capabilities of spectral domain and swept source optical coherence tomography angiography in healthy subjects and central serous retinopathy”, Eye and Vision 2018 5:19.
14. Yuandong Li, Woo June Choi, Wei Wei, Jialing Liu, Ruikang K. Wang. “Aging-associated changes in cerebral vessels and blood flow as determined by quantitative optical coherence tomography angiography.” Neurobiol Aging. 70:148-159 (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2018.06.017.
15. C. Xin, SZ Song, M Johnstone, NL Wang, RK Wang. “Quantification of Pulse-dependent Trabecular Meshwork Motion in Normal Humans Using Phase-sensitive OCT.” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018 Jul 2;59(8):3675-3681. doi: 10.1167/iovs.17-23579.
16. Lyu SY, Zhang M, Wang RK, Gao YX, Zhang QQ, Min XX. “Analysis of the characteristics of optical coherence tomography angiography for retinal cavernous hemangioma: A case report.”, Medicine, 97(7), e9940 (2018). doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000009940
17. S Men, JM Wong, EJ. Welch, JJ Xu, SZ Song, AJ Deegan, A Ravichander, B Casavant, E Berthier, RK Wang. “OCT-based angiography of human dermal microvascular reactions to local stimuli: implications for increasing capillary blood collection volumes.” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 50(9):908-916 (2018). doi: 10.1002/lsm.22944.
18. ZHAO Qi, Wen Li YANG, Xiao Na WANG, Ruikang K Wang, Qi Sheng YOU, CHU Di Zhong, XIN Chen, Meng Yu ZHANG, Dong Jun LI, Zi Yang WANG, CHEN Wei, Yi Feng LI, CUI Rui, SHEN Lin, Wen Bin WEI. “Repeatability and Reproducibility of Quantitative Assessment of the Retinal Microvasculature Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Based on Optical Microangiography.” Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. 31 (6), 407-412 (2018).
19. Choi WJ, Pepple KL, Wang RK. Automated three-dimensional cell counting method for grading uveitis of rodent eye in vivo with optical coherence tomography. J. Biophotonics. 2018;e201800140.
20. AJ Deegan, W Wang, SJ Men, YD Li, SZ Song, JJ Xu1, RK Wang. “Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Monitors Human Cutaneous Wound Healing Over Time.” Quant Imaging Med Surg;8(2):135-150 (2018).
21. YD Li*, W Wei*, and R.K. Wang. “Capillary flow homogenization during functional activation revealed by optical coherence tomography angiography based capillary velocimetry.”, Scientific reports, 8 (1), 4107 (2018).
22. QQ Zhang, F Zheng, G Gregori, ZD Chu, C-L Chen, C. Li, L de Sisternes, M Durbin, PJ Rosenfeld and RK Wang. “A novel strategy for quantifying choriocapillaris flow voids using swept source OCT angiography.” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 59(1):203-211 (2018). doi: 10.1167/iovs.17-22953.
23. A Deegan, F. Talebi-Liasi, S.Z. Song, J.J. Xu, Y.D. Li, SJ Men, M. Shinohara, M.E. Flowers, S. Lee, and R.K. Wang. “Optical coherence tomography angiography of skin with healthy and inflammatory dermatologic conditions.” Lasers Surg Med. 50:183–193 (2018). doi: 10.1002/lsm.22788. Elected as Editor’s choice, and selected as the cover of the Journal.
24. GM Richter; I Madi; ZD Chu; B Burkemper; A Zaman; B Sylvester; A Reznik, A Kashani; RK Wang; R Varma; “Structural and functional associations of macular microcirculation in the ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer in glaucoma using optical coherence tomography angiography.” Journal of Glaucoma. 27 (3), 281-290 (2018). doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000000888. [Epub ahead of print]
25. JR de Oliveira Dias, QQ Zhang, JMB Garcia, F Zheng, EH Motulsky, L Roisman, AR Miller, CL Chen, S Kubach, L de Sisternes, MK Durbin, RK Wang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld. “Natural history of subclinical neovascularization in nonexudative age-related macular degeneration using swept-source OCT angiography.” Ophthalmology, 125 (2), 255-266 (2018) DOI:
26. K Pakzad-Vaezi, K Khaksari, ZD Chu, RN Van Gelder, RK Wang, KL Pepple. “Swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography of serpiginous choroiditis.” Ophthalmology Retina. 2(7), 712-719 (2018).
27. ZY Zhao, P Faith, K Pakzad-Vaezi, ZD Chu, RK Wang, RC Mudumbai, K Rezaei, “Paracentral Acute Middle Maculopathy Associated With Bilateral Optic Disc Swelling And Meningitis.” Retinal Cases and Brief Reports. Publish Ahead of Print():, NOV 2017. doi: 10.1097/ICB.0000000000000671
28. KS Park, WJ Choi, SZ Song, JJ Xu, and RK Wang. “Multifunctional in vivo imaging for monitoring wound healing process using swept-source polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography.” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2018 Mar;50(3):213-221. doi: 10.1002/lsm.22767. Epub 2017 Nov 30.
29. A.H. Kashani, K.M. Green, J. Kwon, Z.D. Chu, Q.Q. Zhang, R.K. Wang, S. Garrity, D. Sarraf, C. Rebhun, N.K. Waheed, S. Gattoussi, K.B. Freund, G.H. Liu, P.J. Rosenfeld. “Suspended Scattering Particles in Motion: A Novel Feature of OCT Angiography in Exudative Maculopathies”. Ophthalmology Retina. 2(7), 694-702 (2018).
30. JJ Xu, SZ Song, YD Li, R.K. Wang. “Investigation of the impact of amplitude, phase and complex-based algorithms on OCT angiography with different phase noise.” Phys. Med. Biol. 63, 015023 (2018). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa94bc.
31. Q. Zhao, XN Wang, WL Yang, WB Wei, RK Wang, QS You, ZD Chu, C. Xin. “Repeatability of quantitative assessment of the retinal microvasculature using optical coherence tomography angiography based on optical microangiography.” Ophthalmol CHN. 27(2) 107-110 (2018).
32. S.Z. Song, J.J. Xu, and R.K. Wang, “Flexible wide-field OCT angiography based on Fourier-domain multiplexed dual-beam swept source optical coherence tomography.” Journal of Biophotonics 11(3), e201700203 (2018). PubMed: 28941235 DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201700203 (Selected as Editor’s choice)
33. W Wei, WJ Choi, and RK Wang. “Microvascular imaging and monitoring of human oral cavity lesions in vivo by swept-source OCT based angiography.” Lasers in Medical Science. 2018 Jan;33(1):123-134. Epub 2017 Oct 16.
1. K G. Foote, N. Rinella, N. Bensaid, H Zhou, Q. Zhang, R.K. Wang, T.C. Porco, A. Roorda, J. L. Duncan, “Cone structure persists beyond margins of short-wavelength autofluorescence in choroideremia.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. Nov 1;60(14):4931-4942 (2019). doi: 10.1167/iovs.19-27979.
2. QH He, and RK Wang. “Analysis of skin morphological features and real-time monitoring using snapshot hyperspectral imaging.” Biomedical Optics Express. 10(11): 5625-5638 (2019).
3. YY Shi, QQ Zhang, F. Zheng, JF Russell, EH Motulsky, JT Banta, ZD Chu, H Zhou, NA Patel, L de Sisternes, MK Durbin, W Feuer, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Correlations between Different Choriocapillaris Flow Deficit Parameters in Normal Eyes using Swept Source OCT Angiography.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. 209:18-26 (2020).
4. YD LI, PJ Tang, SZ Song, A Rakymzhan, RK Wang. “Electrically tunable lens integrated with optical coherence tomography angiography for cerebral blood flow imaging in deep cortical layers in mice.” Optics Letters, 44(20): 5037-5040 (2019).
5. MA Kirby, KH Zhou, JJ Pitre, Jr., L Gao, D Li, I Pelivanov, SZ Song, CH Li, ZH Huang, T Shen, RK Wang, M O’Donnell. “Spatial resolution in dynamic optical coherence elastography.” Journal of Biomedical Optics. J. Biomed. Opt. 24(9), 096006 (2019), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.24.9.096006.
