Path with Art transforms the lives of people recovering from homelessness, addiction, and other trauma by harnessing the power of creative engagement as a bridge to community and a path to stability.
A weekend full of art, music, food, and community.
August 17th & 18th, 10am-6pm
300 Dexter Avenue North
Drop in for an hour, or stay all day on August 17th and 18th. Collaborate, design, and build a structure to shelter Hear & Now while it is unhoused and on display at the Seattle Design Festival Block Party.
Teaching Artists Devon Hale and Olivia Turner will be on hand to guide the process. An extension of a 2017 collaboration between PwA and MacArthur Genius Award winner, Trimpin, this weekend-long workshop aims to explore perceptions of homelessness through design around the theme, balance. This opportunity to explore and create is available to EVERYONE. ALL are welcome! All ages, and level of artistic experience are encouraged to join. RSVP encouraged, but not required.
Click here to view volunteer and docent opportunities for Seattle Design Festival Block Party!