Director: Ruikang (Ricky) Wang

OCT Quantification Platform




This software provides an easy graphical user interface (GUI), to read and write a wide range of OCT/OCTA image data, perform automatic and manual segmentation, visualize 3D images, and save processed datasets for later use. It also contains highly efficient image processing algorithms.



General OCT/OCT-A 3D scans (dicom, Zeiss IMG, avi)



Layer segmentation (.mat, .npy)

En face projections (max, sum, mean, maxmean, minimum)

Optical attenuation coefficient (OAC) scans

Layer flatten images

Projection artifacts free 3D images



Yin, X., Chao, J. R., & Wang, R. K. (2014). User-guided segmentation for volumetric retinal optical coherence tomography images. Journal of biomedical optics, 19(8), 086020.



Contact Info

Department of Bioengineering, N410 William H. Foege Building, 3720 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98195

E-mail: wangrk @ uw dot edu

Phone: (2o6) 616-5o25

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