6. Y Moshiri, AT Legocki, K Zhou, MT Cabrera, KA Rezaei, K Tarczy-Hornoch, RK Wang. “Handheld Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography with Angiography in Awake Premature Neonates.” Quant Imaging Med Surg 2019;9(9):1495-1502 |
7. AJ Nelson, R Chang, V LeTran, B Vu, B Burkemper, ZD Chu, A Fard, A Kashani, B Xu, RK Wang, R Varma, GM Richter. “Ocular Determinants of Peripapillary Vessel Density in Healthy African Americans: The African American Eye Disease Study”, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Vol.60, pages 3368-3373 (August 2019). doi:10.1167/iovs.19-27035
8. R Chang, A Nelson, V LeTran, B Vu, B Burkemper, ZD Chu, A Fard, AH Kashani, B Xu, RK Wang, R Varma, and GM. Richter. “Systemic Determinants of Peripapillary Vessel Density in Healthy African Americans: The African American Eye Disease Study.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. Volume 207, pages 240-247 (2019).
9. ZD Chu, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld and RK Wang. “Quantification of choriocapillaris with OCTA: a comparison study.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. 208:111-123 (2019). doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2019.07.003.
10. JJ Pitre Jr., MA Kirby, L Gao, DS Li, T Shen, RK Wang, M O’Donnell, and I Pelivanov. “Super-shear evanescent waves for non-contact elastography of soft media.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 083701 (2019);
11. I Pelivanov, L Gao, J Pitre, MA Kirby, SZ Song, D Li, TT Shen, RK Wang, M O'Donnell. “Does group velocity always reflect elastic modulus in shear wave elastography?” Journal of Biomedical Optics. 24(7): 076003 (2019). doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.24.7.076003..
12. CM. Keiner, H Zhou, QQ Zhang, RK. Wang, N Rinella, C Oldenburg, JL Duncan, DM. Schwartz. “Quantifying choriocapillaris hypoperfusion in age-related macular degeneration patients with choroidal neovascularization using swept source OCT angiography.” Clinical Ophthalmology. Volume 2019:13 Pages 1613—1620 (2019).
13. KD Bojikian, P Nobrega, JC Wen, QQ Zhang, RC Mudumbai, MA Johnstone, RK Wang, PP Chen. “Macular vascular microcirculation in eyes with open angle glaucoma using different visual field severity classification systems.” J Glaucoma. 2019 Sep;28(9):790-796. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000001308.
14. J Yang, QQ Zhang, EH Motulsky, M Thulliez, YY Shi, C Lyu, L dde Sisternes, MK Durbin, W Feuer, RK Wang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld. “Two-Year Risk of Exudation in Eyes with Nonexudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Subclinical Neovascularization Detected with Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2019;208:1–11.
15. W Wei, PJ Tang, ZY Xie, YD Li, RK Wang. “Dynamic imaging and quantification of subcellular motion with ED-OCT based variance analysis.”, Journal of Biophotonics. 2019; 12(10), e201900076.
16. GWS Burwood, A Fridberger, RK Wang, AL Nuttall. “Revealing the morphology and function of the middle ear and cochlea with optical coherence tomography.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 9(5) 858-881 (2019).
17. AJ Deegan, SP Mandell, RK Wang. “Optical Coherence Tomography Correlates Multiple Measures of Tissue Damage Following Acute Burn Injury.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 9(5) 731-741 (2019).
18. C Methner, A Mishra, K Golgitiu, YD Li, W Wei, ND Yanez, B Zlokovic, RK Wang, NJ Alkayed, S Kaul, JJ Iliff. “Pericyte constriction underlies capillary de-recruitment during hyperemia in the setting of arterial stenosis.” Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 317(2):H255-H263 (2019). doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00097.2019. Epub 2019 May 24.
19. BS. Ashimatey, KM Green, ZD Chu, RK Wang, AH Kashani. “Impaired Retinal Vascular Reactivity in Diabetic Retinopathy as Assessed by Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.” Investigative ophthalmology & visual science. 60 (7), 2468-2473 (2019).
20. KH Zhou, SZ Song, QQ Zhang, ZD Chu, ZH Huang, and R.K. Wang “Visualizing choriocapillaris using swept source optical coherence tomography angiography with various probe beam size.” Biomed. Opt. Exp. 10 (6), 2847-2860 (2019).
21. N Rinella, H Zhou, QQ Zhang, C Keiner, CE Oldenburg, JL Duncan, RK Wang, DM Schwartz. “Quantifying Choriocapillaris Flow Voids in Patients with Geographic Atrophy Using Swept-Source OCT Angiography.” OSLI Retina, 50 (9), e229-e235 (2019).
22. N Koulisis, SN. Moysidis, Y Yonekawa, YL Dai, B Burkemper, EH. Wood, I Lertjirachai, B Todorich, TZ. Khundkar, ZD Chu, RK. Wang, GA Williams, KA. Drenser, A Capone, MT. Trese, E Nudleman. “Correlating Changes in the Macular Microvasculature and Capillary Network to Peripheral Vascular Pathology in Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy.” Ophthalmology Retina. Volume 3, Issue 7, Pages 597–606 (2019). DOI:
23. Lee, CS; Tyring, AJ; Wu, Y; Xiao, S; Rokem, AS; DeRuyter, NP; Zhang, QQ; Tufail, A; Wang, RK; Lee, AY. “Generating retinal flow maps from structural optical coherence tomography with artificial intelligence.” SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. Volume 9; Article Number: 5694 (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-42042-y.
24. R Chang, Z Chu, B Burkemper, GC Lee, A Fard, MK Durbin, A Reznik, BY Xu, A Kashani, R Varma, RK Wang, GM Richter. “Effect of Scan Size on Glaucoma Diagnostic Performance Using OCT Angiography En Face Images of the Radial Peripapillary Capillaries.” Journal of glaucoma 28 (5), 465-472 (2019).
25. KA Rezaei, G Vangipuarm, SS Saraf, Q Zhang, RK Wang.” Profound Presentation of Retinopathy in a Patient with Sickle Cell Trait and Diabetes Mellitus.” Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research. Accepted for publication.
26. R Wallace, QQ Zhang, RK Wang and TT Shen. “The evaluation of spontaneous Descemet's membrane reattachment using swept-source optical coherence tomography: a case report.” QUANTITATIVE IMAGING IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY. 9(3), 535-536 (2019). DOI: 10.21037/qims.2019.03.11
27. WJ Choi, YD Li, and RK Wang “Monitoring acute stroke progression: multi-parametric OCT imaging of cortical perfusion, flow, and tissue scattering in a mouse model of permanent focal ischemia.” IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 38 (6), 1427-1437 (2019). doi: 10.1109/TMI.2019.2895779. [Epub ahead of print]
28. M Thulliez, QQ Zhang, YY Shi, H Zhou, ZD Chu, L de Sisternes, MK. Durbin, W Feuer, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Correlations Between Choriocapillaris Flow Deficits Around Geographic Atrophy and Enlargement Rates Based on Swept Source OCT Imaging.” Ophthalmology Retina. 3 (6), 478–488 (2019). DOI:
29. SZ Song, KH Zhou, JJ Xu, QQ Zhang and RK Wang. “Development of a clinical prototype miniature hand-held optical coherence tomography probe for prematurity and pediatric ophthalmic imaging.” Biomed. Opt. Exp. 10(5), 2383-2398 (2019) •
30. SS Saraf, AJ Tyring, C-L Chen, TP Le, RE Kalina, RK Wang, JR Chao. “Familial Retinal Arteriolar Tortuosity and Quantification of Vascular Tortuosity Using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.” American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports. 14, 74-78 (2019).
31. A Deegan, and RK Wang. “Microvascular Imaging of the Skin.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 64 (2019) 07TR01 (24pp).
32. M.A. Redd, N Zeinstra, W Qin, W Wei, A Martinson, YL Wang, RK Wang, CE Murry, Y Zheng, “Patterned human microvascular grafts enable rapid vascularization and increase perfusion and engraftment in infarcted hearts.” Nature Comm. Volume 10, Article number: 584 (2019).
33. Xiao-Na Wang, Qi Zhao, Dong-Jun Li, Zi-Yang Wang, Wei Chen, Yi-Feng Li, Rui Cui, Lin Shen, Ruikang K. Wang, Xiao-Yan Peng, Wen-Li Yang. “Quantitative evaluation of primary retinitis pigmentosa patients using color Doppler flow imaging and optical coherence tomography angiography.” Acta Ophthalmologica. 2019 Nov;97(7):e993-e997. doi: 10.1111/aos.14047.
