Network Software

I have been a contributing member to the statnet project since February 2012. Currently I am an author on the networkDynamic package which is available on CRAN and the networkSpatial package which is available through the NCASD Lab servers.

Requires devtools,


Network data

Requires devtools,


then you can install it directly as follows,

  • Butts, Carter T.; Hipp, John R.; Nagle, Nicholas N.; Boessen, Adam; Acton, Ryan M.; Marcum, Christopher S.; Almquist, Zack W.; Smith, Emma J.; and Lickfett, Jay. (2014). The American Social Fabric Study.

CoC Homeless Counts

Requires devtools,


then you can install it directly as follows,


US Census Data and Software

I have several packages for the R statistical language that are currently available on CRAN and many other packages representing 30 years of US Census spatial and demographic data. Nine of these packages are ports of the 1990, 2000, 2010 US Census demographic and geographic data into an R friendly form, and the other three packages consist of helper functions that allow for manipulation and handling of these large data sets. I recommend installing from the development (stable) versions. Discussed below.

I recently gave a talk titled “US Census Spatial and Demographic Data in R” at useR!2010 where I discussed many of the basic syntax and other necessary information for using these packages. The slides may be found [here]( I have also published a peer-reviewed journal article on these packages through the Journal of Statistical Software, which may be found [here]( A very nice write up on how to use these packages for measuring residential segregation can be found [here]( I recommend getting the latest versions off of R-forge [ here]. Installation instructions can be found on the webpage.


install.packages("UScensus2000cdp", repos="")
install.packages("UScensus2000blkgrp", repos="")
install.packages("UScensus2000tract", repos="")
install.packages("UScensus2000", repos="")

install.packages("UScensus2010cdp", repos="")
install.packages("UScensus2010county", repos="")
install.packages("UScensus2010tract", repos="")
install.packages("UScensus2010blkgrp", repos="")
install.packages("UScensus2010", repos="")

To install the block packages do the following (WARNING these are quite big!):
