The Creative Advantage – Community Arts Partner Roster Now Accepting Applications


Application process open February 3 – March 11, 2020.

Community arts partnerships with schools are valued in Seattle for their role in increasing student access to arts learning, broadening the arts disciplines students can explore, and for all the ways they create bridges between communities and schools. The Creative Advantage Community Arts Partner Roster is a vetted list of teaching artists and community arts and culture organizations approved to work in Seattle Public Schools through The Creative Advantage. Arts partners provide integrated and cultural arts learning for students and teachers, and exposure to different methods of expression and viewing the world. The roster is maintained by the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture as a resource for schools seeking partners to meet their education and community goals.


All applications are to be completed and submitted online using Seattle GO Smart.


Open to teaching artists, community arts organizations and cultural institutions serving students in Seattle.

Duration of Roster

Teaching artists and community arts and culture organizations accepted to the roster are approved for a two-year period. During year two, arts partners complete a renewal form to be reviewed and approved by Creative Advantage program staff. Note: The application will open on an annual basis for additional interested parties to apply.


The Community Arts Partner Roster Application will be open from February 3 – March 11, 2020. Please review the Guidelines PDF on the right side of this page, for detailed information on applying as a provider of student arts residencies, and as a provider of teacher professional development. An applicant can apply to provide both student art residencies and professional development opportunities for teachers and will have the option to indicate on the application. Click the link to sign up for an in-person info session on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 from 6 to 7:30pm @ The Office of Arts & Culture Office (on the top floor of King St. Station).  Creative Advantage Roster Application Info Session

Application Components

All applications are to be completed and submitted through Seattle Go Smart.

  • Documents to Submit: Applicants will upload documentation of their work as a teaching artist or arts organization (Resume/Bio; Lesson Plan; Professional Development Outline; Work Samples). See guidelines for more information.
  • Evaluation Forms: Evaluations must be completed and submitted by someone who has observed and can give feedback on your work as a teaching artist or community arts organization. See guidelines for more information.
  • Narrative Questions: Applicants will complete questions that provide information on the following: teaching philosophy and approach, equity, access, 21st century skills development, lesson plan development, and teacher collaboration.


For questions about the program or for help with the online application please contact the Arts Education Project Manager, Tina LaPadula, (206) 233-7253. The Creative Advantage is one of many ways that the Office of Arts & Culture supports arts education and creative youth development. Join the mailing list to learn about professional development, arts funding, and other creative youth program opportunities.

For more information and to apply, please click here.