34. F Zheng*, QQ Zhang*, YY Shi*, JF Russell, EH Motulsky, JT Banta, ZD Chu, H Zhou, N Patel, W Feuer, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Age-Dependent Changes in the Macular Choriocapillaris of Normal Eyes Imaged with Swept-Source OCT Angiography.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. 200 (4), 110-122 (2019). DOI:
35. JC Wen, C-L Chen, KA. Rezaei, JR. Chao, A Vemulakonda, I Luttrell, RK. Wang, PP. Chen. “Optic nerve head perfusion before and after intravitreal anti-vascular growth factor injections using optical coherence tomography-based microangiography.” Journal of Glaucoma, 28 (3), 188-193 (2019).
36. ZD Chu, QQ Zhang, H Zhou, YY Shi, F Zheng, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, and RK Wang. “Quantifying choriocapillaris flow deficits using global and localized thresholding methods: A correlation study.” Quant Imaging Med Surg 2018;8(10):1102-1112. doi: 10.21037/qims.2018.12.09
37. W Wei, YD Li, ZY Xie, A Deegan, and RK Wang. “Spatial and temporal heterogeneities of capillary hemodynamics and its functional coupling during neural activation.” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 38(5), 1295-1303 (2019). DOI 10.1109/TMI.2018.2883244
1. PJ Tang, RK Wang. “Stable fiber-based polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography using polarization maintaining common-path interferometer.” Journal of Biomedical Optics, Accepted for Publication.
2. KH Zhou, SZ Song, A Legocki, YX Cheng, L Ding, KA Rezaei, RK Wang, MT Cabrera. “Quantitative Handheld Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Awake Preterm and Full-term Infants.” TVST, Accepted for Publication.
3. Y Dai, C Xin, QQ Zhang, ZD Chu, H Zhou, X Zhou, and RK Wang. “Impact of ocular magnification on Retinal and Choriocapillaris Blood Flow Quantification with Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Myopia.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. Accepted for Publication.
4. PJ Tang & RK Wang. “Polarization state tracing method to map local birefringent property in sample using polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography.” Biomedical Optics Express. Accepted for Publication.
5. M Johnstone, C Xin, J Tan, E Martin, J Wen, RK Wang. “Aqueous Outflow Regulation-21st Century Concepts.” Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, Accepted for Publication.
6. D Richter, AM Fargo, J Straub, W Wei, QQ Zhang, RK Wang. “Relative retinal flow velocity detection using optical coherence tomography Angiography imaging.” Biomedical Optics Express. Vol. 11, Issue 11, pp. 6710-6720 (2020) •
7. PJ Tang & RK Wang. “Polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography for imaging microvascular information within living tissue without polarization-induced artifacts.” Biomedical Optics Express. 11(11), 6379-6388 (2020).
8. AJ Deegan*, J Lu*, R Sharma, SP Mandell, RK Wang. “Imaging Human Skin Autograft Integration with Optical Coherence Tomography.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. Accepted for Publication
9. C Hansen, KD Bojikian, ZD Chu, X Zhou, QQ Zhang, RC Mudumbai, MA Johnstone, RK Wang, PP Chen. “Macular microvascular parameters in the ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer derived by optical coherence tomography angiography: Vascular structure central visual function analysis. PLoS ONE 15(10): e0240111.
10. QH He, T Liu and RK Wang. “Handheld swept-source optical coherence tomography guided by smartphone-enabled wide-field autofluorescence photography in imaging of facial sebaceous glands.” Optics Letters. Vol. 45, No. 20, 5704 - 5707 (2020).
11. A Rakymzhan, YD Li, P Tang, and RK Wang. “Optical coherence tomography angiography quantitatively characterizes the differences in cerebral blood vasculature and flow in awake and anesthetized mouse cortex.” J. Biomed. Opt. 25(9), 096005 (2020), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.25.9.096005.
12. JC Lee, DJ Grisafe II, B Burkemper, BR Chang, X Zhou, ZD Chu, A Fard, MK Durbin, BJ Wong, BJ Song, BY Xu, RK. Wang, GM. Richter. “Intra-session Repeatability and Inter-session Reproducibility of Peripapillary OCTA Vessel Parameters in Non-Glaucomatous and Glaucomatous Eyes.” British Journal of Ophthalmology. Accepted for Publication.
13. YX Cheng, ZD Chu, and RK Wang. “Fast three-dimensional registration on OCT angiography for speckle reduction and visualization.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. Accepted for Publication.
14. L Taylor, KD Bojikian, H Jung, ZD Chu, X Zhou, QQ Zhang, RC Mudumbai, RK Wang, PP Chen. “Peripapillary and macular microcirculation in glaucoma patients of African and European descent using optical coherence tomography angiography.” Journal of Glaucoma. 29(10):885-889 (2020). doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000001629.
15. ZY Xie, G Wang, Y Cheng, QQ Zhang, MH Le, RK Wang. “Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Measures Blood Pulsatile Waveforms at Variable Tissue Depths.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. Accepted for Publication.
16. W Wei, QQ Zhang, SG Rayner, W Qin, YX Cheng, FP Wang, Y Zheng, RK Wang. “Automatic vessel diameter quantification and vessel tracing for OCT angiography.” Journal of Biophotonics. Accepted for Publication.
17. ZD Chu, QQ Zhang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, RK Wang, “Guidelines for imaging the choriocapillaris using OCT angiography.” American Journal of Ophthalmology, Accepted for Publication.
18. N Mehta, Y Cheng, A. Yasin Alibhai, JS Duker, RK Wang, NK Waheed “Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Distortion Correction in Widefield Montage Images.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. Accepted for Publication.
19. JJ Pitre Jr., MA Kirby, DS Li, TT Shen, RK Wang, M O’Donnell, and I Pelivanov. “Nearly-incompressible transverse isotropy (NITI) of cornea elasticity: model and experiments with acoustic micro-tapping OCE.” Scientific Reports. 10, 12983 (2020).
20. P Fernández-Avellaneda, K.B Freund, RK Wang, QH He, QQ Zhang, S. Fragiotta, X Xu, G. Ledesma-Gil, Y Sugiura, MP Breazzano, LA Yannuzzi, S Liakopoulos, D Sarraf, R Dolz-Marco. “Multimodal imaging features and clinical relevance of subretinal lipid globules.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. Accepted for publication.
21. M Singer, BS Ashimatey, X Zhou, ZD Chu, RK Wang, AH Kashani. “Impaired Layer Specific Retinal Vascular Reactivity Among Diabetic Subjects.” PLoS ONE 15(9): e0233871.
22. G Wang, NM Le, X Hu, YX Cheng, SL Jacques, H Subhash, RK Wang. “Semi-automated registration and segmentation for gingival tissue volume measurement on 3D OCT images.” Biomedical Optics Express. Vol. 11, No. 8 / 1 August 2020 / 4536-4547.
23. YY Shi, ZD Chu, L Wang, QQ Zhang, W Feuer, L de Sisternes, MK Durbin, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Validation of a Compensation Strategy used to Detect Choriocapillaris Flow Deficits Under Drusen with Swept Source OCT Angiography.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. Accepted. DOI:
24. A Kanoke, Y Akamatsu, Y Nishijima, E To, CC Lee, YD Li, RK Wang, T Tominaga, JL Liu, “The impact of native leptomeningeal collateralization on rapid blood flow recruitment following ischemic stroke.” Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. Accepted for Publication.
25. KM Green, BC Toy, BS Ashimatey, D Mustafi, RL Jennelle, MA Astrahan, Z Chu, RK Wang, J Kim, JL Berry, AH Kashani. “Quantifying subclinical and longitudinal microvascular changes following episcleral plaque brachytherapy (EPB) using spectral-domain OCT angiography.” Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases. Accepted for Publication.
26. YD Li, A Rakymzhan, PJ Tang, and RK Wang, “Procedure and protocols for optical imaging of cerebral blood flow and hemodynamics in awake mice.” Biomedical Optics Express.” Vol. 11, No. 6, 3288-3300 (2020).
27. Andrew J. Nelson, ZD Chu, B Burkemper, R Chang, A Reznik, B Xu, RK Wang, GM Richter. “Clinical Utility of Triplicate En Face Image Averaging for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Glaucoma and Glaucoma Suspects.” Journal of Glaucoma, 29(9): 823-830 (2020). doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000001570.
