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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1999  On the beat, in Seattle

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Environmental, Labor Leaders Condemn Violence
In response to scattered reports of violence and vandalism among the demonstrators protesting the WTO in Seattle, labor and environmental leaders issued statements disavowing any support for violent activity. (more)

Also in this Issue

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Protesters Shut Down Seattle
Observer reporters were everywhere in Seattle yesterday, covering marches and demonstrations from dawn to dusk and one end of the city to another. They saw things the mainstream media have missed or ignored—along with scenes that fill this morning’s papers and last night’s broadcasts. (more)

35,000 Union Members March on Seattle
Over the course of four hours on Nov. 30, Seattle witnessed the results of months of organizing by organized labor. In a rally and march that lasted from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., as many as 35,000 people filled a football stadium and took over miles of downtown Seattle streets. (more)


Next Issue: December 2, 1999