Artists and arts groups all over King County use Projects grants to create and share their work. This year, Art Projects grants can support your project needs after June 1, 2020 through June 1, 2022.
These competitive grants are offered in the fixed amounts of $2,500, $4,500, $6,500, or $8,500. In 2019, 4Culture awarded $753,500 to 131 Art Projects applicants. View our Awardees page for more details.
A panel comprised of artists and arts workers from throughout King County, with expertise in one or more creative disciplines, reviews all eligible applications. These panels will select projects for funding based on two kinds of criteria: core and choice.
We fund these grants through a competitive process. For this particular grant, the peer panel will carefully evaluate your application using the following:
Core Criteria:
Art is the primary component of your project.
The budget for your project is feasible and you’ve requested an appropriate amount of funding.
You’ve described one or more compelling, feasible public events in King County.
Relevant work samples or other documentation that supports your application.
Group applicants must demonstrate that they have or will hire artists and/or arts professionals with relevant experience to achieve the project.
Art Projects also gives you the opportunity to let the panel know how you’d like to have your project evaluated. You must select one of the following three Choice Criteria for the panel to use when they review your application:
Choice Criteria:
Sustained value: your project shows a dedication to artistic discipline and form over an extended period of time, has consistent value, or preserves a creative and/or cultural tradition.
Community engagement: your project provides an interactive and educational art experience beyond a public presentation, for the general public or a specific community—geographic, ethnic, youth, senior, etc—which is integral to your project.
Artistic development: your project deeply explores or expands your discipline, medium, or concepts in new directions, and/or is a departure from your past or current work.
Public Benefit: Why It Matters
Visitors who stay in hotels and motels in King County pay sales tax. A small part of that tax generates the funds for our grants—our mission is to reinvest those funds into King County communities. Most importantly, in your application you will be asked to state specifically how fellow residents will benefit from the work you do.
For more information and to apply, click here.