28. Woo June Choi, Bjorn Paulson, Sungwook Yu, Ruikang Wang, Jun Ki Kim. “Mean-Subtraction Method for De-shadowing of Tail Artifacts in Cerebral OCTA Images: A Proof of Concept.” Materials 2020, 13, 2024; doi:10.3390/ma13092024.
29. E. Swanson, JL Friedly, RK Wang, and JE Sanders. “Optical coherence tomography for the investigation of skin adaptation in lower limb prosthesis users.” Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics. Accepted for Publication.
30. N Le, H Subhash, L Kilpatrick, RK Wang, “Non-invasive multimodal imaging by integrating optical coherence tomography with autofluorescence imaging for periodontal applications.” J. Biophotonics. Volume 13, Issue 7: e202000026 (2020).
31. Y Yan, X. Zhou, Z.D. Chu, L. Stell, M.A. Shariati, R.K. Wang, and Y.P. Liao. “Vision loss in optic disc drusen correlates with increased macular vessel diameter and flux and reduced peripapillary vascular density.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. 218 (10), 214-224 (2020).
32. QH He, T Liu and RK Wang. “Enhanced spatial resolution for snapshot hyperspectral imaging of blood perfusion and melanin information within human tissue.” Journal of Biophotonics, Volume 13, Issue 5: e202000019 (2020). Doi: 10.1002/(ISSN)1864-0648
33. H Zhou, YN Dai, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, JL Duncan, DM Schwartz, RK Wang. “Automated morphometric measurement of retinal pigment epithelium complex and choriocapillaris using swept source OCT.” Biomedical Optics Express. Vol. 11, No. 4, 1834-1850 (2020).
34. ZD Chu, JE Weinstein, RK Wang, KL Pepple. “Quantitative Analysis of the Choriocapillaris in Uveitis Using Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. 218 (10), 17-27, (2020).
35. WJ Choi, ES Kim, AM Maga, and RK Wang. “A feasibility study of OCT for anatomical and vascular phenotyping of mouse embryo.” Journal of Biophotonics. 2020 Feb 17:e201960225. doi: 10.1002/jbio.201960225. [Epub ahead of print].
36. K Nattagh; H Zhou; N Rinella; QQ Zhang; Y Dai; KG Foote; C Keiner; M Deiner; JL Duncan; TC Porco; RK Wang; DM Schwartz. “OCT Angiography to Predict Geographic Atrophy Progression using Choriocapillaris Flow Void as a Biomarker.” Translational Vision Science & Technology June 2020, Vol.9(7), 6. doi:
37. E. Swanson, JL Friedly, RK Wang, and JE Sanders. “Optical coherence tomography for the investigation of skin adaptation to mechanical stress.” Skin Research and Technology. 26(5):627-638 (2020).
38. ZD Chu, YX Cheng, QQ Zhang, H Zhou, YN Dai, YY Shi, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, RK Wang. “Quantification of choriocapillaris with Phansalkar’s local thresholding: pitfalls to avoid.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2020;213:161–176..
39. Eileen L Brady, Mitchell A Kirby, Emily Olzewski, Parker Grosjean, Fredrik Johansson, Jennifer Davis, Ruikang K Wang, Kelly R Steven. “Guiding vascularization of bioartificial tissues on the rat heart.” APL Bioengineering, 4, 016105 (2020).
40. Y Dai, H Zhou, ZD Chu, QQ Zhang, JR Chao, KA Rezaei, RK Wang. “Microvascular Changes in the Choriocapillaris of Diabetic Patients without Retinopathy Investigated by Swept-Source OCT Angiography.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 61, 50 (2020). doi:
41. QH He, and RK Wang. “Hyperspectral imaging enabled by unmodified smartphone for analyzing skin morphological features and monitoring hemodynamics.” Biomedical Optics Express. Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 895-910 (2020) •
42. FP Wang, SS Saraf, QQ Zhang, RK Wang, & KA Rezaei. “Ultra-Widefield Protocol Enhances Automated Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Severity with Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.” Ophthalmology Retina, Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2020, Pages 415-424. DOI:
43. P Fernández-Avellaneda, MP Breazzano, S Fragiotta, X Xu, QQ Zhang, RK Wang, KB Freund. “Bacillary Layer Detachment Overlying Reduced Choriocapillaris Flow in Acute Idiopathic Maculopathy.” Retinal Cases & Brief Reports, 2019 Nov 19. doi: 10.1097/ICB.0000000000000943. [Epub ahead of print]
44. PJ Tang, YD Li, A Rakymzhan, ZY Xie, and RK Wang. “Measurement and visualization of stimulus-evoked tissue dynamics in mouse barrel cortex using phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography.” Biomedical Optics Express. Vol. 11, No. 2, 699-710 (2020).
45. H Zhou, YN Dai, CC Lyu, J Noorikolouri, WJ Feuer, Z Chu, Q Zhang, L de Sisternes, MK Durbin, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, RK Wang. “Age-related changes in choroidal thickness and the volume of vessels and stroma using swept source OCT and fully automated algorithms.” Ophthalmology Retina, Volume 4, Issue 2, Pages 204–215 (2020). DOI:
1. M Shen, H Zhou, K Kim, Q Bo, J Lu, R Laiginhas, XS Jiang, Q Yan, P Iyer, O Trivizki, YY Shi, L de Sisternes, MK Durbin, W Feuer, G Gregori, RK Wang, XD Sun, FH Wang, SY Yu, PJ Rosenfeld. “Choroidal Changes in Eyes with Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy after Anti-VEGF Therapy Imaged with Swept-Source OCT Angiography.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, December 2021, Vol.62, 5.
2. GM Richter, JC Lee, N Khan, A Vorperian, B Hand, B Burkemper, X Zhou, ZD Chu, RK Wang, R Varma, AH Kashani. “Ocular and Systemic Determinants of Perifoveal and Macular Vessel Parameters in Healthy African Americans: The African American Eye Disease Study.” British Journal of Ophthalmology, Accepted.
3. YM Lu and RK Wang. “Removing dynamic distortions from laser speckle flowgraphy using eigen-decomposition and spatial filtering.” Journal of Biophotonics, Accepted. DOI:
4. PJ Tang, MA Kirby, N Le, YD Li, N Zeinstra, GN Lu, CE Murry, Y Zheng, and RK Wang. “Polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography for imaging depth-resolved collagen organizations.” Nature Light: Science & Applications. (2021) 10:237.
5. ZD Chu, YY Shi, X Zhou, L Wang, H Zhou, R Laiginhas, QQ Zhang, YX Cheng, MX Shen, L de Sisternes, MK Durbin, W Feuer, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld and RK Wang. “OCT Measurements of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium to Bruch’s Membrane Thickness around Geographic Atrophy Correlate with Growth.” Am J Ophthalmol. 236, P249–P260 (2022).
6. P Li, Q Li. N Biswas, H Xin, T Diemer, L Liu, LP Gutierrez, G Paternostro, C Piermarocchi, S Domanskyi, RK Wang, N Ferrara. “LIF, a mitogen for choroidal endothelial cells, protects choriocapillaris: implications for prevention of geographic atrophy.” EMBO Molecular Medicine. EMBO Mol Med (2021) e14511
7. PJ Tang & RK Wang. “1700 nm broadband laser source enables deep brain optical biopsy.” Nature Light: Science & Applications, 10:205 (2021). Note that this article is a scientific commentary.
8. NT Rinella, H Zhou, J Wong, QQ Zhang, K Nattagh, TC Porco, RK Wang, DM Schwartz, JL Duncan. “Correlation Between Localized Choriocapillaris Perfusion and Macular Function in Eyes with Geographic Atrophy.” Am J Ophthalmol. 234, P174-182, (2022). DOI:
9. M Shen, PJ Rosenfeld, G Gregori, RK Wang. “Predicting the Onset of Exudation in Treatment-Naïve Eyes with Nonexudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration.” Ophthalmology Retina, accepted. Note that this article is a scientific editorial.
10. MA Kirby, JJ Pitre Jr., HC Liou, DS Li, RK Wang, I Pelivanov, M O’Donnell, TT Shen. “Delineating Corneal Elastic Anisotropy in a Porcine Model Using Noncontact OCT Elastography and Ex Vivo Mechanical Tests.” Ophthalmology Science 1 (4), 100058 (2021).
