The ACE Lab at the University of Washington comprises students from information science and computer science doing original research in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). The lab is directed by Prof. Jacob O. Wobbrock, whose primary appointment is in The Information School with a courtesy appointment in Computer Science & Engineering. ACE Lab members create Accessible Computing Experiences, believing that interactive technologies should serve and enhance human experience for all people. ACE Lab members also create Advanced Computing Experiences, using AI/ML, sensing, human factors, statistics, crowdsourcing, and design thinking to craft and evaluate interactive systems that empower users. Our past work has influenced accessibility on the iPhone, made gestures easy to design and implement, and has been the basis for startup companies, among many other contributions. ACE Lab members are active in the cross-campus DUB Group, the world-class multi-departmental HCI & Design group. Some members are also part of UW CREATE, the Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences. Mission To create interactive technologies that improve people's access to and experience of computers and information, especially (but not exclusively) for people with disabilities. Feature Story Read about the ACE Lab (formerly known as the MAD Lab) in this feature story by UW Information School News. Our Values
Support the ACE Lab! Please consider a tax-deductible gift to help us further our research and dissemination. Your gifts make a huge difference in the lives of students and our ability to advance the state of the art in human-computer interaction. Please contact Prof. Jacob O. Wobbrock at . |