
SSDA lab 

The SSDA Lab works on a range of problems related to social networks, organizations, technology, and space. We are housed at the University of Washington, and enjoy strong ties with our colleagues in Sociology, Statistics, CSDE, CSSS, iSchool and eScience. Students interested in joining the lab should contact me (zalmquist@uw.edu ) for more information.





Zack W. Almquist 

Zack W. Almquist
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology



Ihsan Kahveci  Ihsan Kahveci
Department: Sociology
Program: PhD

Elizabeth Nova  Elizabeth Nova
Department: Sociology
Program: PhD

Aja Sutton  Aja Sutton
Department: Geography
Program: PhD

Larisa Ozeryansky   Larisa Ozeryansky
Department: Anthropology
Program: PhD

Todd Nobles  Todd Nobles
Department: Sociology
Program: PhD

June Yang  June Yang
Department: Sociology
Program: PhD

Undergraduate Graduate


Connor Gilroy, PhD Candidate Sociology
Zach Hsiao, BS Mathematics
Rachel Kisela, BA (honors) Sociology
Wei Yang, BA (honors) Sociology

Current Funding

  • 2022-2027     Almquist, Z. (PI). “CAREER: Measuring and Modeling the Multi-Modal Networks and Demographics of People Experiencing Homelessness.” Grant #SES-2142964, NSF Social, Social & Economic Sciences (SES), Sociology. $500,000.

  • 2022-2023     Hagopian, A., Kajfasz, O., Zhao, B., Hebert, P., Almquist, Z., Luo, G. and Dobra, A. “Innovating better methods to enumerate individuals experiencing homelessness.” University of Washington Population Health Initiative’s Tier 2 Pilot Grant with support from CSDE and Department of Health Systems and Population Health. $106,822.

  • 2022-2023     Williams, N., Almquist, Z.W., Crowder, K., Curran, S., Ellis, M. Herting, J., and Louie, P. “Feasibility Study for Puget Sound Longitudinal Health and Wellbeing Data Project: Sound Data for a Healthy Sound”. Royalty Research Fund (RRF), University of Washington. $39,192.

  • 2022-2023     de la Iglesia, H., Martin, M. and Almquist, Z.W. “Sleep health in people experiencing homelessness.” University of Washington Population Health Initiative’s Tier 1 Pilot Grant Program with support from CSDE and the Department of Biology. $38,468.91.

  • 2020-2024     Curran, S.R. (PI), McCormick, T. (Co-PI), Wakefield, J. (Co-PI), Almquist, Z. (Co-PI).”T32 Data Science for Demographic & Population Health Training at the University of Washington.” Grant #1T32HD101442-01, NIH NICHD. $1,824,000.

  • 2020-2022     Jones, J.H. (PI), Kline, M. (Co-PI), Smaldino, P. (Co-PI), Moya, C. (Co-PI), and Almquist, Z.W. (Co-PI). “RAPID: Coupled Contagion, Behavior-Change, and the Dynamics of Pro and Anti-Social Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Grant #BCS-2028160, NSF, Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS), Cultural Anthropology (CA). $233,283.

  • 2019-2022     Nicholas Sidiropoulos, N. (PI), Xiao Fu (Co-PI), and Zack W. Almquist(Co-PI). “Geometric Factorization Tools for Community Mining” Award #W911NF-19-1-0407, Army Research Office. $550,000.

Past Funding

  • 2014-2017     Zack W. Almquist (PI). “Scalable Temporal Network Models with Population Dynamics: Estimation, Simulation, and Prediction.” Award #W911NF-14-1-0577, Young Investigator Program, Army Research Office. $146,079.

  • 2017     Zack W. Almquist (PI). “Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program/High School Research Apprenticeship Program.” Addendum to Award #W911NF-14-1-0577, Army Research Office. $18,000.

  • 2016-2017     Zack W. Almquist (PI). “Demographic Opportunity Structures in Activity-Based Online Social Networks.” Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry, and Scholarship, Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Minnesota. $40,708.

  • 2014-2015     Jack DeWaard (Co-PI) and Zack W. Almquist (Co-PI). “Internal Migration and Recovery from the Great Recession in Urban Minnesota Counties and Neighborhoods.” CURA Faculty Interactive Research Program, University of Minnesota. $45,000.

  • 07/2014         Zack W. Almquist (PI) and Glen Meeden (Co-PI). “A Bayesian Approach to Finite Population Sampling for the Social Sciences: Applications to Sample Weighting and Small Area Estimation.” Population Center Proposal Development Grant, University of Minnesota. $8,000.

  • 2013-2014     Carter T. Butts (PI) and Zack W. Almquist (Co-PI). “Doctoral Dissertation Research: Dynamic Network Models for the Scalable Analysis of Networks with Missing or Sampled Joint Edge/Vertex Evolution.” Grant #SES-1260798, NSF, Social & Economic Sciences (SES), Methodology, Measurement and Statistics (MMS). $15,140.