11. J Lo, TY Timothy, D Ma, PX Zang, JP Owen, QQ Zhang, RK Wang, MF Beg, AY Lee, Y Jia, MV Sarunic. “Federated Learning for Microvasculature Segmentation and Diabetic Retinopathy Classification of Optical Coherence Tomography Data.” Ophthalmology Science. Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2021, 100069.
12. NM Scoville, AT Legocki, P Touch, L Ding, Y Moshiri, C Bays-Muchmore, Erica Qiao, K Zhou, J Zhong, K Tarczy-Hornoch, RK Wang, MT Cabrera “Vitreous opacities in infants born full-term and preterm by handheld swept-source optical coherence tomography.” Journal of AAPOS, (Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus). Accepted. 2021.
13. PJ Rosenfeld, O Trivizki, G Gregori, RK Wang. “An Update on the Hemodynamic Model of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.” Am J Ophthalmol. Accepted.
14. N Le, H Cheng, H Subhash, L Kilpatrick-Liverman, RK Wang. “Gingivitis resolution followed by optical coherence tomography and fluorescence imaging: a case study.” Journal of Biophotonics. 2021 Aug 28;e202100191. doi:
15. J Lu, H Zhou, J Choe, Y Shi, M Shen, K Chen, QQ Zhang, WJ Feuer, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, RK Wang. “Interocular Asymmetry of Choroidal Thickness and Vascularity Index in Normal Adults Assessed by Swept-Source OCT.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. Accepted. DOI:
16. KM McKay, Z Chu, JB Kim, A Legocki, X Zhou, M Tian, MR Munk, RK Wang, KL Pepple. “Automated Quantification of Choriocapillaris Lesion Area in Patients with Posterior Uveitis.” American journal of ophthalmology. 231, Pages 179-193 (2021).
17. YB Ji, KH Zhou, SH Ibbotson, RK Wang, CH Li, ZH Huang. “A Novel Automatic 3D Stitching Algorithm for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography and Its Application in Dermatology.” Journal of Biophotonics.
18. MJ Phillips, D Dinh-Dang, K Bolo, B Burkemper, JC Lee, R Chang, DJ Grisafe, Z Chu, X Zhou, BJ Song, BY Xu, B Wong, RK Wang, GM. Richter. “Steps to Measurement Floor of an Optical Microangiography Device in Glaucoma.” Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 May 26;S0002-9394(21)00305-6.
19. F Abdolahi, X Zhou, BS Ashimatey, ZD Chu, XJ Jiang, RK Wang, AH Kashani. “Assessment of Physiological Changes in Retinal Capillary Blood Flow in the Healthy Human Retina Using OCTA.” Trans Vis Sci Tech.. Accepted for Publication.
20. EM Moult, YY Shi, QQ Zhang, L Wang, R Mazumder, SY Chen, ZD Chu, W Feuer, NK Waheed, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld, JG Fujimoto. “An Analysis of Correlations between Local Geographic Atrophy Growth Rates and Local OCT Angiography-Measured Choriocapillaris Flow Deficits.” Biomedical Optics Express. Vol. 12, Issue 7, pp. 4573-4595 (2021)
21. H Zhou, T Bacci, KB Freund, RK. Wang. “Three-Dimensional Segmentation and Depth-Encoded Visualization of Choroidal Vasculature using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography.” Experimental Biology and Medicine, 246 (20), 2238-2245 (2021).
22. J Juliano, J Lee, A Nelson, V LeTran, B Burkemper, Z Chu, X Zhou, X Jiang, RK Wang, R Varma, G Richter. “Longer axial length potentiates relationship of intraocular pressure and peripapillary vessel density in glaucoma patients.” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. July 2021, Vol.62, 37.
23. YC Sun, Y Inamoto, RK Wang, SJ Lee, KF Hung, TT Shen. “The disposable bandage soft contact lenses therapy and anterior segment optical coherence tomography for management of ocular graft-versus-host disease.” BMC ophthalmology, 21 (1), 1-8 (2021).
24. KL Hong, B Burkemper, AL Urrea, BR Chang, J Lee, V LeTran, Z Chu, X Zhou, BY Xu, BJ Wong, BJ Song, X Jiang, RK Wang, R Varma, GM Richter. “Hemiretinal Asymmetry in Peripapillary Vessel Density in Healthy, Glaucoma Suspect, and Glaucoma Eyes.” Am J Ophthalmol. Volume 230, October 2021, Pages 156-165.
25. W Zhang, CM Davis, DM Zeppenfeld, K Golgotiu, D Hong, YD Li, RK Wang, JJ Iliff, NJ Alkayed. “Role of endothelium-pericyte signalling in capillary blood flow response to neuronal activity.” Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. Accepted for Publication. PMID: 33853406.
26. M Shen, Q Zhang, J Yang, H Zhou, Z Chu, X Zhou, W Feuer, X Jiang, Y Shi, L de Sisternes, MK Durbin, RK. Wang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, “Swept Source OCT Angiographic Characteristics of Treatment-Naïve Nonexudative Macular Neovascularization in AMD Prior to Exudation.” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021;62(6):14.
27. J Lu, A Deegan, YX Chen, T Liu, YJ Zheng, SP Mandell, RK Wang. “Application of OCT-Derived Attenuation Coefficient in Acute Burn-Damaged Skin.” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 53:1192–1200 (2021). [Selected for the Journal Cover, and selected as Editor’s choice for the month, reported in the ASLM news outlet].
28. Y Yan, X Zhou, ZD Chu, L Stell, MA Shariati, RK Wang, and YJ Liao. “Topographic Quadrant Analysis of Peripapillary Superficial Microvasculature in Optic Disc Drusen.” Front. Neurol. 12:666359 (2021).
29. QH He, ZY Sun, YD Li, W Wang, RK Wang. “Spatiotemporal monitoring of changes in oxy/deoxy-hemoglobin concentration and blood pulsation on human skin using smartphone-enabled remote multispectral photoplethysmography.” Biomedical Optics Express. 12 (5), 2919-2937 (2021)
30. Devon Griggs, Karam Khateeb, Jasmine Zhou, Teng Liu, Ruikang Wang and Azadeh Yazdan-Shahmorad. “Multi-modal artificial dura for simultaneous large-scale optical access and large-scale electrophysiology in non-human primate cortex.” 2021 J. Neural Eng. in press
31. Maxwell B. Singer, John M. Ringman, Zhongdi Chu, Xiao Zhou, Xuejuan Jiang, Anoush Shahidzadeh, Ruikang K. Wang, and Amir H. Kashani. “Abnormal retinal capillary blood flow in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease.” Alzheimer’s Dement. 2021;13:e12162. First published: 04 March 2021
32. ZY Sun*, QH He*, YD Li, W Wang, RK Wang. “Robust non-contact peripheral oxygenation saturation measurement using smartphone-enabled imaging photoplethysmography.” Biomedical Optics Express. 12 (3). 1746-1760 (2021).
33. C Xin, S Song, N Wang, RK Wang, M Johnstone. “Effects of Schlemm’s Canal Expansion: Biomechanics and MIGS Implications.” Life 2021, 11, 176.
34. A Rakymzhan, YD Li, P Tang, and RK Wang. “Optical microangiography reveals temporal and depth-resolved hemodynamic change in mouse barrel cortex during whisker stimulation.” Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 353, 109094 (2021).
35. G Tummala, ZD Chu, JE Weinstein, RK Wang, KL Pepple. “Swept source OCTA reveals a link between choriocapillaris blood flow and vision loss in a case of tubercular serpiginous-like choroiditis.” American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports, Volume 21, Article 101018 (2021).
36. LC Huang, H Zhou, AT Legocki, NM Scoville, JP Zhong, L Ding, RK Wang, MT Cabrera. “Choroidal Thickness by Handheld Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography in Term Newborns.” Trans Vis Sci Tech. 2021;10(2):27,
37. QH He, ZY Sun, YD Li, W Wang and RK. Wang. “Smartphone-enabled snapshot multispectral autofluorescence imaging and its application for bacteria assessments in skin and oral cavity.” Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 140 (2021) 106546. This paper has been reported in more than 20 news outlets worldwide. and also video interviewed by Voice of American.
38. LSM Mendonça, R Perrott-Reynolds, R Schwartz, HA Madi, N Cronbach, I Gendelman, A Muldrew, F Bannon, K Balaskas, CMG Cheung, A Fawzi, D Ferrara, KB Freund, J Fujimoto, M Munk, G Querques, R Ribeiro, PJ Rosenfeld, SR Sadda, J Sahni, D Sarraf, RF Spaide, U Schmidt-Erfurth, E Souied, G Staurenghi, R Tadayoni, R Wang, U Chakravarthy, NK Waheed. “UNIted COmmentary of inteRnational experts on nAMD in OCTA Nomenclature: UNICORN”. Ophthalmology. 128 (7), 1109-1112 (2021). PubMed PMID: 33359557.
39. YY Shi, QQ Zhang, H Zhou, L Wang, ZD Chu, XS Jiang, MX Shen, M Thulliez, CC Lyu, W Feuer, L de Sisternes, MK Durbin, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Correlations Between Choriocapillaris and Choroidal Measurements and the Growth of Geographic Atrophy using Swept Source OCT Imaging.” American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021; 224:321–331. . PubMed PMID: 33359715.
1. A Karimi, R. Razaghi, SM Rahmati, JC Downs, TS Acott, MJ Kelley, RK Wang, and M Johnstone. “The Effect of Intraocular Pressure Load Boundary on the Bio-mechanics of the Human Conventional Aqueous Outflow Pathway.” Bioengineering, 2022, 9(11), 672;
2. A Karimi, R. Razaghi, S Padilla, SM Rahmati, JC Downs, TS Acott, MJ Kelley, RK Wang, and M Johnstone. “Viscoelastic Biomechanical Properties of the Conventional Aqueous Outflow Pathway Tissues in Healthy and Glaucoma Human Eyes.” J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 6049.
3. Y Xu, X Zhu, Y Wang, Z Chu, RK Wang, L Lu, H Zou. “Early Retinal Microvasculopathy in Prediabetic Patients and Correlated Factors.” Ophthalmic Research. In press. DOI:10.1159/000527957
4. YP SHI, J LU, N LE, AND RK WANG. “Integrating pressure sensor with OCT handheld probe to facilitate imaging of microvascular information in skin tissue beds.” Biomed. Opt. Express 13(11), 6153-6166 (2022).
5. ZC Wu, X Zhou, ZD Chu, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld, RH Guymer. “Impact of Reticular Pseudodrusen on Choriocapillaris Flow Deficits and Choroidal Structure on Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.” Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2022;63(12):1. doi:
6. YF Xu, WR Zhang, E Allen, L Federov, A Barnes, ZY Qian, TM Bah, YD Li, RK Wang, RE Shangraw, and NJ Alkayed. “GPR39 Knockout Worsens Microcirculatory Response to Experimental Stroke in a Sex-Dependent Manner.” Translational Stroke Research. In press.
7. QQ Zhang, YY Shi, MX Shen, YX Chen, H Zhou, W Feuer, L de Sisternes, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld and RK Wang. “Does the Outer Retinal Thickness Around Geographic Atrophy Represent Another Clinical Biomarker for Predicting Growth?” Am J Ophthalmol. 244, December 2022, Pages 79-87 (2022)
8. G Regnault, MA Kirby, M Kuriakose, TT Shen, RK Wang, M O’Donnell, I Pelivanov. “Spatial resolution in optical coherence elastography of bounded media.” Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 13, Issue 9, pp. 4851-4869 (2022)
9. V Pramil, L de Sisternes, L Omlor, W Lewis, H Sheikh, Z Chu, N Manivannan, M Durbin, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld, R Guymer, M Liang, G Gregori, NK Waheed. “A deep learning model for automated segmentation of geographic atrophy imaged with swept-source optical coherence tomography images.” Ophthalmology Retina. In press.
10. PJ Tang, Nhan Le, CH Chung, H Subhash, L Kilpatrick-Liverman, R.K. Wang, “Local axis orientation mapped by polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography provides a unique contrast to identify caries lesions in enamel.” Biomedical Optics Express, 13, 4247-4260 (2022).
11. PG Iyer, ZD Chu, MX Shen, YY Shi, O Trivizki, QQ Zhang, W Feuer, RK Wang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld. “Change in Choriocapillaris Flow Deficits Within Tears of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium Imaged with Swept-Source OCT Angiography.” Retina, 42:2031–2038, 2022. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003577
12. H Zhou, J Liu, R Laiginhas, QQ Zhang, YX Cheng, Y Zhang, YY Shi, MX Shen, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, RK Wang. “Depth-resolved visualization and automated quantification of hyperreflective foci on OCT scans using optical attenuation coefficients.” Biomedical Optics Express, 13, 4175-4189 (2022).
13. A Karimi, SM Rahmati, R. Razaghi, JC Downs, TS Acott, RK Wang, and M Johnstone. “Biomechanics of Human Trabecular Meshwork in Healthy and Glaucoma Eyes via Dynamic Schlemm’s Canal Pressurization.” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Accepted for publication.
14. A Karimi, R. Razaghi, SM Rahmati, JC Downs, TS Acott, RK Wang, and M Johnstone. “Modelling the Biomechanics of the Conventional Aqueous Outflow Pathway Microstructure in the Human Eye.” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Accepted for publication.
15. YB Ji, SF Yang, KH Zhou, J Lu, RK Wang, CH Li, ZH Huang. “Semi-supervised Representation Learning for Measuring Epidermal Thickness in Human Subjects in Optical Coherence Tomography by Leveraging Datasets from Rodent Models.” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 27(8), 085002 (2022), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.8.085002
16. N Le, J Lu, PJ Tang, KH Chung, H Subhash, L Kilpatrick-Liverman, RK Wang. “Intraoral optical coherence tomography and angiography combined with autofluorescence for dental assessment.” Biomedical Optics Express, 13(6), 3629-3646 (2022).
17. WJ Choi, YD Li, RK Wang, JH Kim. “Automated counting of cerebral penetrating vessels using optical coherence tomography images of a mouse brain in vivo.” Medical Physics, 49 (8): 5225-5235 (2022).
18. ZY Gong, YP Shi, RK Wang. “De-aliased depth-range-extended optical coherence tomography based on dual under-sampling.” Optics Letters. 47(11), 2642-2645 (2022).
19. YM Lu, H Zhou, X Zhou, YX Chen, RK Wang. “Correlation between laser speckle flowgraphy and OCT-derived retinal and choroidal metrics in healthy human eye.” Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2022;11(6):15.
20. A Shen, AL Urrea, JC Lee, B Burkemper, V LeTran, X Zhou, ZD Chu, A Fard, B Wong, B Song, BY Xu, RK Wang, GM Richter. “Intrasession Repeatability and Intersession Reproducibility of Macular Vessel Parameters on Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Glaucomatous and Non-Glaucomatous Eyes.” Current Eye Research, Accepted for publication. doi: 10.1080/02713683.2022.2061004
21. QH He, RK Wang. “Imaging-photoplethysmography-guided optical microangiography.” Optics Letters. Vol. 47 (9): 2302-2305 (2022).
22. PG Iyer, H Zhou, QQ Zhang, ZD Chu, MX Shen, YY Shi, J Liu, O Trivizki, B Lam, RK Wang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld. “Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Detection of Bruch’s Membrane and Choriocapillaris Abnormalities in Sorsby Macular Dystrophy.” Retina, 2022 Sep 1;42(9):1645-1654. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003515.
23. Murray Johnstone, Chen Xin, Ted Acott, Janice Vranka, Joanne Wen, Elizabeth Martin, Ruikang Wang. “Valve-like Outflow System Behavior with Motion Slowing in Glaucoma Eyes: Findings Using a MIGS-like Platform and OCT Imaging.” Frontiers in Medicine. 9:815866 (2022). doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.815866.
24. K Khateeb, J Bloch, J Zhou, M Rahimi, DJ Griggs, VN Kharazia, MN Le, RK Wang, A. Yazdan-Shahmorad. “A versatile toolbox for studying cortical physiology in primates.” Cell Reports Methods. 2, 100183, March 28, 2022.
25. H Zhou, J Lu, K Chen, YY Shi, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, RK Wang. “Mitigating the effects of choroidal hyper- and hypo-transmission defects on choroidal vascularity index assessments using OCT.” Quant Imaging Med Surg 2022;12(5):2932-2946. doi: 10.21037/qims21-1093
26. MA Kirby, PJ Tang, HC Liou, M Kuriakose, JJ Pitre Jr., T Pham, R Ettinger, RK Wang, M O’Donnell, and I Pelivanov. “Probing elastic anisotropy of human skin in vivo with light using non-contact acoustic micro-tapping OCE and polarization sensitive OCT.” Sci Rep 12, 3963 (2022).
27. J Li, H Zhou, M Feinstein, J Wong, RK Wang, L Chan, Y Dai, T Porco, JL Duncan, DM Schwartz “Choriocapillaris changes in myopic macular degeneration”, TVST, 2022, Vol.11, 37..
28. S Kushner-Lenhoff, YD Li, QQ Zhang, RK Wang, XJ Jiang, AH Kashani. “OCTA Derived Vessel Skeleton Density Versus Flux as Indicators of Systemic Determinants of health.” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Feb 1;63(2):19. doi: 10.1167/iovs.63.2.19.
29. ZD Chu, L Wang, X Zhou, YY Shi, YX Cheng, R Laiginhas, H Zhou, MX Shen, QQ Zhang, L de Sisternes, A Lee, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld and RK Wang. “Automatic geographic atrophy segmentation using optical attenuation in OCT scans with deep learning.” Biomedical Optics Express, 13 (3), 1328-1342 (2022).
30. Y Ji, S Yang, K Zhou, HR Rocliffe, A Pellicoro, JL Cash, RK Wang, C Li, Z Huang, "Deep-learning approach for automated thickness measurement of epithelial tissue and scab using optical coherence tomography," J. Biomed. Opt. 27(1), 015002 (2022), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.1.015002.
31. S Kushner-Lenhoff, K Kogachi, M Mert, Z Chu, A Shahidzadeh, NV Palejwala, J Wolfe, S Itty, KA Drenser, A Capone Jr, PU Dugel, AA Moshfeghi, H Ameri, LP Daskivich, RK Wang, AH Kashani. “Capillary density and caliber as assessed by optical coherence tomography angiography may be significant predictors of diabetic retinopathy severity.” PLoS One. 17(1): e0262996..
32. JF Russell, H Zhou, YY Shi, MX Shen, G Gregori, WJ Feuer, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Longitudinal Analysis of Diabetic Choroidopathy in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Treated with Panretinal Photocoagulation Using Widefield Swept Source OCT.” Retina, Accepted. DOI: 10.1097/iae.0000000000003375 PMID: 34861657.
33. C Xin, X Wang, NL Wang, RK Wang, M Johnstone. “Trabecular Meshwork Motion Profile from Pulsatile Pressure Transients: A New Platform to Simulate Transitory Responses in Humans and Nonhuman Primates.” Applied Sciences. 2022, 12(1), 11;
1. S.W. Zhou, Y. Zhang, N. Noam, D. Rabinovitch, D. Bar, B.S. Yousif, R. O'Brien, F.E. Hiya, Y. Lin, A. Berni, G. Gregori, R.K. Wang, P.J. Rosenfeld, O. Trivizki; The Impact of Carotid Endarterectomy on Choriocapillaris Perfusion. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2023;64(15):42. PMID: 38153750 PMCID: PMC10756242
2. G REGNAULT, MA KIRBY, RK WANG, TT SHEN, M O’DONNELL, I PELIVANOV. “Possible depth-resolved reconstruction of shear moduli in the cornea following collagen crosslinking (CXL) with optical coherence tomography and elastography.” Biomed. Opt. Express, Vol. 14, Issue 9, pp. 5005-5021 (2023) PMID: 37791258 PMCID: PMC10545180
3. Philip J. Rosenfeld, Giovanni Gregori, and Ruikang K. Wang. “Unleashing the Power of Optical Attenuation Coefficients in OCT Imaging of the Retina.” Biomed. Opt. Express, Vol. 14, Issue 9, pp. 4947-4963 (2023) PMID: 37791280
4. MX Shen, H Zhou, J Lu, J Li, X Jiang, O Trivizki, R Laiginhas, J Liu, Q Zhang, L de Sisternes, W Feuer, R O’Brien, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Choroidal Changes After Anti-VEGF Therapy to Treat Three Different Types of Macular Neovascularization in AMD Eyes Using Swept-Source OCT Angiography.” Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. October 2023, Vol.64, 16. PMID: 37819744 PMCID: PMC10573575
5. QH He, YP Shi, ZY Sun, RK Wang. “SpeCamX: a mobile app that turns smartphone into multispectral imager.” Biomed. Opt. Express, 14 (9), 4929-4946 (2023) PMID: 37791269 PMCID: PMC10545193
6. F Abdolahi; V Yu; R Varma; X Zhou; RK Wang; LM D'Orazio; C Zhao, K Jann; DJ Wang; AH Kashani; XJ Jiang. “Retinal perfusion is linked to cognition and brain MRI biomarkers in Black Americans”, Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2024 Feb;20(2):858-868. doi: 10.1002/alz.13469. Epub 2023 Oct 6. PMID: 37800578 PMCID: PMC10917050,
7. N Stanis, K Khateeb, J Zhou, RK Wang, A. Yazdan-Shahmorad. “Protocol to Study Ischemic Stroke by Photothrombotic Lesioning in the Cortex of Non-Human Primates.” STAR Protocols, Volume 4, Issue 3, 15 September 2023, 102496. PMID: 37573501 PMCID: PMC10448414
8. D Cabral, AC Fradinho, Y Zhang, H Zhou, P Ramtohul, MS Ramakrishnan, T Pereira, RK Wang, K B Freund. “Quantitative Assessment of Choriocapillaris Flow Deficits and Type 1 Macular Neovascularization Growth in Age-Related Macular Degeneration.” Scientific Reports, 13, 8572 (2023).
9. MX Shen, JQ Li, YY Shi, QQ Zhang, ZY Liu, H Zhou, J Lu, YX Cheng, ZD Chu, X Zhou, J Liu, X Jiang, L Wang, R Laiginhas, L de Sisternes, EA Vanner, WJ Feuer, RK Wang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld. “Decreased Central Macular Choriocapillaris Perfusion Correlates with Increased Low Luminance Visual Acuity Deficits.” Am J Ophthalmol 2023 Sep;253:1-11. PMID: 37142175 PMCID: PMC10626399. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2023.04.011.
10. Nicole Zeinstra, Ariana L Frey, Zhiying Xie, Leslie P Blakely, Ruikang K Wang, Charles E Murry, Ying Zheng. “Stacking thick perfusable human microvascular grafts enables dense vascularity and rapid integration into infarcted rat hearts.” Biomaterials, 2023 Oct;301:122250. PMID: 37481833 PMCID: PMC10530304 doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2023.122250. Epub 2023 Jul 18.
11. A Kalus, MM Shinohara, RK Wang, J Baran, X Dong, D Khapour, J Liu, IB Hirsch. “The DERMIS Study: Evaluation of Insulin Pump Infusion Sites in Type 1 Diabetes.” Diabetes Care, 2023 Sep 1;46(9):1626-1632. doi: 10.2337/dc23-0426. PMID: 37450710
12. JQ Li, MX Shen, YX Cheng, QQ Zhang, ZY Liu, J Liu, L de Sisternes, RK Wang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld. “The Impact of Cataracts on the Measurement of Macular Choriocapillaris Flow Deficits using Swept-Source OCT Angiography.” Transl Vis Sci Technol. June 2023, Vol.12, 7. PMID: 37306994 PMCID: PMC10266550. doi:
13. QH He, RK Wang. “Non-contact measurement of neck pulses achieved by imaging micro-motions in the neck skin.” Biomed. Opt. Express, Vol. 14, Issue 9, pp. 4507-4519 (2023). PMID: 37791270
14. WB Zhu, C Davis, E Allen, S Feller, TM Bah, RE Shangraw, RK Wang, NJ Alkayed, “Sex Difference in Capillary Reperfusion after Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Diabetic Mice.” Stroke, 2023;54:364–373. PMID: 36689578 PMCID: PMC9883047
15. JQ Li, ZY Liu, J Lu, MX Shen, YX Cheng, N Siddiqui, H Zhou, QQ Zhang, J Liu, G Herrera, FE Hiya, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Decreased Macular Choriocapillaris Perfusion in Eyes with Macular Reticular Pseudodrusen Imaged with Swept-Source OCT Angiography.” Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. April 2023, Vol.64, 15.
16. Jianqing Li, Chris Wu, Mengxi Shen, Leon Bynoe, Jeremy Liu, Anna Sporysheva, Thomas Albini, Yuxuan Cheng, Ruikang K. Wang, Giovanni Gregori, Philip J. Rosenfeld. “Longitudinal Quantification of Choriocapillaris Flow Deficits in Persistent Placoid Maculopathy: A Case Report.” BMC Ophthalmology. 23, Article number: 161 (2023).
17. J LU, Y CHENG, J LI, Z LIU, M SHEN, Q ZHANG, J LIU, G HERRERA, FE HIYA, R MORIN, J JOSEPH, G GREGORI, PJ ROSENFELD, RK WANG. “Automated segmentation and quantification of calcified drusen in 3D swept source OCT imaging.” Biomed. Opt. Express Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 1292-1306 (2023)
18. SE Lawson, EK Tam, Y Zheng, T Liu, TR Monger, KE Lee, A Legocki, J Kelly, L Ding, RK Wang, K Tarczy-Hornoch, MT Cabrera. “Semi-automated Analysis of Foveal Maturity in Premature and Full-term Infants using Handheld Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography.” Transl Vis Sci Technol. March 2023, Vol.12, 5.
19. Bright S. Ashimatey; Xiao Zhou; Zhongdi Chu; Muhammed Alluwimi; Ruikang K. Wang; Amir H. Kashani. “Variability of Vascular Reactivity in the Retina and Choriocapillaris to Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.” Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2023, Vol.64, 9.
20. PS Micevych, J Wong, H Zhou, RK Wang, TC Porco, J Carroll, A Roorda, JL Duncan. “Cone structure and function in RPGR- and USH2A-associated retinal degeneration.” Am J Ophthalmol 2023 Jan 14;250:1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2023.01.006. Online ahead of print.
21. MA Kirby, I Pelivanov, JJ Pitre, RT Wallace, M O’Donnell, RK Wang, TT Shen. “Acoustic micro-tapping optical coherence elastography to quantify corneal collagen cross linking: ex vivo human study.” Ophthalmology Science, VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2, 100257, JUNE 01, 2023.
22. YF Xu, WR Zhang, E Allen, L Federov, A Barnes, ZY Qian, TM Bah, YD Li, RK Wang, RE Shangraw, and NJ Alkayed. “GPR39 Knockout Worsens Microcirculatory Response to Experimental Stroke in a Sex-Dependent Manner.” Translational Stroke Research. 14 (5), 766-775 (2023).
1. Z. Xie, Y. Shi, A. Marmin, R.K. Wang. “Investigation of the effect of compression pressure in contact OCT imaging on the measurement of epidermis thickness.” Journal of Biophotonics (accepted).
2. J. LIU, Y. SHI, Z. GONG, Y. ZHANG, R.K. WANG. “Adaptive contour-tracking to aid wide-field swept-source optical coherence tomography imaging of large object with uneven surface topology.” Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 15, Issue 8, pp. 4891-4908 (2024)
3. ZY Gong, M Johnstone, RK Wang. “iStent insertion orientation and impact on trabecular meshwork motion resolved by optical coherence tomography imaging,” J. Biomed. Opt. 29(7), 076008 (2024), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.29.7.076008.
4. PJ Rosenfeld, M Shen, O Trivizki, J Liu, G Herrera, FE. Hiya, J Li, A Berni, L Wang, OS. El-Mulki, Y Cheng, J Lu, Q Zhang, RC. O’Brien, G Gregori, RK. Wang, “Rediscovering AMD with Swept-Source OCT Imaging: The 2022 Charles L. Schepens, MD, Lecture.” Ophthalmol Retina. 2024 Apr 18:S2468-6530(24)00187-8. doi: 10.1016/j.oret.2024.04.012. PMID: 38641006. Online ahead of print.
5. A Berni, M Shen, Y Cheng, G Herrera, F Hiya, J Liu, L Wang, J Li, S Zhou, O Trivizki, NK Waheed, R O’Brien, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “The Total Macular Burden of Hyperreflective Foci and the Onset of Persistent Choroidal Hypertransmission Defects in Intermediate AMD.” Am J Ophthalmol. (2024) 267: 61-75. PMID: 38944135
6. ZY Gong, KD Bojikian, A Chen, PP Chen, KA Rezaei, LC Olmos, RC Mudumbai, J Li, DM Schwartz, RK Wang. “In-vivo characterization of scleral rigidity in myopic eyes using fundus-pulsation optical coherence elastography.” Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 15, Issue 5, pp. 3426-3440 (2024) PMID: 38855699
7. Y Cheng, F Hiya, J Li, M Shen, J Liu, G Herrera, A Berni, R Morin, J Joseph, Q Zhang, G Gregori, PJ Rosenfeld, RK Wang. “Calcified Drusen Prevent the Detection of Underlying Choriocapillaris Using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2024 Jun 3;65(6):26. doi: 10.1167/iovs.65.6.26. PMID: 38884553
8. YP Shi, J Liu, N Bramham, C Burger, V Jayaraman, P Heim, RK Wang. “High-Speed and Long-Range Wide-Field OCT for in vivo 3D Imaging of Oral Cavity Achieved by 600 kHz Swept Source Laser.” Biomed Opt Express, 15(7), 4365-4380 (2024).
9. N Gim, Y Wu, M Blazes, CS Lee, RK Wang and AY Lee. “A Clinician's Guide to Sharing Data for AI in Ophthalmology.” Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2024 Jun 3;65(6):21. doi: 10.1167/iovs.65.6.21. PMID: 38864811 PMCID: PMC11174091
10. P Tang, RK Wang, Q Chao. “Digital calibration method to enable depth-resolved all-fiber polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography with an arbitrary input polarization state.” Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 15, Issue 5, pp. 3329-3343 (2024). PMID: 38855689 PMCID: PMC11161387
11. Pablo Díaz Aljaro, Xavier Valldeperas *, Laura Broc Iturralde, Nevena Romanic Bubalo, Ignacio Díaz Aljaro, Zhongdi Chu, Ruikang Wang, Javier Zarranz-Ventura. “Quantitative microvascular change analysis using a semi-automated algorithm in macula-on rhegmatogenous retinal detachment assessed by swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography.” J Clin Med. 2024 May; 13(10): 2835. doi: 10.3390/jcm13102835. PMID: 38792378
12. G Herrera, M Shen, O Trivizki, J Liu, Y Shi, FE Hiya, J Li, Y Cheng, J Lu, Q Zhang, R O’Brien, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld. “Comparison Between Spectral-Domain and Swept-Source OCT Angiographic Scans for the Detection of Persistent Hypertransmission Defects in AMD.” Ophthalmology Science, Accepted.
13. Zhiying Xie, Nicole Zeinstra, Mitchell A. Kirby, Nhan Minh Le, Charles E. Murry, Ying Zheng, Ruikang K. Wang. “Quantifying Microvascular Structure in Healthy and Infarcted Rat Hearts Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography.” IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2024 Apr 3:PP. PMID: 38568757 DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2024.3381934. Online ahead of print.
14. Y. SHI, J. LIU, Z. GONG, C. BURGER, V. JAYARAMAN, R.K. WANG. “Multi-Channel Delay Sampling to Extend Imaging Depth in High-Speed Swept-Source OCT Systems.” Optics Letters, Vol. 49, Issue 9, pp. 2217-2220 (2024). PMID: 38691683
15. Jie Lu, Yuxuan Cheng, Farhan E. Hiya, Mengxi Shen, Gissel Herrera, Qinqin Zhang, Giovanni Gregori, Philip J. Rosenfeld, and Ruikang K. Wang, "Deep-learning-based automated measurement of outer retinal layer thickness for use in the assessment of age-related macular degeneration, applicable to both swept-source and spectral-domain OCT imaging," Biomed. Opt. Express 15, 413-427 (2024). PMID: 38223170 PMCID: PMC10783897
16. Y Zhang, SW Zhou, N Noam, D Rabinovitch, D Bar, BS Yousif, R O’Brien, G Gregori, RK Wang, PJ Rosenfeld, O Trivizki. “Influence of Carotid Endarterectomy on Choroidal Perfusion: The INFLATE Study.” Ophthalmology Retina, 2024 Jan;8(1):62-71. PMID: 37531996